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Aditya Kumar 2022MBA003

Anjali Singh 2022MBA008
Aryan Roy2022MBA010
Deepank kumar Ujjainia 2022MBA015
Jivesh 2022MBA022
Rahul Singh 2022MBA042
Mayank Deep Gwal 2022MBA030
Priya Pant 2022MBA038
Problem Description

Customer churn is very frequent in telecommunications sector, owing to the existence of highly
competitive market.

it becomes imperative for companies to determine the propensity for their customers to churn
and thereby put efforts to retain them.

Churn analytics offers useful tools for forecasting client churn and defining its fundamental
causes of it.

Predictive analytics models can be used to forecast customer churn and can produce a list of
customers who are most likely to leave, allowing a retention program to focus on them first.
Problem Description

Dependent/Criterion Variable - Dichotomous variable labelled as “churn” in the


Predictor Variables - Different services being used: toll free service, equipment rental,
calling card service, wireless service.

Regression model applied to the dataset is Logistic Regression which assess factors
leading to this customer attrition and suggest which factors the firm should be
focusing on to improve customer retention.
Data Description
Data Description
Data Description

• Data Set of a telecom Industry

• We have consumer parameters based on 42 variables

• Establishing a relationship B/W various variables and consumer churn

• Factors higher in frequency but have little effect on critical decisions

• Factors relatively lower in frequency but high impact on churn

Variable Description

There are 3 types of Variables

Nominal : A nominal variable can be defined as
a categorical variable in which the categories cannot be
ordered. Ex – Region, Martial
Scale : A scale variable is a measurement variable — a
variable that has a numeric value. Ex- Tenure, Age
Ordinal : An ordinal variable is a variable that can be
assigned a rank. This rank can be used to determine
the order in which the variables are arranged.
Ex- Level of education
Variable Description
Dependent/Criterion Variable - Dependent variables are variables that change if there is a change in another variable of

In our report, dichotomous variable labelled as “churn” in the dataset

Independent/ Predictor Variables - Independent variables are variables that do not change as the result of some other
variable of interest

Different services being used: toll free service, equipment rental, calling card service, wireless service.
Model & Result Discussion
Binary Logistic Regression Model:
• Strength of a relationship between one dependent and independent variable(s)
• To assess the impact of predictor variables on the outcome variable
• Determine the reason-result relationship of the independent variable(s) with the dependent variable

Case Processing Summary indicates the No signifies = 0 (People who haven’t

sample size. Here, the number of switched) and whereas Yes signifies = 1
respondent entries is 1000. (People who have switched)
Model & Result Discussion

Describes the baseline model. This will serve as a baseline later for
comparing the model with our predictor variable included. The
predictions of this baseline model are made purely on whichever
category occurred most often in our dataset. In our dataset, the
model always guesses ‘no’ because more participants did not opt
out of the service being provided. The overall percentage row tells
us that this approach to prediction is correct 72.6% of the time.
Model & Result Discussion
The goodness-of-fit helps in determining whether the model adequately describes the data.

Used to check that the new model (with predictor

variables included) is an improvement over the
baseline model. The significance values are p < .001,
which indicates the accuracy of the model improves
when we add our criterion variables.

Hesmer & Lemeshow’s Test of the goodness of fit

suggests the model is a good fit to the data as
p=0.688 (>.05). There is no difference between
the observed and predicted model.
Model & Result Discussion

The model adequately fits the data. There is no

significant difference between observed and
predicted models. Both values are approximately
Model & Result Discussion
Provides an indication of how well the model is able to
predict the correct category once the predictor is added
to the study. Our model is now correctly classifying the
outcome for 77.2% of the cases compared to 72.6% in
the null model.

This table shows the relation between the predictor and

the outcome. Depending on the odds ratio, we can
determine whether the probability of falling into the
target group is greater/equal/less than the probability
of falling into the non-target group category.
Observation & Conclusion

• For equipment rental, voice mail, and internet services, we can say that the odds of the customer not switching are
higher. This indicates that people are satisfied with these service offerings.

• For other services such as calling cards and multiple lines, customers are more likely to churn, indicating that the
company needs to focus on these offerings.

• Considering the confidence interval: Values greater than 1 mean that as the predictor variable increase, so do the odds of
not churning.

• Churn Rates are essential for a business perspective to know their customer demand with respect to the service they are
providing. Customer strategy according to demand can then be made in line with the profit of the business.
Thank You!

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