Egyptian Civilization
Egyptian Civilization
Egyptian Civilization
Herodotos- “All Egypt is the gift of Nile “
Lecturer : Mr. Rafael N. Negare
At the end of the discussion, the learners will be able
Identify the historical background, important events
and contributions of Egyptian Civilization.
Analyze the historical events that give way to the
rise and fall of Egyptian civilization.
Create a replica of Egyptian civilization’s
contributions to mankind .
Geography has made Egypt one of the world’s cradles of
civilization. Although the rains seldom come, it has plenty of
water for farming and other purposes. The Nile River, the
longest river in the world, gives abundant water for
irrigation, and its flood makes the soil fertile.
Egypt is divided into two parts – Upper Egypt and Lower
Egypt. Egypt is bounded on the north by the Mediterranean
Sea, on the west by the Red Sea, on the east by the Libyan
Desert, and on the south by the Nubian Desert .
About 5000 B.C., the roaming New Stone Age men in their
search of new lands reached the Nile Valley, settled there, and
established independent villages. They became the ancestors of
the ancient Egyptians.
About 3200 B.C., Menes, a strong ruler of Upper Egypt,
conquered Lower Egypt and united the whole country for the first
time under the government. This event marked the beginning of
the Old Kingdom. To symbolize the union, he wore a double
crown representing the two kingdoms and built his capital in
Memphis, midway between Upper and Lower Egypt.
Menes founded the first Dynasty. As the first pharaoh of Egypt,
he laid the foundations of the Egyptian nation. The term
“pharaoh” came from the Egyptian word pero which means
“great house”. He was beloved in Egyptian tradition.
In 332 BC, Alexander the Great overthrew the last dynasty (31st
Dynasty) and annexed Egypt to his empire. After his death, his
Greek general named Ptolemy Soter seized the Egypt and ruled
her from 323 to 283 BC. The last descendant of the Pharaohs was
Cleopatra (69-30 BC). Egypt became a province of the Roman
Society in ancient Egypt was divided into four social classes,
namely: (1) nobles and priests, (2) soldiers, (3) commoners, and
(4) slaves. The nobles included the pharaohs and his family,
aristocrats, priests, and scholars. They owned vast lands, paid no
taxes to the government, and enjoyed all the political and social
privileges. They were rich and powerful.
Below the nobles were the soldiers. They owned small parcels of
land which were cultivated by tenant farmers and slaves. Like the
nobles, they did not pay taxes. Their main function was to fight
the enemies of Egypt.
The Egyptians were among the first shipbuilders in the world.
Their ships ferried Egypt’s exports to the countries of Asia Minor
and to the islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Merchants from
Arabia, Mesopotamia, and Persia came to Egypt by ship and
camel caravan to sell their wares and buy Egyptians cereals and
manufactured goods. Trade was carried on by barter, for there
was no money.
Ancient Egypt had a theocratic form of government or the union
of church and state. Theocracy means “rule of god”. The pharaoh
was regarded as a god. His powers were absolute. He was chief
executive, legislator, judge, and military commander. He had the
power of life and death over all his subjects. He appointed his
relatives and favorites to high offices in the government. Besides,
he could declare war or peace with any foreign country.
Before burial, the corpse was bathed, embalmed and wrapped
tightly in fine linen. The embalmed corpse is called “mummy”.
The mummies of the pharaohs were entombed in the pyramids.
Food, wines, clothes, jewelry, weapons and slaves were buried
with the dead pharaoh. The Egyptians believed that he would
need these in the next world.
“Death shall come on swift wings to him that touches the tomb of
the Pharaoh”.
The ancient Egyptian writing was called hieroglyphics. It means
“sacred signs” because it was written by the priests.
The early Egyptians wrote on paper made of papyrus. The word
paper comes from the Egyptian term papyrus.
Rosetta Stone- A black stone, almost four feet long, containing
inscriptions in the Egyptian and Greek languages.
-preserved today at the British Museum in London.
Jean Champollion
In ancient Egypt, the temple schools of the priests were open to
the sons of rich families. The subjects taught were reading,
writing, religion, arithmetic, and astronomy. The priest-teacher
dictated the daily lessons. The pupils copied them word for word
and memorized them. School discipline was very strict. The
pupils were whipped to make them study harder.
Pyramid Text- prayers and hymns found in the pyramids.
-oldest known Egyptian literature.
Book of the Dead- contains magic rites and religious incantations
Hymn to the Sun- an ode written by pharaoh Akhenaton.