Sludge Processing PPT by Ankit Mishra

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By Ankit Mishra
Roll No -09 Sy B.Sc (ID)

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Introduction Waste water treatment Aerated Sequencing Batch Aerobic
process Digestion:

2 Sludge Processing Ankit Mishra

Sewage sludge treatment describes the processes used to manage
and dispose of sewage sludge produced during sewage treatment.
Sludge treatment is focused on reducing sludge weight and
volume to reduce transportation and disposal costs, and on
reducing potential health risks of disposal

3 Sludge Processing By
Treatment of sludge
Conventional activated sludge process:
In the normal treatment of sewage, the activated sludge is proceeded by primary sedimentation tank.
The conventional activated sludge system consists of a separation tank, settling or sedimentation tank and sludge
removal line
The sewage after the primary treatment is introduced at the head of the tank. It is desirable to supply O2 uniformly
throughout the tank.

Modified activated sludge processes:

For increasing the performance of the activated sludge system, several modifications have been done in the recent
years. Most of them are directed to bring out efficient aeration. Aeration can be done by step aeration, tapered
aeration, and high rate aeration by complete mixing and extended aeration.

5 Sludge Processing Ankit Mishra

Aerated Lagoons:
Aerated lagoons, also called as aerated ponds, are the facultative stabilization ponds wherein surface aerators are installed
to overcome the bad adours (due to overload of organic materials). The microbiological treatment of aerated ponds is
comparable to the activated sludge process. The major difference is the large surface area in aerated ponds and this is more
susceptible for temperature effects. It is possible to carry out continuous nitrification in aerated lagoons. This however,
depends on the design and operating conditions of the pond (particularly the temperature).

Sequencing Batch Reactor:

Sequencing batch reactor (SBR) is a modification of activated sludge treatment system. The processes namely aeration and
sedimentation are carried out in both
the systems. The major difference is that while in the conventional activated sludge system, aeration and sedimentation
occur simultaneously in separate tanks, these two processes are carried out sequentially in the same tank in SBR. Thus, the
sequencing batch reactor may be regarded as fill- and-draw activated sludge process.
The operating sequence of a typical SBR is depicted in Fig. The process is carried out in a sequence of five steps — filling,
aeration (reacting) sedimentation (settling), decanting and idle. Several modifications and improvements have been made in
the SBR for more efficient operation.

6 Sludge Processing Ankit Mishra

The operating sequence of a typical SBR(Sequencing Batch Reactor:) is depicted in Fig.
The process is carried out in a sequence of five steps —
Aeration (reacting)
Sedimentation (settling),
Decanting and
Several modifications and improvements have been made in the SBR for more efficient

7 Sludge Processing Ankit Mishra

Aerobic Digestion:
The organic sludge’s produced from various treatment processes (activated sludge
treatment, trickling filter-sludge) are subjected to aerobic digestion in special reactors
referred to as aerobic digesters.

Aerobic Attached — Growth Treatment Processes:

Aerobic attached-growth treatment processes are commonly used to remove the organic
matter found in the sewage. These processes are also useful for the nitrification
(conversion of ammonia to nitrate).

8 Sludge Processing Ankit Mishra

Thank you
SY B.Sc (ID)

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