Earth Science SHS 1.4 Encounter Theory
Earth Science SHS 1.4 Encounter Theory
Earth Science SHS 1.4 Encounter Theory
Encounter Theory
explain the origin of the
1 solar system based on the
encounter theory;
differentiate the
Objectives planetesimal theory from
At the end the tidal theory;
of the
identify the proponents of
lesson, you
should be
3 the planetesimal theory
and tidal theory; and
able to:
enumerate the drawbacks of
4 the planetesimal theory and
tidal theory.
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An artistic visualization of
the encounter theory
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Planetesimal Theory
• Planetesimal Theory, is a form of encounter theory.
• It proposes that a passing star termed as intruding star
nearly collided with the protosun.
• The massive gravitational pull of the intruding star causes
the protosun to eject filaments of material which then
condensed into planetesimals.
• This theory describes how Earth started from a solid mass
smaller than its present size.
Learn about It!
Stars Collision
Key Points
The tidal theory proposes that the hot gas from the
passing star condensed into planets instead of
5 condensing into planetesimals. It was proposed by
James Jeans and Harold Jeffreys.
Rodney Holder and Simon Mitton. 2013. Georges Lemaître: Life, Science and Legacy, Germany: Springer
Science & Business Media.
John Chambers and Jacqueline Mitton. 2013. From Dust to Life: The Origin and Evolution of Our Solar
System, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Michael Mark Woolfson. 2012. Time, Space, Stars and Man: The Story of the BigBang, Singapore: World
J. Schombert. 2012. Origin of the Solar System. Accessed March 16, 2017
● Slide 7: This file, NGC40384039 by Brad Whitmore (STScI) and NASA, is in public domain via
Wikimedia Commons.
● Slide 8: This file, James Hopwood Jeans is in public domain via Wikimedia Commons.