Lecture-6 Quranic Studies
Lecture-6 Quranic Studies
Lecture-6 Quranic Studies
Email : life.living@riphah.edu.pk
• Justice & kindness [An-Nahl 16:90]
• Competency & Trustworthy [al Qasas 28:26]
• Patience & Tolerance [al-Baqarah 2:155-157]
• Gratefulness & thankfulness [Ibrahim 14:7]
• Forgiveness & Repentance [Nūh 71:10-14]
Lecture Objectives:
َفُقۡل ُت اۡس َتۡغ ِفُر ۡو ا َر َّبُك ؕۡم ِاَّنٗه َك اَن َغ َّفاًر اۙ ُّيۡر ِس ِل الَّس َم ٓاَء َع َلۡي ُك ۡم ِّم ۡد َر اًر اۙ َّو ُيۡم ِد ۡد ُك ۡم ِبَاۡم َو اٍل َّو َبِنۡي َن َو َيۡج َع ۡل َّلـُك ۡم َج ّٰن ٍت َّو َيۡج َع ۡل َّلـُك ۡم َاۡن ٰه ًر اؕ َم ا َلـُك ۡم
اَل َتۡر ُج ۡو َن ِهّٰلِل َو َقاًر اۚ َو َقۡد َخ َلَقُك ۡم َاۡط َو اًر ا
)14-10 :(سورة نوح
I said to them: “Ask forgiveness from your Lord; surely He is Most Forgiving. He will shower upon you torrents
from heaven, and will provide you with wealth and children, and will bestow upon you gardens and rivers.
What is amiss with you that you do not look forward to the majesty of Allah. when He has created you in
]Al-Quran: 71/10-14, Modudi[
• Story of Nuh (A.S). He preached for 950 years.
• His advices to his nation.
• Ask forgiveness, importance of forgiveness.
• Rewards for seeking forgiveness. (add rewards)
• Ponder in the verses of Allah.
َو ِباَأْلْس َح اِر ُهْم َيْس َتْغ ِفُروَن
and would ask for forgiveness at dawn. (Surah Al-Zariyat: 18)
• The Prophet PBUH used to seek forgiveness 100 times a day.
Reflection & Research
[al-Taubah 9:122]
• Success provides confidence, security, a sense of well-being, the ability to contribute at a greater level, hope and
leadership. This lecture provides an overview of the skills required for a successful life. Islam is the complete code of life
Conclusion of and mentions about each and every aspect of life. Therefore, by following the instructions of Islam one
and it gives details
can live the worldly life in the successful manner. In the Holy Quran, the Arabic word for success “Falaah”. Falaah is
the Lecture
translated as salvation because the person, who attains success, has escaped and recovered from obstacles on the way to
success. Having in mind the Quranic description of success, it is time to see what the Quran teaches us to become
successful. Allah says in the Holy Quran “Certainly, the faithful have attained salvation” (23:1).And to describe one of the
characteristics of those felicitous people, He says: “There has to be a nation among you summoning to the good, bidding
what is right, and forbidding what is wrong. It is they who are the felicitous.” (3: 104). Islam encourages its followers to live
this worldly life in the best manner and is against abstinence. Some of the skills or ways mentioned in through which we
can be successful are to be grateful and thankful, to forgive and repent, to reflect and research, be patient and competent
and by being kind. In a nutshell, Islam is the complete code of life. If a Muslim wishes to achieve success in this world and
in the world hereafter, then the best solution available for such a person is to incorporate the principles of Islam in life and
climb up the ladder of success.