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Articles a, an & the

Arranged by Aswarini S.
The articles a, an, and the help your readers understand whether
Articles a, an,
you’re using a noun in an indefinite (general) or definite (specific)
and the
Is the noun general? If the noun is general, use “a” or “an.”

Articles: a & 1. A and an are indefinite articles and are used to indicate a

an single item.
 Take a pencil. (Take one pencil.)

 I won a hundred dollars. (I won one hundred dollars.)

2. Do not use a or an with a plural noun.
Indefinite  Incorrect: “They talked about a good restaurants.”
Articles: a &  Correct : “They talked about a good restaurant to visit.”
an  Correct: “The talked about the good Italian restaurant on
Main Street.”
3. Use a as an unspecific reference before a consonant sound.
Indefinite  He likes to read a book. (She likes to read any book, not a
Articles: a & specific one.)
an  That was a funny story. (That was one of many funny
4. Use a when the word following it starts with a consonant

Indefinite  a book, a hospital, a leg, a one-inch pipe, a youth

Articles: a &
an 5. Use an as an unspecific reference before a vowel sound (a,
e, i, o, u).
 an apple, an opera, an eagle, an idea, an SOS (the s here is
an es sound)
6. Words that begin with u or h can have either a vowel or a
consonant sound. Make the choice based on the sound of the
first word after the article, even if that word is not the noun.
 a union,
Indefinite  a uniform (use a when the u sounds like the y in you)
Articles: a &  an unbelievable event,
an  an umbrella,

 an honor,

 an hour,

 an honest person
Is the noun specific? If the noun is specific, use “the.”

Definite Article 1. Use the as a specific reference to a common noun or

“the” something that is one of a kind.

 Give me the book on the table. (identifies a specific book)

 The sun rose at seven o'clock. (identifies something that is

one of a kind)
2. Use a or an to introduce a noun the first time it is
mentioned, and then the is used afterwards whenever the
Definite Article
noun is mentioned.
 I bought a sandwich for lunch. I shared the sandwich with
my friend.
Most proper nouns do not use an article. However, some do.

3. A proper noun names unique person, place, or thing (New York City,
Walt Disney, The United States of America)
 Correct: “I went to New York City.”
Definite Article  Incorrect: “I went to the New York City.”
4. An exception is the proper nouns with “of” as part of the name:
 the Fourth of July

 the University of Virginia

 the United States of America

5. Plural proper nouns use the:
 the Chicago Bulls

 the Johnsons

 the Blue Ridge Mountains

Definite Article
“the” 6. A proper noun that names a group (a collective noun) also uses
 the Commonwealth of Virginia

 the United Arab Emirates

 the Society of Friends

7. Some geographical features use the:
 the Gobi Desert

 the Atlantic Ocean

 the Pyramids

Definite Article  the Amazon

“the” 8. But other geographical features do not use the:

 Lake Superior

 Albemarle County

 Route 29

 Mount Vesuvius
1. We do not normally use an article with plurals and
uncountable nouns to talk about things in general.
 He writes books.

No Article  She likes sweets.

 Do you like jazz music?

 She ate bread with butter in the morning.

Source _a_an_the.pdf

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