t2 S 1340 Magnets and Materials Powerpoint - Ver - 2
t2 S 1340 Magnets and Materials Powerpoint - Ver - 2
t2 S 1340 Magnets and Materials Powerpoint - Ver - 2
• I can predict which materials are magnetic and which are not.
• I can investigate which materials are magnetic and which are not.
• I can explain what the terms attract and repel mean.
What Is a Magnet?
A magnet is a metal which attracts or repels other materials. A magnet is made of rock or
metal. A magnet has a north end and a south end.
When a magnet attracts another material, Using two bar magnets, see what happens
there is a pulling force between the two when you put the two blue ends together, the
objects. two red ends together and then a blue and a
red end together.
When a magnet repels another material,
there is a pushing force between the two Can you think of any magnets used
objects. at home?
1.Arrange the objects in front of you.
2.Write the names of the objects on the recording sheet.
3.Before testing each object, think about whether it will
be attracted or not attracted to the magnet, or repelled.
This is called making a prediction. Write your prediction
in the correct column.
4.Test your prediction and write down your observations.
5.Write a conclusion at the end of the investigation.
The Outcome
Think about the following: