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Zoology Second Year(First Semester)


Present by
Myint Myat Noe Zaw
Pann Myint Zu
Saw Theingi Htun
Aye Khant Khant Win
- The largest and most abundant phylum in the world.
- Invertebrate animals with an exoskeleton, a segmented body,
and paired jointed appendages.
- Bilaterally symmetrical and their body possesses an external
- Extremely diverse group, with up to 10 million species.
- Live in several types of environments, depending on the
- Some arthropods live on land, others in freshwater, and some
at the edges of the sea.

Four Major groups of Arthropod


Practical 1 - Dissection of appendages of freshwater prawn

-To identify the various parts of the appendages of prawn.

Practical 2- Dissection of Nervous System of Freshwater Prawn

-To identify the various parts of the Nervous system.

Practical 3- Dissecting of mouth parts of cockroach

-To know the various parts of the mouth that found in cockroach

Practical 4 - Dissection of Digestive System of Cockroach

-To observe the digestive tract of the cockroach


Dissection of appendages of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium


Dissecting requirements

• Prawn
• Dissecting tray
• Dissecting set
• Dissecting pin
• Gloves
• Thread
• Tissue
• Hummer
Put the specimen on the dissecting tray.
• Two large parts such as cephalothorax and abdomen.

• Nineteenth pairs of appendages

• Three groups according to their position of attachment.

 Cephalic appendage (five pairs),
 Thoracic appendage (eight pairs)
 Abdominal appendage (six pairs).
Cephalic appendages

• Tactile and sensory perception( statocyst)

2.Antenna dorsal and ventral view

• Cutting and grinding food
3.Mandible lateral and ventral view
• Cutting and grinding food

• Food handling

• Food handling, water circulation through the
gill chamber
Thoracic appendages

6.First maxillipede
• Feeding or Food handling

7.Second maxillipede
• Feeding or Food handling

8.Third maxillipede
• Feeding or Food handling
9.First walking chelate leg(1st pereiopods)
• Food capture

10.Second walking chelate leg(2nd pereiopods)

• Food capture, agonistic and mating behavior

11.Third walking non chelate leg(3rd pereiopods)

• Walking, female gonophores between base of legs
12.Fourth walking non chelate leg(4th pereiopods)
• Walking

13.Fifth walking non chelate leg(5th pereiopods)

• Walking: male gonophores between base of legs
Abdominal appendage

14.First pleopod
• Swimming

15.Second pleopod
• Swimming, copulation in males

16.Third pleopod
• Swimming
17.Fourth pleopod
• Swimming

18.Fifth pleopod
• Swimming

• Propulsion, together with the central telson
• A pair of small, white, bead like, cuticular, hollow, spherical

• Lies inside the basal segment or precoxa of each
antennule, attached to its dorsal wall. .
• A small statocystic branch of antennular nerve supplies
the statocyst.

Structure of a statocyst

• On cutting a section of the statocyst, its cavity is found

full of minute sand particles.
• On removing them, it is found that there is an oval
ring of elongated, delicate, receptor setae attached to
the inner wall.
• Each receptor setae consists of a swollen base & a
filamentous shaft.

• Perceives the direction of force of gravity & functions as the organ

of orientation & equilibrium.

• Sand particles serve as statoliths.

• Stimulated setae convey the information to brain through nerves, it can

corrects its position.
Practical – 2
Dissection of Nervous System of Freshwater

Nervous System of
Freshwater Prawn

3. Autonomic nervous system

• Include a few minute ganglia and
1.Central nervous system slender nerve to supply
involuntary parts of the body.
Runs from anterior to posterior end
• Brain
• Circumoesophagal connectives
• Thoacic ganglionic mass
• Ventral nerve cord
2. Peripheral nervous system

• Optic nerve
• Antennular nerve
• Antennary nerve
• Cephalothoracic nerve
• Abdominal nerve
Dissection of Nervous System of Freshwater Prawn


1. Prawn 2. Dissecting set 3. Dissecting tray 4. Dissecting pin


• Hold the prawn and put it in dissecting tray.

• Dorsal side upwards and make a lateral-cut, just above the hinge joints.

• Cut along the side of the abdominal segments as well as in carapace.

• Remove median piece of carapace, alimentary canal and blood vessel

from mid dorsal groove.

• Then, make a deep cut in the median line and stretch the two
sides laterally.

• Pin them on sides.

• Remove muscles from above the nerve cord and along the
nerve cord.

• We can see the nervous system of the prawn.

Result from the Dissection of Nervous System of Prawn


Optic nerve

Ventral Thoracic
ganglionic mass

Ventral Nerve cord

Life Cycle of Macrobrachium rosenbergii

There are generally four stages in the life of a freshwater prawn

 After mating , females lay 10,000- 50,000 eggs

1. Egg 2. Larva
up to five times per year.

 Eggs hatch and go through several larval

stages in brackish water.

 Metamorphosis takes pace and become


 Then, they migrate to freshwater and become


 As they change to the juvenile stage,

they take on the bluish to brownish color of
3. juvenile
the adult stage.
4. Adult

 About 2.83 years for males and 2.78 years for


 Like other crustaceans, the freshwater prawn moults.

 Moulting generally takes place at night.

 In addition to growth, moulting also leads to varied changes in the general

behaviour of the prawn.

 The number of moults and the durations of intermoults are not fixed.

 It depend on the environment, particularly temperature and the availability of food.

Practical -3
Dissecting of mouth parts of cockroach

 Cockroach specimens

 Dissecting tray

 Dissecting set

 Dissecting pin
Mouth Parts of Cockroach
• Mouth parts of cockroach are the biting and chewing type.

• Mouth part of cockroach is the mandibulate.

• It consists of labrum, labium, maxillae, mandible, and hypopharynx.

• The labrum is also known as the upper lip.

• Consists of a flattened cuticle and helps to hold the food in the correct position
when the cockroach feeds.

• It is the broad, flattened terminal sclerite of the dorsal side of head capsule,
movably articulated to the clypeus acts as upper lip.

• It has epipharynx (chemoreceptors) on its inner side.

• Mandibles are just a set of miniature cockroach structures, triangular, stiff,
unjointed, chitinized.

• located on either side of the mouth.

• Thick hard and triangular appendages beneath the labrum, on each lateral side
of the mouth, which bear pointed, teeth like processes called denticles.
• Located on each side of the mouth next to
mandibles for cutting and chewing.

• They also bear olfactory receptors.

• Represents the lower lip of the cockroach and covers the mouth from the ventral side.

• The second maxillae are fused together forming a single large structure which covers
the mouth from ventral side, hence called the 'lower lip' or labium.

• It bears tacticle and gustatory sensory setae.

• Serves as a sheath for protecting the other, more delicate, mouthparts

• It is a small, cylindrical mouthpart, sand witched between first maxillae
and covered by labrum and labium on dorsal and ventral sides

• It bears several sensory setae on its free end, and the opening of common
salivary duct upon its basal part.

• functions as the tongue that helps in the movement of food in the preoral
How to identify male and female cockroach?
 The abdomen of male cockroach is slender as well as the last segment of the abdomen is pointed.

 The abdomen of the female cockroach is boat-shaped and the last segment is blunt.

 The wings of male cockroaches are larger than female.

 The antennae of male cockroach are smaller than that of the female’s cockroach antennae.

 There is only a pair of anal cerci is present in of female cockroach.


Female Male
Dissection of Digestive System of
 To observe the digestive tract of the cockroach.

Learning outcomes
 In order to know Anatomy of Insect.

 Cockroach Specimens
 Dissecting set
 Dissecting pin
 Dissecting tray
 Disposable Glove
 Thread
 A glass of water
 Pin
1. Hold the specimen with left hand, wearing

2. Clip the wings and fix it in a dorsal position on a

dissecting tray with pin.

3. Cut the lateral membrane with scissors.

4. Invert this membrane and put two or three

drops of water into the tray

5. Remove carefully fat bodies and tracheae to

expose internal organs.

6. Then we can see final result.

Digestive System of Cockroach

Salivary gland - to store salivary secretion for

moistening and digesting food.
Crop -a sac like structure and used for storing
of food.
Gizzard -to help in grinding the food particles.
Malpighian tubules –to absorb the nitrogenous waste
products and convert into uric acids.
Hepatic Caeca -to secret digestive juices, helping in
Colon -for symbiotic digestion.
Rectum -to remove water from the faeces.
What did we learn?

- The various functions and location of

appendages in fresh water prawn.

- Known the nervous system and life cycle of the

freshwater prawn

- Organs that contain in the mouth parts of


- Known how to classify male and female of


- Organs that contain in the digestive system of

Area of Improvement
- Want to learn the harvest method of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium

- By Going field trip to the Farming tanks of Giant Freshwater Prawn

University of Yangon,
Department of Zoology Professors
Dr. Kay Lwin Tun
Dr. Sandar Win
Dr. Aye Aye Khine(1)
Dr. Khin Wai Hlaing
Dr. Khin Lay Nwe
Dr. Aye Aye Khine(2)
Dr. Tin Lay Mon
Dr. Yu par Kyaw

Department Of Zoology’s
Practical Teachers
Tr. Pont Pont
Tr. Khin Nyein Aye
Tr.Yei Mon Thein
Tr. Nyein Nyein Thwe
Tr. Win Cho Cho Tun
Tr. Aye San Myint

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