Chapter 3

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Chapter three

Crop water requirement

Definitions of important terms
Base period (B):the time gap between the first watering and the last
Duty of water (D, ha/cumecs): the area of the land which can be
irrigated if one cumec (m3 /sec) of water was applied to the land
continuously for the entire base period of the crop
• Factors affecting duty???
Delta (Δ, m) : is the total depth of water supplied to the crop during the
entire base period.
• Solution???
Crop water requirement (CWR): the depth of water needed to meet
the water loss through evapotranspiration (ETcrop) of a considered crop
• Determining the water requirements is the main part of the design
and planning of an irrigation system
• The water requirement of crops may be contributed from different
sources such as irrigation, Effective rainfall, Soil moisture storage and
ground water contributions.
• Part of the water requirement that shall be fulfilled by irrigation
application is called Irrigation requirement of Crops
Net Irrigation Requirement (NIR)
Gross Irrigation Requirement (GIR)
Evapotranspiration: Is a combination of evaporation and transpiration
• Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) :
• Actual Evapotranspiration (PET) :
CWR estimation methods
• Two main stages of calculation
1. Estimation ET0: By considering the effect of climate conditions
2. Estimate ETc : By considering the crop characteristics, Kc
Factors affecting ETc:
Crop factor
Climate condition (temeprature, windspeed, humidity, sunshine hours)
• Methods
a) Direct measurements
- Lysimeter Experiment: The differnce between the water leaving the
container and the total water added to the system
- Field Experimental Plots : Seasonal water requirement
- Soil Moisture Studies: The moisture difference is Etc value
- Water balance method:
Precipitation = Evapotranspiration + surface runoff + deep percolation +
change in soil water contents
Monthly day light hours percentage (P) to be used by Blaney-
b) Empirical formulas Criddle Formula

1- Blaney- Criddle method :

ETo = C[ P (0.46T+8)], mm/day
Where ETo= reference crop evapotranspiration in
mm/day for the month considered.
T= mean daily temperature in oC over the month
P= mean daily percentage of total annual day time
hours obtained from table for a given month and
C = adjustment factor which depends on minimum
relative humidity, sunshine hours and daytime wind
Use Blaney-Criddle method to calculate consumptive
use (PET) for rice crop grown from January to March at
latitude 220 N from the following data taken from a Monthly crop coefficient value = 1.1
nearby observatory. Find the net irrigation demand for
rice using the given rainfall during crop period. Effective rainfall=80%

Month January February

Mean temperature 0C 12 16 24
Rainfall (mm) 8 20 16

• Read the P value based on the given latitude value
• Apply the method
• Convert it into ETc
• Find the difference between the Peff and Etc == NIR
2- Thornthwaite method: Used to estimate the monthly ETo

Where ,
- Tm = mean monthly temperature in oC.
- I = annual heat index , obtained from monthly heat index I of the year
- a and b: e constants
Example :
For a data given below :
a) Calculate the consumptive use for the month of June.
b) For the whole months
• Use Thornthwaite equation

• Estimate the monthly heat index value
• Estimate the annual heat index value
• Estimate the “a“ and “b“ values
• Estimate the ETo and ETc values for each month
Ct = Coefficient for temperature
3) Hargreaves class A pan Ct = 0.393 +0.02796Tc+0.0001189Tc2
Evaporation: Tc= mean temperature, 0c
Cw = Coefficient for wind velocity
ETo = Kc * Ep Cw= 0.708+0.0034w-0.0000038w2
• Ep could be estimated either by: w=mean wind velocity at 0.5m above the ground, km/day.
Ch= Coefficient for relative humidity.
Experiment or Ch= 1.250-0.0087H-0.75*104H2 –0.85*10-8H4
Using empirical formula H= mean percentage relative humidity at noon
Cs= Coefficient for percent of possible sunshine
Ep = 0.459R * Ct*Cw*Ch*Cs*Ce S= mean sunshine percentage
Ce= Coefficient of elevation
E= elevation
4) Modified Penman Method:
• This method requires relatively large data
• Used to Estimate daily Eto

ETo = reference crop evapotranspiration ,mm/day
W = temperature – related weighting factor
Rn = net radiation in equivalent evaporation in , mm/day
F(u) = Wind – related function
(ea-ed) = difference between the saturation vapor pressure at
mean air temp. and the mean actual vapor pressure of the air
in mbar.
C = adjustment factor to compensate for the effect of day and
night weather conditions.
Irrigation Efficiencies
a) Water storage efficiency (Es) :is the ratio of water actually stored and that
can be stored
b) Water Distribution Efficiency (Ed): Indicates how uniformly the applied
water is distributed

c) Field Canal Efficiency (Ef): Is the ratio of water reach on the plot and water
delivered to the field canal
d) Conveyance efficiency (Ec): ratio of water at the inlet of the conveyance
system and water erach at the inlet of the field channels
e) Application efficiency (Ea): ratio of water stored and water reach on the
Quiz (10% for each efficiency term )

A stream size of 150 lit /sec was released from the diversion
headwork to irrigate a land of area 1.8 hectares. The stream size when
measured at the delivery to the field channels is 120lit/sec. The
stream continued for 8h hours. The effective root zone depth is
1.80m. The application losses in the field are estimated to be 440m3.
The depth of water penetration was 1.80m and 1.20m at the head
and tail of the run respectively. The available water holding capacity
of the soil is 21cm/m and irrigation was done at 60% depletion of
ASM. Find Ec, Ef, Ea, Es and Ed. The stream size delivered to the plot
was 100 lit/sec.
• Water is not applied randomly at any time and in any quantity.
• Scheduling is decision on the quantity and timing of water application
• It can be:
 Field irrigation scheduling: depth of irrigation and interval of irrigation
Field irrigation supply scheduling: This is command area level scheduling
Irrigation depth
d(net) = As . D (FC – PWP) . P , m
Irrigation interval
i(days) = d(net)/ETc
Field Irrigation supply scheduling

• For the data below, Month June July August September

determine depth & Dec 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
interval of irrigation during Stage ini ini In/dev dev dev dev mid mid mid Late Late Late
different stages. ETcrop/mm/day 3.5 3.5 5.0 5.2 5.8 6.50 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.2 6.0 5.80
• Depth of the root zone = 1
m, FC = 20 %, PWP = 8 % Root 0.30 0.30 0.4 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80
• Dry density of soil = 1.6 Depletion 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.70
gm/cm3 and density of Fraction (p)
water = 1 gm/cm3. Depth of 28.8 28.80 38.4 57.60 69.12 80.64 92.16 92.16 92.16 107. 107. 107.
• The rates of consumptive irrigation 0 52 52 52
uses during different
Interval of 8 8 7 11 11 12 13 13 3 17 17 18
stages are as follows. A irrigation
depletion of 50% during (days)
initial period, 60 % during Irrigation 7 11 13 17
development and mid – interval (days)
season stage and 70 %
during late season stage is

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