HOLES by Louis Sachar
HOLES by Louis Sachar
HOLES by Louis Sachar
by Louis Sachar.
Presentation by: Julieta Carimati
Good and Bad
Book Book
The book was longer. Things were explained The book was difficult to understand
more clearly and better. You could imagine the sometimes. The plot wasn’t fast enough. The
places and characters yourself. The plot was plot jumped about in time and place too much.
clear. Things were well described. The book was complicated.
Movie Movie
The plot was clear. The film was easy to follow Some caracters were different. The book was
and understand. The film was well-made and longer. Some things were missing in the film.
short enough. The actors were good. The film Time passed differently. The scenes were
was fun and interesting to watched. shorter in the film.
Book vs Movie
This can be the part of the presentation where
you can introduce yourself
I’m going to talk you about...
Omitid ítems
01 appearance
Standley and Zero. 02 No school life mention,
Chang of parts
03 04
You can describe the topic of the
zero and standly dug the holes together on the movie, but in the book zero
is the one who dig and the boys said something rasist when they saw that. section here
standly lives with her parents and her grandfather who tells her how
someone survived the green lake by climbing the finger of god mountain,
in the book the grandfather did not live with her and the father tells her
about it.
Standly and Zero.
Stanley is an overweight kid with a lot of bad luck. He is convicted of a crime
he did not commit and is sent to the Camp Green Lake juvenile detention
center. Non-violent
and generally kind, Stanley has a difficult time in
school and at the camp. Through his experience at the hellish Camp Green
Lake he becomes physically
stronger and more self-confident. He befriends
Zero, another boy at the camp and through In t
this friendship he succeeds in qui e mo
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eradicating his family curse. wh
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Zero is the best digger and generally thought to be stupid by the
counselors and the other boys. In truth, Zero is very smart, although he
has never been taught
how to read. Zero is the great-great-great-grandson
of Madame Zeroni, the woman who put a curse on
Stanley's family. Zero has suffered many
hardships in his life, even more than
Stanley, but he never completely despairs
and always shows incredible strength,
then of nowing standly because before
that, he didn't talk with anyone.
Things left out.
(on the movie and why)
Omitid ítems
(on the movie and why)
Standly in the book is obese and that When Stanley finds a lipstick that
causes him to be bullied at school for had KB written on it. The
being obese. But in the film it is combersasien that gives x-rey to
altered and it is not obese, the result stanley in the book, they don't
generates that in the film they did show that much explicit as in the
not say or show something about life book.
in the school about him.
Chang of parts
One day when Standly was writing a letter to his mom, lying about the camp,
Zero asks him what he is writing and if he could light him to read, Standly says
no because he doesn't know how to light other people. Some time later Standly
has a problem with Mr Sir. And when he returns to the zero camp he had dug all
his hole. and at that moment is when Standly again asks him if he still wants to
learn to read and write. but zero realized that standly was very tired of cabar and
he proposed this...
zero and standly dug the holes together on the movie, but in the book zero is the
one who dig, while standly relax, and the boys said something racist when they
saw that, especially x-rey.