CHAPTER 1 Introduction
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
Course name:-Irrigation Engineering
Course code: - WRIE-3161
Target group:-3rd year HWRE-Regular student
Pre-Request:-Introduction to hydrology(HWRE-2121)
Course Instructor:-Mr.Andualem L.
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1.1.Definition of Irrigation
Irrigation is the science of artificial application of water to the
land, in accordance with the crop requirements throughout the
crop period for full nourishment of the crops
Irrigation is the application of water to ensure sufficient soil
moisture is available for good plant growth throughout the
growing season
Irrigation often is used on full-season agronomic or high-value
specialty crops to provide a dependable yield every year
It is important to satisfy the crop requirement for sustaining crop
Irrigation can be applied in supplemental or full depending on the
adequacy of rainfall
More over the need to sustain a double cropping system in the dry
season and assuring of growing high-value crops are among the
factors that necessitate irrigation
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Irrigation Engineering is an engineering science that is concerned
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Aspects of Irrigation Engineering are:
1.Water resources and hydrology aspect :-
The first aspect of irrigation engineering is to locate various water
resources and to study the hydrology of the region.
The basic knowledge of water resources engineering and hydrology are
essential for an irrigation engineer.
This includes:-Water sources meteorology, precipitation, stream flow,
floods, river engineering, reservoirs flood control and GW
The following information are required while designing various
irrigation structures:-
The quantity of water that will be available at a reservoir site for storage
Maximum discharge at a river site
Reservoir capacity that ensures adequate Quantity of water for various
Quantity of ground water which can be economically exploited
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2. Engineering Aspect - involves the development of a source of
water for irrigation and construction of various irrigation
Dams and water power Engineering
Diversion and Distribution structures
Minor irrigation schemes (well, Tank / Pond, inundation
Ground water development
3. Agricultural aspect – Involves irrigation practice and the study
of agricultural characteristics of the land and Crops
4. Management Aspect- deals with successful implementation and
efficient management of engineering aspects and agricultural
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1.2.Necessity of Irrigation
Water is normally supplied to the plants by nature through the
rainfall. However, it may be either insufficient, or ill-timed.
To have maximum yield it is essential to supply the optimum
quantity of water with the schedule.
Inadequate rainfall
Uneven distribution of Rainfall
Increasing the yield of the crops
Growing a number of crops
Insuring against drought.
Growing perennial crops
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1.3. Benefits and ill- effects of irrigation
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1.4.Irrigation development in Ethiopia
Ethiopia is the water tower of North Eastern Africa
The country is endowed with water resources that could easily be
tapped and used for irrigation
Ironically this country is already suffering by food shortage and
chronic drought! WHY?
In Ethiopia, rain-fed agriculture contributes the largest share of the
total production
Irrigation development holds significant potential to improve
Ethiopia is endowed with immense water and irrigable land
12 river basins (SRP=124BCM andGW = 2.6-2.65BCM)
Total cultivable land of between 30 to 70Mha
No agreement with regard to the irrigation potential (5.8- 7.5Mha)
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Opportunities and challenges of irrigation in Ethiopia
A. Opportunities of irrigation in Ethiopia
The basic opportunistic considerations regarding irrigation developments
Emphasis and priorities are given to irrigation in the growth and
transformation plan of the country
Indigenous knowledge and introduction of promising household water
Micro-irrigation technologies
Government‘s strong political commitment and encouragement to private
sector and public enterprises involvement in irrigation development
Abundant water resources(surface and GW resources)
Climate and Land suitability
Availability of inexpensive labor
Availability of suitable lands for Irrigation developments especially at
arid areas of the country (Andualem, 2022)
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B. Challenges of irrigation in Ethiopia
The country Ethiopia is gifted with an ample amount of water resources,
but little has been developed for irrigation
Ethiopia irrigation development to significantly contribute to the overall
socio-economic development lies mainly in the absence of:-
A well-defined coherent policy
Lack of the required huge investment
Weak awareness creation to farmers, and
Ineffective of the irrigation extension system
The other Major challenges are listed below
Poor Scheme Management
Socio-institutional Problem
Market Problem
Insufficient Technical Skill
Financial Shortage
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1.5.Functions of Irrigation water
The function of soil moisture in plant growth are diversified
It adds water to the soil to supply the moisture essential for plant growth
It acts as a solvent for the nutrients. Water forms the solution of the
nutrients and this solution is absorbed by the roots. Thus water acts as a
nutrient carrier
The irrigation water supplies moisture which is essential for the life of
bacteria beneficial to the plant growth
Irrigation water supplies the moisture which is essential for the chemical
action within the plant, leading to its growth
Some salt present in soil react to produce nourishing food products only in
the presence of water
Water cools the soil and the atmosphere and thus makes more favorable
environment for healthy plant growth
Irrigation water, with controlled supplies, washes out or dilutes salts in the
soil-by Leaching processes
It reduces the hazard of soil piping
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1.6. Standards of irrigation water
Every water is not suitable for irrigation
The quality of irrigation water is very much influenced by the contents of
the soil, which is to be irrigated
Particular water may be harmful for irrigation on a particular soil but the
same water may be tolerable or even useful on some other soil
Irrigation water may be said to be unsatisfactory for its intended use
if it contains:
Chemicals toxic to plants or the persons using plant as food
chemicals that react with the soil to produce unsatisfactory moisture
Bacteria injurious to persons or animals eating plants irrigated with
There are two main causes of salinity:
Salinity caused by the supply of irrigation water and
Salinity caused by the upward movement of water and salts, related to
high water tables and lack of drainage
1.7. Feasibility studies of irrigation projects
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Data to be collected at the feasibility study stage are:-
Physical data ---- Location, size, physiography
Hydrological data---Precipitation, Evaporation, transpiration ,etc.
Agricultural data---Land classification, CWR, types of crops
Geological data---Rock and Soil types, GW, minerals, erosion
Cartographic data---Topographic and other maps of the area
Ecological data---Types of vegetation, fish and wildlife
Demographic data---Population statistics, data of people
Economic data---Transportation, market, land taxes
Legal data---Water rights, land ownership administrative pattern
Data in existing project---Types of Locations of various projects
Data on public opinion---Opinions of d/t sections of the society
Flood control data---Records of a past flood, the extent of damage
caused, drainage Requirements, etc.
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