Customer churn is very frequent in telecommunications sector, owing to the existence of highly
competitive market.
it becomes imperative for companies to determine the propensity for their customers to churn
and thereby put efforts to retain them.
Churn analytics offers useful tools for forecasting client churn and defining its fundamental
causes of it.
Predictive analytics models can be used to forecast customer churn and can produce a list of
customers who are most likely to leave, allowing a retention program to focus on them first.
Problem Description
Predictor Variables - Different services being used: toll free service, equipment rental,
calling card service, wireless service.
Regression model applied to the dataset is Logistic Regression which assess factors
leading to this customer attrition and suggest which factors the firm should be
focusing on to improve customer retention.
Data Description
Data Description
Data Description
Independent/ Predictor Variables - Independent variables are variables that do not change as the result of some other
variable of interest
Different services being used: toll free service, equipment rental, calling card service, wireless service.
Model & Result Discussion
Binary Logistic Regression Model:
• Strength of a relationship between one dependent and independent variable(s)
• To assess the impact of predictor variables on the outcome variable
• Determine the reason-result relationship of the independent variable(s) with the dependent variable
Describes the baseline model. This will serve as a baseline later for
comparing the model with our predictor variable included. The
predictions of this baseline model are made purely on whichever
category occurred most often in our dataset. In our dataset, the
model always guesses ‘no’ because more participants did not opt
out of the service being provided. The overall percentage row tells
us that this approach to prediction is correct 72.6% of the time.
Model & Result Discussion
The goodness-of-fit helps in determining whether the model adequately describes the data.
• For equipment rental, voice mail, and internet services, we can say that the odds of the customer not switching are
higher. This indicates that people are satisfied with these service offerings.
• For other services such as calling cards and multiple lines, customers are more likely to churn, indicating that the
company needs to focus on these offerings.
• Considering the confidence interval: Values greater than 1 mean that as the predictor variable increase, so do the odds of
not churning.
• Churn Rates are essential for a business perspective to know their customer demand with respect to the service they are
providing. Customer strategy according to demand can then be made in line with the profit of the business.
Thank You!