Anatomic and Physiological Consideration in Oral Drug Absorption
Anatomic and Physiological Consideration in Oral Drug Absorption
Anatomic and Physiological Consideration in Oral Drug Absorption
1. Volume of meal
2. Composition of meal
3. Physical state and viscosity of meal
4. Temperature of the meal
5. Gastrointestinal pH
6. Electrolytes and osmotic pressure
7. Body posture
8. Emotional state
9. Exercise
10. Disease state
11. Drugs
Intestinal Transit
Small intestine transit time (SITT)about 3 to 4 hours.
Thus a drug may take about 4 to 8 hours to pass
through the stomach and small intestine during the
fasting state. During the fed state, SITT may take 8
to 12 hours. Delayed transit is desirable for:
– Drugs that dissolve or release slowly from their dosage
form (sustained release products)
– Drugs that dissolve only in the intestine (enteric
coated formulations)
– Drugs absorbed from specific sites in the intestine
(several B vitamins)
Gastrointestinal pH
• The GI pH generally increases gradually as one move
down the stomach to the colon and rectum. GI fluid
pH influence drug absorption in several ways as
disintegration, dissolution, absorption and stability.
Disease States
• Drug absorption may be affected by any disease that
causes changes in (1) intestinal blood flow, (2)
gastrointestinal motility, (3) changes in stomach
emptying time, (4) gastric pH that affects drug
solubility, (5) intestinal pH that affects the extent of
ionization, (6) the permeability of the gut wall, (7)
bile secretion, (8) digestive enzyme secretion, or (9)
alteration of normal GI flora.
Blood Flow to the GIT.
• The high perfusion rate of GIT ensures that once the drug
has crossed the membrane, it is rapidly removed from the
absorption site thus maintaining the sink conditions and
concentration gradient for continued drug absorption.
• The absorbed drug can thus be taken up by the blood or
the lymph.
• Since the blood flow rate to the GIT is 500 to 1000 times
(28% of cardiac output) more than the lymph flow, most
drugs reach the systemic circulation via blood whereas
only a few drugs, especially low molecular weight, and
lipid soluble compounds are removed by lymphatic
Gastrointestinal Contents
A. Food-drug interactions
• Presence of food may either delay, reduce, increase or may
not affect drug absorption.
• Drugs are better absorbed under fasting conditions and
presence of food retards or prevents it. Food does not
significantly influence absorption of a drug taken half an hour
or more before meals and two hours or more after meals.
• Delayed gastric emptying, affecting drugs unstable in the
stomach e.g. penicillins, eritromycine
• Formation of a poorly soluble, unabsorbable complex e.g.
• Increased viscosity due to food thereby preventing drug
dissolution and/or diffusion towards the absorption site
• Increased drug absorption following a meal could be
due to one or more of the under mentioned reasons:
– Increased time for dissolution of a poorly soluble drug
– Enhanced solubility due to GI secretions like bile
– Prolonged residence time and absorption site contact of
the drug e.g. water-soluble vitamins
– Increased lymphatic absorption e.g. acitretin
B. Fluid volume
• Administration of a drug with large fluid volume
results in better dissolution, rapid gastric emptying
and enhanced absorption.
• For example, erythromycin is better absorbed when
taken with a glass of water under fasting condition
than when taken with meals.
C. Interaction of drug with normal GI constituents
• The GIT contains a number of normal constituents such as
mucin, bile salts and enzymes which influence drug
• Mucin, a protective mucopolysaccharide that lines the Gl
mucosa, interacts with streptomycin and certain quaternary
ammonium compounds and retards their absorption.
• It also acts as a barrier to diffusion of drugs. The bile salts aid
solubilization and absorption of lipid soluble drugs like
griseofulvin and vitamins A, D, E and K on one hand and on
the other, decreases absorption of neomycin and kanamycin
by forming water insoluble complexes.
D. Drug-Drug interactions in the GIT
– Physicochemical of drug-drug interactions
• Adsorption
• Complexation
• pH change
– Physiological drug-drug interactions
• Decrease GI transit
• Increased gastric emptying
• Altered GI metabolism
Decreased absorption, and
First-pass/presystemic metabolism.
• Before a drug reaches blood circulation, it has to pass
for the first time through organs of elimination
namely the GIT and the liver.
• The loss of drug through biotransformation by such
eliminating organs during its passage to systemic
circulation is called as first-pass or presystemic
• The diminished drug concentration or rarely,
complete absence of the drug in plasma after oral
administration is indicative of first-pass effects.
• The 4 primary systems which affect presystemic
metabolism of a drug are;
– Lumenal enzymes
– Gut wall enzymes/mucosal enzymes,
– Bacterial enzymes, and
– Hepatic enzymes.
Absorption of Drugs From Non Per Oral
Route Bioavailability
Parenteral routes
Intravenous Complete (100%) systemic
bolus (IV) drug absorption Rate of bioavailability
considered instantaneous
Intravenous Complete (100%) systemic
infusion (IV inf) drug absorption
Rate of drug absorption controlled
by infusion pump
Intramuscular Rapid from aqueous solution
injection (IM)
Slow absorption from non-aqueous
(oil) solutions
Subcutaneous Prompt from aqueous solution
injection (SC) Slow absorption from repository
Enteral routes
Buccal or Rapid absorption from
sublingual (SL) lipid-soluble drugs
Oral (PO) Absorption may vary Generally
slower absorption rate compared
to IV bolus or IM injection
Rectal (PR) Absorption may vary from
More reliable absorption
from enema (solution)
Other routes
Transdermal Slow absorption, rate may vary
Increased absorption with
occlusive dressing
Inhalation Rapid absorption Total dose
absorbed is variable
Intraocular The barrier for penetration is the cornea
administration Viscosity imparters increase bioavailability
Oily solution, ointments and gels sustained drug
Vaginal administration Intended for locally treatment
Systemic delivery of contraceptive without the
disadvantage of first-pass metabolism
Pertanyaan Tugas
1. Apakah yang menyebabkan perbedaan kecepatan dan jumlah
obat yang diabsorbsi dari berbagai area GIT?
2. Mengapa semua tipe obat baik asam, basa, atau netral baik
diabsorbsi di usus ?
3. Obat obat apa sajakah yang memerlukan waktu pengosongan
lambung yang cepat ?
4. Apakah yang menyebabkan peningkatan absorbsi dan
penundaan absorbsi obat jika dikonsumsi setelah makan ?
mengapa studi biofarmasi dilakukan pada sukarelawan dalam
keadaan perut kosong ?
5. sebutkan dan jelaskan berbagai area yang memungkinkan
presistemik metabolisme pada pemberian obat per oral !