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Basic Network Training Program Presentation

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Basic Network Training

Program Objectives

 Review the Basics Of computer Networks

 Overview of General Network Technologies and Protocols
 Basic Network Configurations and Troubleshooting
 Introduction to Future Networking

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Basics Of Networks
What and why of Networks

 What is a Computer Network ?

 Why Computer Network is required?
 Dimensions of Networks
 Routing & Switching
 Wireless Networks
 Network Security
 Voice & Video Networks
 Data Centers
 Software Define Networking

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Understanding Networks

 Layering Approach
Breaks down communication into smaller, simpler parts

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Well Known Network Models

 The Cisco three-layered hierarchical model

 Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model)

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The Cisco three-layered hierarchical model

In the three-layer network design model, network devices and links are grouped according to
three layers:

 Core
 Distribution
 Access

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The Cisco three-layered hierarchical model

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Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model)

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Network Protocols
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IP Addressing
Basic Addressing

 Dots separate the sections

IP addresses are written in
dotted decimal format.
 Four sections are
separated by dots.
 Each section contains a
Each section
number between 0 and contains a number
255. between 0 and 255
Basic Addressing
 Each device on a network is
assigned an IP address.
00001010 00000001 00000001 00000001
 Each IP address has two
fundamental parts:


• The network portion, which
describes the physical wire
the device is attached to.
• The host portion, which
identifies the host on that
• How can we tell the
difference between the two
Basic Addressing
 The network mask shows us
where to split the network and 00001010 00000001 00000001 00000001
host sections.


 Each place there is a 1 in the
network mask, that binary digit
belongs to the network portion
of the address.
 Each place there is a 0 in the 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000
network mask, that binary digit
belongs to the host portion of
the address.
Basic Addressing
 An alternative set of
terminology is: 00001010 00000001 00000001 00000001
• The network portion of the
address is called the prefix.


• The host portion of the address
is called the host.
• The network mask is
expressed as a prefix length, 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000
which is a count of the number
of 1’s in the subnet mask. 8 + 8 + 8 = 24
Basic Addressing
10 1 1 0/24
00001010 000000011 00000001 00000000
 The network address is the
prefix host
IP address with all 0’s in
the host bits. these bits are 0, so this is the network address
 The broadcast address is
the IP address with all 1’s 10 1 1 255/24
in the host bits. 00001010 000000011 00000001 11111111

 Packets sent to either prefix host

address will be delivered to these bits are 1, so this is the broadcast address
all the hosts connected to
the wire.

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Working with Addresses

 Two of the most common

questions you are going to face
when dealing with IP addresses ????
• What’s the network?
• What’s the host?
• How dow we figure this out?

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Working with Addresses (The Easy Way)

192 == 11000000
 First, if you are using a network
mask, convert it to a prefix length.
 For each octet in the network mask
that is 255, add 8 to the prefix length. 8 +8 +8 +2 == 26
 For the one octet that isn’t 255,
convert to binary and add the right
number of bits--or use a chart!

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Working with Addresses (The Easy Way)

 Take the prefix length and divide by These three

8. octets are
 Take the resulting number, and ignore part of the
those octets out of the IP address-- network
these are all part of the network 26/8 == 3 (remainder 2)
 We’re going to use the remainder to
find the fourth octet of the network The remainder tells us
address. what the network address
in the fourth octet is

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Working with Addresses (The Easy Way)
Remainder == 2

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
 Take the remainder, and find the 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
corresponding “multiple” on the
chart; in this case, 64.
 The largest multiple of 64 that will fit 64 x 1 == 64
into 80 is 64, so the network is 64. 64 x 2 == 128
 Add the three octets we “set aside” Network is 64!
earlier, and the network (prefix!) is
 80 - 64 == 16, so the host address is 80 - 64 == 16
16. 16 Hosts!

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Working with Addresses (The Easy Way)
Remainder == 2

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
 How many hosts are in this network? The 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
remainder tells us there are 64 addresses,
minus the network and broadcast
addresses, so 62 hosts.
64 addresses
 To find the broadcast address, subtract 1
from the number of hosts, and add that 64 - 2 == 62 hosts
number to the network address. 64 + (64 - 1) == 127
 The key is to work in octets, rather than is the
trying to work with the entire IP address
broadcast address
at once!

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Working with Addresses (The Easy Way)

 What if the prefix length is less than 24? These three

 Take the prefix length and divide by octets are
8. part of the
 Take the resulting number, and ignore
those octets out of the IP address-- 22/8 == 2 (remainder 6)
these are all part of the network
 We’re going to use the remainder to The remainder tells us
what the network address
find the third octet of the network in the third octet is

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Working with Addresses (The Easy Way)
Remainder == 6

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
 Take the remainder, and find the 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
corresponding “multiple” on the
chart; in this case, 4.
 The largest multiple of 64 that will fit 4 x 25 == 100
into 80 is 64, so the network is 64. 4 x 26 == 104
 Add the two octets we “set aside” Third octet is 100!
earlier, and make any octets after the Set the fourth octet to 0.
network 0’s (the fourth octet).
 The network (prefix!) is

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Working with Addresses (The Easy Way)
“0” octets == 1
1 x 256 == 256
 To find the number of hosts, take the Remainder == 6
number of octets set to 0, which is 1
in this case (the fourth octet), and
multiply by 256. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

 Next, take the number relating to the

1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
remainder from the chart, and
multiple this by the number we just 4 x 256 == 1024
found above. 1024 – 2 == 1022 hosts
 Subtract two.

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Working with Addresses (The Easy Way)

 The key is to work in octets, rather than trying to work

with the entire IP address at once!

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Summarization & Subnets
 A single network address (prefix!)
represents a set of hosts attached to a
 We can abstract this, and simply say
that a prefix represents a set of
reachable addresses.
 We can say that we’ve “summarized”
information about the hosts attached
to the physical wire by referring to
the entire group as a single network.

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Summarization & Subnets These host addresses
 In effect, we’ve shortened the network are
part of the address (prefix!), and
lengthened the host portion of the by this
address, in effect describing more hosts
(destinations) in a single address. network
 If we can shorten the prefix length to
describe multiple hosts with a single These
network address, why can’t we shorten networks
the prefix length so a single network are
address describes two networks? described
 We can! It’s called address by this
summarization, or just summarization. network

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 VLSM: Variable Length Subnet
 It simply means that the entire IP
address space is treated as one flat
address space.
All of these are valid in
 Any prefix length is allowed in the the same network!
network at any point.

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Classful Addressing
Network Class Beginning Natural Range of Example Major
Digits in Prefix Addresses Networks
Binary Length
Class A 10XX 8
Class B 110X 16
Class C 1110 24

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Network Address Translation
The IPv4 Shortage

 Problem: consumer ISPs typically only give one IP address per-household

 Additional IPs cost extra
 More IPs may not be available
 Today’s households have more networked devices than ever
 Laptops and desktops
 TV, bluray players, game consoles
 Tablets, smartphones, eReaders
 How to get all these devices online?

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Private IP Networks
 Idea: create a range of private IPs that are separate from the rest of the network
 Use the private IPs for internal routing
 Use a special router to bridge the LAN and the WAN
 Properties of private IPs
 Not globally unique
 Usually taken from non-routable IP ranges (why?)
 Typical private IP ranges
 –
 –
 –
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Private Networks
Private Private
Network Network

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Basic NAT Operation
Private Network Internet
Source: Source:
Dest: Dest:

Private Address Public Address

Source: Source:
Dest: Dest:
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Advantages of NATs

 Allow multiple hosts to share a single public IP

 Allow migration between ISPs
 Even if the public IP address changes, you don’t need to reconfigure the machines on the LAN
 Load balancing
 Forward traffic from a single public IP to multiple private hosts

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Port Forwarding
Private Network Internet
Private Address Public Address *.*.*.*:*

Source: Source:
Dest: Dest:

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ARP associates an IP address with its physical address. On a typical

physical network, such as a LAN, each device on a link is identified by
a physical or station address that is usually imprinted on the NIC.

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ARP operation

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Figure 7.6 Four cases using ARP

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An ARP request is broadcast;

an ARP reply is unicast.

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Proxy ARP

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Domain Name System (DNS)

 The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical decentralized naming system for
computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network
 In simple words DNS is the process by which a URL like google.com.au is translated
into its IP,
 Basically it is hard to Memorize the IP address for every site, So DNS is helpful as it is
easy to remember in Verbal Language.

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DNS hierarchy

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Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

 The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a standardized network protocol

used on Internet Protocol (IP) networks for dynamically distributing network
configuration parameters, such as
 IP address
 SubNet Mask
 Default Gateway
 DNS server etc

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DHCP Operation Summary

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Switching Concepts
Ethernet Technology Overview
 Ethernet multi-access broadcast
 Uses CSMA/CD
 Collisions impact on network
 Layer 2 devices can improve
 Media includes CAT5(e), fibre,
 Speeds from 10Mbps to 10,000
 Layer 1 devices
 Regenerate, retime, amplify signals
 1 collision/bandwidth domain
 Broadcasts propagated out of every
 Only 1 device can transmit at a time
 Only 50-60% bandwidth available
 Layer 2 device
 Splits network into 2
collision/bandwidth domains
 Broadcasts are forwarded
 Local traffic stays local
 Checks Layer 2 MAC addresses in
802.3 frame
 Layer 2 device
 Learns MAC addresses of devices attached to
each port
 Each switchport is a collision domain
 More collision domains BUT smaller collision
 Broadcasts still sent out of every port
 Each switchport has dedicated bandwidth
 100% bandwidth available
Types of Transmission
Half-duplex Full duplex
 Host checks medium for • Host can transmit
signal – if clear host immediately
• 2 hosts can transmit
 Only 1 host can transmit
at a time
• No collisions
 Collisions – jam signal
• 100% bandwidth
generated, back-off
algorithm before available
retransmission • Requires dedicated
 50-60% bandwidth connection to a
available switchport
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LAN Switch Operation - 1

 When a switch starts up it sends a broadcast out of all ports to learn host MAC addresses
 When a frame is received for an unknown destination a broadcast is sent to discover
 Addresses are added to a switching table mapping them to the port on which they were
 When a frame is received for a known destination it is switched to the appropriate port

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LAN Switch Operation - 2

 Switches contain RAM – known as CAM “Content Addressable Memory”

 Stores MAC address table
 Used as frame buffer
 Used to queue frames in asymmetric switching – switchports operating at different
speeds e.g. 10 and 100 Mbps

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 Bridges & switches cannot block layer 2 or layer 3 broadcasts

 Adding bridges or switches to a network extends the broadcast domain but creates
additional collision domains – a 24 port switch creates 24 collision domains
 Routers can inspect layer 3 packets and create broadcast domains – a router with 3 ports
creates 3 broadcast domains

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Routing Concepts
What does a router do?

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A day in a life of a router

find path
forward packet, forward packet, forward packet, forward packet...
find alternate path
forward packet, forward packet, forward packet, forward packet…
repeat until powered off

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Routing versus Forwarding

 Routing = building maps and giving


 Forwarding = moving packets

between interfaces according to the
IP Routing – finding the path

• Path derived from information received from a routing protocol

• Several alternative paths may exist
– best path stored in forwarding table
• Decisions are updated periodically or as topology changes (event driven)
• Decisions are based on:
– topology, policies and metrics (hop count, filtering, delay, bandwidth, etc.)

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IP route lookup

 Based on destination IP address

 “longest match” routing
 More specific prefix preferred over less specific prefix
 Example: packet with destination of is sent to the router announcing 10.1/16 rather
than the router announcing 10/8.

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IP route lookup

10/8 announced
 Based on destination IP address R3 from here

R1 R2
Packet: Destination
IP address: 10/8  R3
10.1/16 announced
10.1/16  R4
from here
20/8  R5
30/8  R6
R2’s IP routing table
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Routing and Routing Protocols

 Introduction to Static and Connected IP Routes

 Learning Connected Routes
 Static Routes
 Dynamic Routing Overview
 Terminology Related to Routing Protocols Routing Protocol
Functions Interior and Exterior Routing Protocols
 How Routing Protocols Work: Routing Protocol Algorithms
 Routing Protocols Overview
 A Brief Review of IP Routing
 Routing Protocol Features: RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, and BGP
 RIP Configuration
 Summary
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Static Routes

 A static route is simply a route that is added using a configuration command in a router.

 After it is configured, IOS adds the route, including details such as the subnet number,
mask, output interface, and next-hop router, into a new entry in that router’s IP routing

 After it is added, the router can then route packets whose destination IP address
matches the static route.

 Engineers use static routes for several reasons. They could configure static routes for
all routes in any internetwork, but typically it is not worth the effort.

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R1: Configuring a Static Route Using the Outgoing

When point-to-point topologies such as leased lines are used, ip route

command can simply refer to the outgoing interface
R1: Configuring a Static Route Using the Outgoing
Interface (Continued)

The show ip route command now lists the new static route.
R2: Configuring a Static Route Using
the Next-Hop IP Address

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Statically Defined Default Routes
 When a router receives a packet whose destination address is not found in
the router’s IP routing table, the router discards the packet, unless a default
route has been configured

 Default route tells a router where to send packets that do not match any of
that router’s other IP routes.

 With a default route, the router forwards the packet based on the
instructions in the default route.

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Testing Routs with ping and traceroute
 The traceroute command works very well for testing routes.

 The ping command tells you whether the complete

 end-to-end route works, but the traceroute command tells you
 the first router that has a problem.

 Example on the next slide shows sample traceroute command output, with
the traceroute command never completing, which requires the user to stop
the command by using a break sequence.

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Testing Routs with ping and traceroute commands

 The command output confirms that

the traceroute command’s packets
successfully got to a router whose IP
address is, and to a router
whose address is172.16.44.2, but no

 Now, the engineer can telnet to the

last router in the traceroute
command’s output ( and
continue troubleshooting, getting closer
to the cause
of the problem.
Dynamic Routing Protocols

 Function(s) of Dynamic Routing Protocols:

-Dynamically share information between routers.
-Automatically update routing table when topology changes.
-Determine best path to a destination.

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Dynamic Routing Protocols
 The purpose of a dynamic routing protocol is to:
-Discover remote networks
-Maintaining up-to-date routing information
-Choosing the best path to destination networks
-Ability to find a new best path if the current path is no longer available

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Dynamic Routing Protocols
 Components of a routing protocol

 In the case of a routing protocol algorithms are used for facilitating routing information and
best path determination
Routing protocol messages
 These are messages for discovering neighbors and exchange of routing information

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Dynamic Routing Protocols

 Advantages of static routing

-It can backup multiple interfaces/networks on a router
-Easy to configure
-No extra resources are needed
-More secure
 Disadvantages of static routing
-Network changes require manual reconfiguration
-Does not scale well in large topologies

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Classifying Routing Protocols

 Types of routing protocols:

-Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP)
-Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGP)

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Classifying Routing Protocols

 Interior Gateway Routing Protocols (IGP)

-Used for routing inside an autonomous system & used to route within the
individual networks themselves.
-Examples: RIP, EIGRP, OSPF
 Exterior Routing Protocols (EGP)
-Used for routing between autonomous systems
-Example: BGPv4

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Routing Protocols Metrics
 Metrics used in IP routing protocols



-Hop count


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Administrative Distance of a Route

 Identifying the Administrative Distance (AD) in a routing table

It is the first number in the brackets in the routing table

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Administrative 
Distance of a Route
Dynamic Routing Protocols

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Administrative 
Distance of a Route
Directly connected routes
-Immediately appear in the routing table as soon as the interface is configured

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Router Components

 RAM – holds packet buffers, ARP cache, routing table, software and data structure
that allows the router to function; running-config is stored in RAM, as well as the
decompressed IOS in later router models

 ROM – starts and maintains the router

 Flash memory – holds the IOS; is not erased when the router is reloaded; is an
EEPROM [Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory] created by Intel,
that can be erased and reprogrammed repeatedly through an application of higher than
normal electric voltage

 NVRAM – Non-Volatile RAM - holds router configuration; is not erased when router
is reloaded

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Router Components

 Config-Register
 controls how router boots;
 value can be seen with “show version” command;
 is typically 0x2102, which tells the router to load the IOS from flash memory and the
startup-config file from NVRAM

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 Router configuration controls the operation of the router’s:

 Interface IP address and netmask
 Routing information (static, dynamic or default)
 Boot and startup information
 Security (passwords and authentication)

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Where is the Configuration?

 Router always has two configurations:

 Running configuration
 In RAM, determines how the router is currently operating
 Is modified using the configure command
 To see it: show running-config
 Startup confguration
 In NVRAM, determines how the router will operate after next reload
 Is modified using the copy command
 To see it: show startup-config

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Where is the Configuration?

 Can also be stored in more permanent places:

 External hosts, using TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)

 In flash memory in the router

 Copy command is used to move it around

 copy run start copy run tftp

 copy start tftp copy tftp start

 copy flash start copy start flash

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Router Access Modes

 User EXEC mode – limited examination of router

 Router>
 Privileged EXEC mode – detailed examination of router, debugging,
testing, file manipulation (router prompt changes to an octothorp)
 Router#
 ROM Monitor – useful for password recovery & new IOS upload
 Setup Mode – available when router has no startup-config file

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External Configuration Sources

 Console
 Direct PC serial access
 Auxiliary port
 Modem access
 Virtual terminals
 Telnet/SSH access
 TFTP Server
 Copy configuration file into router RAM
 Network Management Software
 e.g. CiscoWorks

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Changing the Configuration

 Configuration statements can be entered interactively

 changes are made (almost) immediately, to the running configuration
 Can use direct serial connection to console port, or
 Telnet/SSH to vty’s (“virtual terminals”), or
 Modem connection to aux port, or
 Edited in a text file and uploaded to the router at a later time via
tftp; copy tftp start or config net

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Logging into the Router

 Connect router to console port or telnet to router

 Configuring the router
 Terminal (entering the commands directly)
router# configure terminal

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Connecting your FreeBSD Machine to the
Router’s Console Port

 Connect your machine to the console port using the rollover serial cable provide
 Go to /etc/remote to see the device configured to be used with "tip”. you will see at the
end, a line begin with com1

bash$ tip com1 <enter>


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New Router Configuration Process
 Load configuration parameters into RAM
 Router#configure terminal

 Personalize router identification

 Router#(config)hostname RouterA

 Assign access passwords

 RouterA#(config)line console 0

 RouterA#(config-line)password cisco

 RouterA#(config-line)login
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New Router Configuration Process

 Configure interfaces
 RouterA#(config)interface ethernet 0/0
 RouterA#(config-if)ip address n.n.n.n m.m.m.m
 RouterA#(config-if)no shutdown
 Configure routing/routed protocols
 Save configuration parameters to NVRAM
 RouterA#copy running-config startup-config
 (or write memory)

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Router Prompts – How to tell where you
are on the router
 You can tell in which area of the router’s configuration you are by looking at
the router prompts:

 Router> – USER prompt mode

 Router# – PRIVILEGED EXEC prompt mode

 Router(config) – terminal configuration prompt

 Router(config-if) – interface configuration prompt

 Router(config-subif) – sub-interface configuration prompt

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Router Prompts – How to tell where you
are on the router
 You can tell in which area of the router’s configuration you are by looking at
the router prompts:

 Router(config-route-map)# – route-map configuration prompt

 Router(config-router)# – router configuration prompt

 Router(config-line)# – line configuration prompt

 rommon 1> - ROM Monitor mode

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Configuring your Router

 Set the enable (secret) password:

 router(config)# enable secret “your pswd”
 This MD5 encrypts the password
 The old method was to use the enable password command. But this is not
secure (weak encryption) and is ABSOLUTELY NOT RECOMMENDED. DO
 Ensure that all passwords stored on router are (weakly) encrypted rather
than clear text:
 router(config)# service password-encryption

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Configuring Your Router

 To configure interface you should go to interface configuration prompt

router(config)# interface ethernet0 (or 0/x)


 Save your configuration

 router#copy running-config startup-config

 (or write memory)

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Configuring Your Router

 Global:
enable secret e2@fnog
 Interface:
interface ethernet 0/0
ip address n.n.n.n m.m.m.m
 Router:
router ospf 1
network n.n.n.n w.w.w.w area 0
 Line:
line vty 0 4

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Global Configuration

 Global configuration statements are independent of any particular interface or routing

protocol, e.g.:

 hostname e2-@fnog
 enable secret tracke2
 service password-encryption
 logging facility local0
 logging n.n.n.n

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Global Configuration

 IP specific global configuration statements:

ip classless
ip name-server n.n.n.n
 Static Route Creation
ip route n.n.n.n m.m.m.m g.g.g.g
n.n.n.n = network block
m.m.m.m = network mask denoting block size
g.g.g.g = next hop gateway destination packets are sent to

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The NO Command

 Used to reverse or disable commands e.g

ip domain-lookup
no ip domain-lookup

router ospf 1
no router ospf 1

ip address

no ip address

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Interface Configuration

 Interfaces are named by slot/type; e.g.:

 ethernet0, ethernet1,... Ethernet5/1
 Serial0/0, serial1 ... serial3
 And can be abbreviated:
 ethernet0 or eth0 or e0
 Serial0/0 or ser0/0 or s0/0

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Interface Configuration

 Administratively enable/disable the interface

router(config-if)#no shutdown

 Description
router(config-if)#description ethernet link to admin building

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Interactive Configuration

 Enter configuration mode, using “configure terminal”

 Often abbreviated to “conf t”

 Prompt gives a hint about where you are:

router#configure terminal
router(config)#ip classless
router(config)#ip subnet-zero
router(config)#int e0/1
router(config-if)#ip addr n.n.n.n m.m.m.m
router(config-if)#no shut

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Storing the Configuration on a Remote
 Requires: ‘tftpd’ on a unix host; destination file must exist before the file is
written and must be world writable...

router#copy run tftp

Remote host []? n.n.n.n
Name of configuration file to write [hoste2-rtr-confg]? hoste2-
Write file hoste2-rtr-confg on Host n.n.n.n? [confirm]
Building configuration...

Writing hoste2-rtr-confg !![OK]


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Restoring the Configuration from a
Remote System
 Use ‘tftp’ to pull file from UNIX host, copying to running config or startup

router#copy tftp start

Address of remote host []? n.n.n.n
Name of configuration file [hoste2-rtr-confg]?
Configure using hostel-rtr-confg from n.n.n.n? [confirm]
Loading hoste2-rtr-confg from n.n.n.n (via Ethernet0/0): !
[OK - 1005/128975 bytes]
hoste2-rtr# reload

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Getting Online Help

 IOS has a built-in help facility;

 use “?” to get a list of possible configuration statements
 “?” after the prompt lists all possible commands:
 router#?
 “<partial command> ?” lists all possible subcommands, e.g.:
 router#show ?
 router#show ip ?

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Getting Online Help

 This also works in configuration mode:

router(config)#ip a?
accounting-list accounting-threshold
accounting-transits address-pool
alias as-path

router(config)#int e0/0
router(config-if)#ip a?
access-group accounting address

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Getting Lazy Online Help

 TAB character will complete a partial word

hostel-rtr(config)#interface et<TAB>
hostel-rtr(config)#interface ethernet 0
hostel-rtr(config-if)#ip add<TAB>
hostel-rtr(config-if)#ip address n.n.n.n m.m.m.m

 Not really necessary; partial commands can be used:

router#conf t
router(config)#int e0/0
router(config-if)#ip addr n.n.n.n

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Connecting your FreeBSD machine to the
Router’s Console port
 Look at your running configuration
 Configure an IP address for e0/0 depending on your table
 use n.n.n.n for table A etc
 Look at your running configuration and your startup configuration
 Check what difference there is, if any

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Using ACLs

 Standard IP Access Lists

 ranges (1 - 99) & (1300-1999)
 simpler address specifications
 generally permits or denies entire protocol suite
 Extended IP Access Lists
 ranges (100 - 199) & (2000-2699)
 more complex address specification
 generally permits or denies specific protocols
 There are also named access-lists
 Standard
 Extended

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ACL Syntax

 Standard IP Access List Configuration Syntax

 access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} source
 ip access-group access-list-number {in | out}
 Extended IP Access List Configuration Syntax
 access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} protocol
source {source-mask} destination {destination-mask}
 ip access-group access-list-number {in | out}
 Named IP Access List Configuration Syntax
 ip access-list {standard | extended} {name | number}

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Where to place ACLs

 Place Standard IP access list close to destination

 Place Extended IP access lists close to the source of the traffic you want to manage

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What are Wild Card Masks?

 Are used with access lists to specify a host, network or part of a network
 To specify an address range, choose the next largest block size e.g.

 to specify 34 hosts, you need a 64 block size

 to specify 18 hosts, you need a 32 block size
 to specify 2 hosts, you need a 4 block size

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What are Wild Card Masks?

 Are used with the host/network address to tell the router a range of addresses to filter
 Examples:
 To specify a host:
 To specify a small subnet:
 – (would be a /29)
 Block size is 8, and wildcard is always one number less than the block size
 Cisco access list then becomes
 To specify all hosts on a /24 network:

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What are Wild Card Masks?

 Short cut method to a quick calculation of a network subnet to wildcard:

 255 – {netmask bits on subnet mask}
 Examples:
 to create wild card mask for
 {255 – 240}
 to create wild card mask for

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ACL Example

 Wildcard bits indicate how to check corresponding address bit

 0=check or match
 1=ignore
 Matching Any IP Address
 or abbreviate the expression using the keyword any
 Matching a specific host
 or abbreviate the wildcard using the IP address preceded by the keyword host

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Permit telnet access only for my network

access-list 1 permit

access-list 1 deny any
line vty 0 4
access-class 1 in

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Standard IP ACLs
only my network

E0 S0

access-list 1 permit

interface ethernet 0
ip access-group 1 out
interface serial 0
ip access-group 1 out
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Extended IP ACLs:
Deny FTP access through Interface


E0 S0 e1

access-list 101 deny tcp eq 21

access-list 101 deny tcp eq 20
access-list 101 permit ip
interface ethernet 1
ip access-group 101 out

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Disaster Recovery:
How to Recover a Lost Password
 Connect your PC’s serial port to the router’s console port
 Configure your PC’s serial port:

 9600 baud rate

 No parity
 8 data bits
 1 stop bit
 No flow control

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Disaster Recovery:
How to Recover a Lost Password
 Your configuration register should be 0x2102; use “show version” command to
 Reboot the router and apply the Break-sequence within 60 seconds of powering the
router, to put it into ROMMON mode

Rommon 1>confreg 0x2142

Rommon 2>reset

 Router reboots, bypassing startup-config file

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Disaster Recovery:
How to Recover a Lost Password
Type Ctrl-C to exit Setup mode

Router#conf m OR copy start run (only!!!)
Router#show running OR write terminal
Router#conf t
Router(config)enable secret forgotten
Router(config)int e0/0…
Router(config-if)no shut
Router(config)config-register 0x2102
Router(config)Ctrl-Z or end
Router#copy run start OR write memory

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Cisco Router Configuration
Issues In Traditional Networks

 Strongly Coupled Control and Data Planes

 Interaction between Different hardware Vendors

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Issues In Traditional Networks

 Hard to implement policies for bigger networks

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Advance Network Technologies

 Software Defined Networks (SDN)

 Network Function Virtualization (NFV)

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