Pharmaceutical Inserts 2
Pharmaceutical Inserts 2
Pharmaceutical Inserts 2
2.Vaginal Inserts
1. Suppositories
solid dosage forms intended to be inserted in body orifices where they would melt & dissolve to exert their
local or systemic effects
From Latin word supponere means “to place under”
Egyptians recorded is history as the first who utilized suppositories.
Exhibits marked polymorphism because of its triglyceride content Palm Kernel Oil
Cottonseed Oil
Theobromine- 3,7-dimethylxanthine -containing compounds of glycerin
Caffeine- 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine (Pierre Robiquet) Palmitic Acid (Glyceryl monopalmitate)
Theophylline- 1,3-dimethylxanthine Stearic Acid (Glyceryl monostearate)
Suppository Bases:
3. Miscellaneous Bases
- generally combination of lipophilic & hydrophilic substances
- mixtures of oleaginous & water-soluble or water- miscible materials
Polyoxyl 40 stearate
a surface-active agent that is employed in a number of commercial suppository base
General Specifications of an Ideal Suppository
Reading assignment: Please read Ansel book 9th edition pages 318-323.
Rectal Suppositories:
Rectal Suppositories
are uncoated, cone, bullet-shaped, or ovoid (egg-formed) inserter into the vagina for local
prepared by compression & shaped to fit smugly on “Plastic Inserter “devices that
accompany the product
Glycerinated gelatin
- most frequently used base in the preparation of vaginal suppositories where the
prolonged localized action of the medicinal agent.
- require lubrication before pouring the liquid based into the suppository mold
Polyethylene glycol
-suppository base for vaginal administration