Sludge Processing PPT by Ankit Mishra
Sludge Processing PPT by Ankit Mishra
Sludge Processing PPT by Ankit Mishra
By Ankit Mishra
Roll No -09 Sy B.Sc (ID)
1 2 3 4 5
Introduction Waste water treatment Aerated Sequencing Batch Aerobic
process Digestion:
3 Sludge Processing By
Treatment of sludge
Conventional activated sludge process:
In the normal treatment of sewage, the activated sludge is proceeded by primary sedimentation tank.
The conventional activated sludge system consists of a separation tank, settling or sedimentation tank and sludge
removal line
The sewage after the primary treatment is introduced at the head of the tank. It is desirable to supply O2 uniformly
throughout the tank.