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 Name: Nigar U Nisa

University : Liaquat University of medical and health sciences Jamshoro
Year: Second year, 3rd semester
Topic : Importance of history and physical diagnosis of patient
Submitted to :
 1.The importance of the history and physical in diagnosis.
- Jill C Muhrer
2. Importance of patient socioeconomic status, and history of abuse on
patient preference for endoscopist.
- Alison Schneider , Nandhakumar kanagarajan , David Anielly
3. Sudden cardiac arrest in children and young athletes :The importance of
personal and family history in the pre-participation evaluation.
-Robert M Campbell, Stuart berger
4.Inquiry: the pedological importance of skill central to clinical practice
- Howard S BARROWS
5.Importance of clinical history to diagnosis
Summary 1 :

 The Article supports the importance os using patient history and physical basis
for selecting relevant diagnostic testing , which leads to timely accurate
diagnosis. This process protects patients from the risks of unnecessary testing
and is cost effective.
Summary 2 :
 Importance of gender, socioeconomic status , and history of abuse on
patient preference to endoscopist:
Patients have previously expressed preference for the gender of their
endoscopist . Most of these patients were Caucasian women of predominantly
high socioeconomic status. No study has evaluated the gender preferences of
both women and men from a diverse predominantly low socioeconomic
Summary 3 :
 Sudden cardiac arrest in children and young athletes:
Personal and family history in pre-participation evaluation:
Health care providers have become more aware of and concerned about
pediatric sudden cardiac arrest. S of any detection The diseases predisposing
a patient to sudden cardiac arrest are all infrequently encountered.
However , a detailed and comprehensive patient history and family history
may reveal warning signs and symptoms that identify a patient at higher risk
for sudden cardiac arrest . Attention to patient history and physical exam is
critical to the success od any detection strategy which should be widely
Summary 4 :
 Inquiry:
The pedological importance of a skill central to clinical practice:
The skill of inquiry is central to the task of doctor confronted with a patient
problem. Despite its importance this skill is nt given appropriate emphasis in
the education of medical students or in research concerning the clinical
reasoning skills of doctors.
Summary 5 :
Exogenous lipoid pneumonia:
Importance of clinical study to diagnosis:
Lipoid pneumonia is rare disease resulting from micro aspiration of lipid
formulations. Making diagnosis of lipoid pneumonia requires a high degree of
clinical suspicion. There was case of female with history of breast cancer,
presenting dyspnea and cough together withradiological findings of bilateral
pulmonary infiltrate. A lung biopsy confirmed lipoid pneumonia , which should
always be considered in patients with fiffuse lung disease hsaving been exposed
to potential causative agents.

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