NZ Pe 1687383607 Personal Pronouns Powerpoint - Ver - 1

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What Are Pronouns?

Don’t worry - this isn’t an English lesson all about pronouns!

However, we do need to remind ourselves about what pronouns

are to be able to discuss them a bit more in this session.

Pronouns replace nouns (that’s people, places and things).

We use them every single day, in our spoken and written

language, without really thinking much about it.

They help our speech or writing to flow better and if

we didn’t use them, we’d really notice how odd our
language sounded.

Let’s take a look at this school report and see how it

would read without the use of any pronouns.
Using Pronouns
s th is y e a r in all subjec
ie h a s m a d e good prog ib u te s well to cla
-w o rk in g a n d c o ntr
e n tl y a nd w ith others
Callie is hard ie w o rk s well indep
en d
. C a ll
in a team. in maths, whic
rp ro g re s s
m a d e p a rt icularly supe rt o f th e s c hool year.
Callie has e sta
s s c o n fi d e nt with at th s e t, however, ha
Call ie fe lt le w th m in d ta
’s d e te rm in ation and gro e n g e s e t a nd Callie go
Callie hall
a ll ie to rise to any c nt.
enable d C
in o u r la te st assessme
fantastic sco n d responsible
is m a tu re a
g o o d fr ie n d and Callie p ta in this year an
Ca ll ie is a c la s s c a
h a s m a d e an excellent r o f o u r s c hool rounde
Callie mb e
h a s b e e n a valued me

If Callie is a girl, we would expect this report to use the

pronouns ‘her’ and ‘she’ instead of using her name throughout
the entire report - and it would sound a lot better!
Pronouns and Gender
In the English language Gendered Pronouns Gender-Neutral
(and many other (male or female pronouns) Pronouns
languages), we have (can be used with any gender)
gendered pronouns and
her mine
gender-neutral pronouns.
Can you sort these him they
pronouns into two
he its
mine us its she us
they hers we
he we
her you
you your
your their
him my
my theirs I
she hers
them their
How We Think and Feel about Ourselves
As human beings, we are all different. I’m an animal-loving
football fan, whose
We can choose what we wear, what favourite food is
sort of music we listen to and which mashed potato.
sports we enjoy playing.
I’m a girl and like to
Who we are, our likes and dislikes, our wear sports clothes and
hobbies and our personalities all make trainers. My favourite
up our identity, which is how we think colour is orange.
and feel about ourselves.

As individuals, we all have our own

identity - and the right to identify in a
way that feels right for us - and that
can include our gender identity.

How do you identify?

What are you like?
What makes you, you?
Our Identities
Some people identify as male.
Some people identify as female.
Some people identify as non-binary - that means they don’t see themselves as
either male or female; they identify as gender-neutral.
Some people identify as gender-fluid - that means their gender identity isn’t fixed
and may change over time.

The word binary

means two.
The word fluid Traditionally, people
means having no have been grouped
fixed shape and can into two gender groups
easily flow. So - male or female.
gender-fluid means So non-binary means
flowing, moving or not belonging to one of
changing between those two groups.
Pronoun Problems
People who identify as male can
comfortably use the male pronouns -
he, him and his.

People who identify as female can

comfortably use the female pronouns -
she, her and hers.

But what about people who are non-

binary or gender-fluid?

As you can imagine, pronouns cause


The great news is though, that people

who don’t feel comfortable using male
or female pronouns can use the gender-
neutral pronouns - they, them, their and
Which Pronoun?
Just as we all have the right to choose
what we wear, what we eat and what we
do for fun, we have the right to choose
how we identify and which pronouns we
prefer to use.

Sometimes when we meet someone for

the first time, we might not know how
they identify. We can’t always know from
looking at someone if they identify as
male, female or something else.

If we receive an email from someone -

or we’re playing an online game with
someone - and all we know is their
name, we might not be able to tell which
gender they identify with.

So what can we do?

My Pronouns
A lot of people introduce themselves with their name and then the pronouns they use.

Many people sign their emails or letters with their name and then their pronouns.

This is a great way to make sure that everyone can show respect for each other by
knowing and using other people’s preferred pronouns.

After all, we wouldn’t meet someone, learn their name and then call them by another
name - that would be strange and, quite frankly, pretty rude!

If we get someone’s gender or pronouns wrong it can make them - and us - feel bad.

However, it’s just a mistake. The best thing to do - like with all mistakes - is apologise,
correct ourselves and move on with the conversation. Then, try our best not to make
the mistake again.
Introduce Yourself!
Why don’t we play a quick game right

Let’s take turns to introduce

ourselves, sharing our names, the
pronouns we use and a random fact
about ourselves.

Your random fact can be as wonderful

and wacky as you like!

Even if you think you know everyone

pretty well, you might learn something
new about them today.

Have fun!

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