Tle9 W8 9 - Day2 3
Tle9 W8 9 - Day2 3
Tle9 W8 9 - Day2 3
• In powder, liquid
Soap or or bar Use: It
Detergent serves as an all
purpose cleaner
How to Read the label of a Cleaning Agent?
Following the instructions of manufacturer is essential to achieve quality and
effective disinfectant
1. Prepare the materials to be used
in preparing cleaning agents.
2. Read the instruction in the label
3. Prepare cleaning agent following
the manufacture’s instructions
4. Observe precautionary measures
in preparing.
DIRECTION: Identify the cleaning agents suitable for the given
1. HEAVY SAUCE 3. Built up rust on the sink
2. Combine white vinegar, distilled water, lemon juice extract and essential oil.