05 52 Hardy
05 52 Hardy
05 52 Hardy
Performer Heritage
Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella,
Margaret Layton © 2017
Thomas Hardy
1. Life
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
2. Works
• Under the Greenwood Tree (1872).
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
Features of Hardy’s .3
Interest in the life of the peasants
in an age of decline and decay of
• Indifferent nature.
A contemporary edition of The Return
• Man’s life controlled by hostile, of
the Native.
cruel fate, ‘insensible chance’. of The Return of the Native.
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
Themes .4
The difficulty of being alive place,
environment and circumstances determine the
individual existence.
Indifferent to man’s destiny.
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
Style .5
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
Style .5
• Rich in symbolism.
• Language of sense
• Use of colours.
• Victorian omniscient
narrator. The 1967 film version of Far
from the Madding Crowd.
Hardy’s Wessex .6
• In Hardy’s major novels there
is the progressive mapping
of a semi-fictional region,
the south-west corner of
England and his native county
of Dorset.
• By Wessex Hardy meant the old
Saxon kingdom of Alfred the
Great. Wessex transcends The Wessex of the Novels &
Poems in Hardy’s own
topographical limits combining drawing.
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
• Proves strict and dogmatic when Tess, 1979, Nastassia Kinski and
Tess confesses her past to him. Peter Firth.
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
Jude Fawley:
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
Jude’s obscurity .9
The novel follows the Victorian convention of
placing an orphan at the centre of the story.
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
•Issue of divorce.
Performer Heritage
Thomas Hardy
Performer Heritage