IBPS AFO Fisheries Competative Factor
IBPS AFO Fisheries Competative Factor
IBPS AFO Fisheries Competative Factor
5 year Questions
~Abhishek Singh Kandari
Last 5 years trend
Years Questions
2022 4
2021 5
2020 1
2019 1
2018 2+1
~Abhishek Singh Kandari
AFO 2022
1. Hypothalamus
2. Ovary
3. Thyroid Gland
4. Pancreas
5. Uterus
Induced breeding is a technique where ripe
fish breeders are stimulated by pituitary
hormone or any other synthetic hormone
introduction to breed in captive condition
Pituitary glands of the same species
(homoplastic) or closely related species
(hetroplastic) are preferred.
1. Covering material
2. Float
3. Cage Cover
4. Covering material
5. Sinker
Cage Culture
Rearing of fish from juvenile stage to commercial size in a volume of water enclosed on
all sides.
It is an aquaculture production system made of a floating frame, net materials and
mooring system (with rope, buoy, anchor etc.) with a round or square shaped floating net
to hold and culture large numbers of fishes and can be installed in reservoir, river, lake or
The Cage comprises of rigid floating frame (usually made of HDPE/PVC) as support and
submerged knotless nylon netting as cage body
HDPE Floating Pontoon Cubes used for PVC Barrels used as floats for suspending
suspending Nylon Net Cages for fish culture Nylon Net Cages for fish culture
AFO 2022
1. Silver carp
2. Common carp
3. Catla
4. Rohu
5. Grass carp
At the level of species, with 5.8 million tonnes, whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus
vannamei) was the top species produced in 2020, closely followed by grass
carp( Ctenopharyngodon idellus), cupped oysters, silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys
molitrix) and anchoveta (Engraulis ringens)
AFO 2022
1. Ctenopharyngodon idella
2. Cyprinus carpio
3. Cirrihinus mirrigala
4. Labeo rohita
5. Catla catla
Indian major carps Feeding habit Feed zone
Catla (Catla catla) Zooplankton Surface feeder
Exotic carps
1. Euryhaline
2. Oligohaline
3. Stenohaline
4. Estuarine
5. None of the above
Estuarine animals are classified into five main groups as below:
1. Oligohaline organisms
This group includes most of the freshwater forms inhabiting rivers which cannot tolerate
variations in salinity of more than 1 % and which are not found at the head of the estuary.
5. Migrants
Certain euryhaline marine migrants spend only a part of their lives in estuaries. Many are
predators subsisting on resident estuarine benthic organisms.
AFO 2021
1. White prawn
2. Sardines
3. Tiger Shrimp
4. Lobster
5. Milk fish
White prawn (Litopenaeus vannamei, low saline to brackish water)
Sardines (Marine and pelagic fish)
Tiger Shrimp
It is the fastest growing of all shrimp. In ponds, juveniles of 3 cm in length have been
grown to a size of 75 to 100 g in only five to six months
It can tolerate a wide range of salinity, 0.2 to 70 ppt.
It can tolerate temperatures up to at least 37.5°C
Slow growth it can take more than 3 years to attain maturation
In the late nineties (1995), there were serious problem of viral diseases i.e. white spot
syndrome virus in tiger prawn.
Exotic species of shrimp was introduced Litopenaeus vannami and now it is most
cultivated in India.
AFO 2021
1. Vibriosis
2. Dropsy
3. Fin and tail rot
4. Columnaris
5. Red pest
Symptoms Causes Treatment
Disintegrating fins, Bacterial infection due to Isolate infected fish.
reduced to stumps. poor conditions. Improve water quality.
Exposed fin rays, bloody Stress from overcrowding Antibiotics like
fin edges. or bullying. chloramphenicol or
Reddened areas at fin base. Injury from fin nipping. tetracycline (10 mg/L).
Skin ulcers with gray or Consider salt baths
red margins. cautiously.
Cloudy eyes. Reduce stress factors.
Bloating of the body, protruding scales.
Dropsy is caused from a bacterial infection of the kidneys, causing fluid accumulation or
renal failure.
Red Pest
Symptoms: Bloody streaks on fins or body.
It is a bacterial disease by vibrio bacteria. It is called as ‘one month mortality
syndrome’ since acute infection occurs at one month age.
It is an acute to chronic infection of a variety of species of fish including striped bass.
The causative agent of columnaris in freshwater is Flexibacter columnaris
AFO 2021
Which of the following fish has lungs as
1. Catla
2. Rohu
3. Mrigal
4. Gourami
5. None of these
Labyrinth fish or Anabantoids are a distinct type of tropical fish. While other fish
might be capable of only receiving oxygen through the intake of water though
their gills, Labyrinth fish possess another respiratory organ that enables them to
breathe atmospheric oxygen.
The Labyrinth fish thrives in habitats where the oxygen in the water can drop to
dangerously low levels.
AFO 2021
1. Anchovies
2. Sardines
3. Flatfish
4. Mackerels
5. Tuna
Pelagic Fish
Pelagic fish live in the pelagic zone of ocean or lake waters - being neither close to
the bottom nor near the shore.
Distributed from a depth of 5m above the seafloor to the sea surface.
Eg. Sardine, anchovies, tunas, indian mackerel, bombay duck, ribbon fishes,
carangids, hilsa, flying fishes, ribbon fishes, seer fishes and billfishes.
Demersal fish
Live and feed on or near the bottom of seas or lakes (the demersal zone). They
occupy the sea floors and lake beds, which usually consist of mud, sand, gravel or
Distributed from the seafloor to 5m depth above. Eg Sciaenids, silver bellies (low
quality fishes), major perches.
AFO 2020
Name the technique in which generation of nitrogen
cycle by maintaining higher C:N
ratio through stimulating heterotrophic microbial
growth, that can be used as feed
for the cultured species?
1. Cotton cake
2. Neem oil cake
3. Sesamum
4. Groundnut cake
5. Mahua cake
Eradication of predatory and weed fishes: Predatory animals like fish,
snakes, tortoise, frogs etc.
A. Mahua oil cake (Brassia latifolia) contains 4-6%, saponin as the toxicant,
which enters in to the respiratory system through gills and buccal tissue, and
haemdyses the red blood corpuscles causing death.
Dose: 2000-2500 kg/ha mahua oil cake (or 200-250 ppm), applied 3 weeks
prior to seed stocking.
Chemicals such as bleaching powder, urea and anhydrous ammonia are also used
for eradication of unwanted fishes.
AFO 2018
1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7
5. 8
AFO 2018
1. Odisha
2. Tamil Nadu
3. Maharashtra
4. Karnataka
5. Gujrat