Theory of Goal Attainment
Theory of Goal Attainment
Theory of Goal Attainment
Conceptual Model
Imogene King’s Background
• Imogene Martina King was one of the pioneers and most sought nursing theorists for her
Theory of Goal Attainment, which she developed in the early 1960s. The model focuses on
the attainment of certain life goals and emphasizes that the nurse and patient go hand-in-
hand in communicating information, set goals together, and then take actions to achieve
those goals.
• In 1969, King conducted a World Health Organization nursing research seminar in Manila,
Philippines, where she met Midori Sugimori of Japan.
• From 1968 to 1972, King served as the School of Nursing director at Ohio State University in
• King then returned to Chicago in 1972 as a professor in the Loyola University graduate program
and served from 1978 to 1980 as Coordinator of Research in Clinical Nursing at the Loyola
Medical Center Department of Nursing.
• From 1972 to 1975, King was a member of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the
Services for the U.S. Department of Defense.
• She was elected alderman for a 4-year term (1975 to 1979) in Ward 2 at Wood Dale, Illinois.
• In 1980, King was appointed professor at the University of South Florida College of Nursing in
• King retired in 1990 and was named professor emeritus at the University of South Florida.
• King was the keynote speaker at two STTI theory conferences in 1992 and presented her theory at
multiple regional, national, and international STTI conferences.
• King was a long-time member of the American Nurses Association (ANA), first with the Missouri
Nurses Association, and she was also active in Illinois and Ohio.
• King held offices such as the Florida Nurses Foundation president, served on the FNA and the
FNA District IV boards, and was a delegate from the FNA to the ANA House of Delegates.
• In 2000, King was keynote speaker for the 37th Annual Isabel Maitland Stewart Conference in
Research in Nursing at Teachers College, Columbia University
• The King International Nursing Group (K.I.N.G.) was created to facilitate the dissemination and
utilization of King’s conceptual system, the Theory of Goal Attainment, and related theories.
Published Works
• Imogene King has written numerous articles related
to her conceptual system and theory of goal
• She also authored multiple book chapters and
articles in professional journals including “Frey &
Sieloff’s Advancing King’s Systems Framework
and Theory of Nursing” (1995), and “Sieloff and
Frey’s Middle Range Theories for Nursing Practice
Using King’s Conceptual System” (2007), which
highlighted her studies by other authors.
• In 2004, she was inducted into the FNA Hall of Fame and the ANA Hall of Fame. She was
inducted as a Living Legend in 2005.
• Imogene King died at the age of 84, on December 24, 2007, two days after suffering from a
• King’s memorial services were held on January 4 in St. Pete Beach, Florida, and January 19
in Fort Madison, Iowa, where she was buried.
Patricia Quigley, Ph.D., ARNP, CRRN, FAAN, announced King’s passing to nursing colleagues
with these words: “May we all burn a candle today for the light that Imogene shined on us with her smile,
laughter, knowledge, and passion for each day. We all shared in our love for her. Combining religion and
science through nursing, her inspired voice was never weak—but strong with passion and conviction.”
During both services, Patricia Messmer read the Nightingale Tribute, which included a synopsis of
King’s career and a poem, “Imogene Was There.” Seven green Irish roses symbolized the seven decades
of her nursing career. A Nightingale Lamp from the University of Pittsburgh, her graduation picture from
St. John’s Hospital School of Nursing, and a current photo were also displayed for the memorial services.
The Theory of
“Nursing is a process of action,
reaction, and interaction by which
nurse and client share information
about their perception in a nursing
Nursing is a process of action, reaction, and interaction whereby nurse and client share information
about their perceptions in the nursing situation. The nurse and client share specific goals, problems, and
concerns and explore how to achieve a goal.
Health is a dynamic life experience of a human being, which implies continuous adjustment to
stressors in the internal and external environment through optimum use of one’s resources to achieve
maximum daily living potential.
Individuals are social beings who are rational and sentient. Humans communicate their thoughts,
actions, customs, and beliefs through language. Persons exhibit common characteristics such as the ability
to perceive, think, feel, choose between alternative courses of action, set goals, select the means to achieve
goals, and make decisions.
Major Concepts and Subconcepts
The following are the major concepts and subconcepts of Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment:
The environment is the background for human interactions. It is both external to, and internal to, the
Action is defined as a sequence of behaviors involving mental and physical activity. The sequence is
first mental action to recognize the presenting conditions; then physical action to begin activities related to
those conditions; and finally, mental action to exert control over the situation, combined with physical
action seeking to achieve goals.
The reaction is not specifically defined but might be considered in the sequence of behaviors
described in action.
Systems of Theory
of Goal
Personal Systems Interpersonal Systems Social Systems
Each individual is a It is are formed by interaction of It is a more comprehensive
personal system. King human being. Two interacting interacting system consists of
designated an example of a individuals form a dyad; three form groups that build society.
personal system as a a triad, and four or more form small
An extended family’s
patient or a nurse. or large groups.
influential behavior on an
King specified the 7 As the number of interacting individual’s growth and
dimensions to comprehend individuals increases, so does the development is an social
human beings as persons. complexity of the interactions. system example.
• Body image Understanding the interpersonal Within a social system, this
• Growth system requires the concepts of: concepts guide system
• Development understanding:
• Perception • Communication
• Interaction • Authority
• Self
• Role • Decision making
• Space
• Stress • Organization
• Time
• Transaction • Power
• Status
A picture always Conceptual
reinforces System
the concept King has interrelated the
Images reveal large amounts of data, so
concepts of interaction, perception,
remember: use an image instead of a long
communication, transaction, self,
text. Your audience will appreciate it
role, stress, growth and
development, time, and space into a
goal attainment theory.
Process of Interaction
“The human process
of interactions formed the
basis for designing a model
of transactions that
depicted theoretical
knowledge used by nurses
to help individuals and
groups attain goals.”
-Imogene King
Interaction is a process of perception and communication between a person and environment and
between person and person represented by verbal and nonverbal behaviors that are goal-directed.
The transaction is a process of interactions in which human beings communicate with the
environment to achieve valued goals; transactions are goal-directed human behaviors.
Perception is “each person’s representation of reality.”
Communication is defined as “a process whereby information is given from one person to another
either directly in face-to-face meetings or indirectly through telephone, television, or the written word.”
The role is defined as “a set of behaviors expected of persons occupying a position in a social
system; rules that define rights and obligations in a position; a relationship with one or more individuals
interacting in specific situations for a purpose.”
Stress is “a dynamic state whereby a human being interacts with the environment to maintain balance
for growth, development, and performance… an energy response of an individual to persons, objects, and
events called stressors.”
Time is “a sequence of events moving onward to the future, a continuous flow of events in
successive order that implies a change, a past and a future, a duration between one event and another as
uniquely experienced by each human being the relation of one event to another.”
Space exists in every direction and is the same in all directions. Space includes that physical area
called territory. Space is defined by the behaviors of those individuals who occupy it.
The following propositions are made in Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment:
The theory explains that assessment takes place during the interaction. The nurse uses his or her
special knowledge and skills while the patient delivers knowledge of him or herself and the
perception of problems of concern to the interaction. During this phase, the nurse gathers data about
the patient, including their growth and development, the perception of self, and current health
status. Perception is the basis for the collection and interpretation of data. Communication is
required to verify the accuracy of the perception, as well as for interaction and translation.
Nursing diagnosis is developed using the data collected in the assessment. In attaining goals, the
nurse identifies problems, concerns, and disturbances about which the patient is seeking help.
The planning phase arises after the diagnosis. The nurse and other health care team members
create a care plan of interventions to solve the problems identified. This phase is represented by
setting goals and making decisions about the means to achieve those goals. This part of the
transaction and the patient’s participation are encouraged in making decisions on the means to
achieve the goals.
The actual activities done to achieve the goals make up the implementation phase of the nursing
process. Whereas in this model of nursing, it is the continuation of transaction.
Finally, in the evaluation phase, the nurse evaluates the patient to determine whether the goals were
achieved. Evaluation involves determining whether or not goals were achieved. The explanation of
evaluation in King’s theory addresses meeting goals and the effectiveness of nursing care.
In the healthcare field, the nurse-patient relationship’s final goal is to help the patient achieve his or
her goals for getting healthy. Using the nursing process described in King’s Theory of Goal Attainment, a
nurse can be more effective in working with a patient to achieve those goals and truly help patients.
“Nursing is a process of human
interactions between nurse and client
whereby each perceives the other and the
situation, and through communication,
they set goals, explore means, and agree
on means to achieve goals.”
A major strong point of King’s conceptual system and Theory of Goal Attainment is
how nurses can understand goal attainment theory and describe a logical sequence of
King’s definitions are clear and are conceptually derived from the research literature.
Her Theory of Goal Attainment presents ten major concepts. The concepts are easily
understood and derived from the research literature, which clearly establishes King’s
work as important for knowledge building in nursing.
Theory of Goal Attainment has been criticized for having limited application in
nursing areas in which patients are unable to interact competently with the nurse. King
maintained the broad use of the theory in most nursing situations.
King’s theory also contains some inconsistencies: (1) She indicates that nurses are
concerned about groups’ health care but concentrates her discussion on nursing as
occurring in a dyadic relationship. (2) King says that the nurse and client are strangers,
yet she speaks of their working together for goal attainment and the importance of
health maintenance.