Lecture3-Basic Operations On Signals

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Signals and Systems: Basic Operations On 1


Department of Biomedical Engineering

Signals and Systems
In this lecture you will learn about
1. Shifting Operation
2. Scaling Operation
3. Inversion Operation

Prepared by: Irshad Ahmed Hashimzai, References: B.P. Lathi, “Signal Processing and
Linear Systems”, Berkeley Cambridge Press
Signals and Systems: Basic Operations On Signals 2

Introduction to Signal Operations

• The basic operations performed on the signals are:
a) Shifting
b) Scaling
c) Inversion
• Since the independent variable in our signal description is time, these operations
discussed as:
a) Time Shifting
b) Time Scaling
c) Time Inversion
• However, this discussion is valid for functions having independent variables
other than time (e. g., frequency or distance).
Signals and Systems: Basic Operations On Signals 3

Time Shifting
• Consider a signal x(t) shown in figure
(a) and the same signal delayed by T
seconds in figure (b), which we shall
denote by φ(t).
• Whatever happens in x(t) at some
instant t also happens in φ(t) T seconds
later at the instant t + T.
• Therefore,

Φa(t)= x(t+T)
φd(t) = x(t - T)
Signals and Systems: Basic Operations On Signals 4

Time Shifting
• Therefore, to time-shift a signal by T, we
replace t with t – T.
• Thus x(t - T) represents x(t) time-
shifted by T seconds.
• If T is positive, the shift is to the right
(delay). If T is negative, the shift is to
the left (advance).
• Thus, x(t - 2) is x(t) delayed (right-
shifted) by 2 seconds, and x(t + 2) is
x(t) advanced (left-shifted) by 2
Signals and Systems: Basic Operations On Signals 5

Time Shifting:
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Time Shifting:
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Time Shifting:
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Time Shifting:
Signals and Systems: Basic Operations On Signals 9

Time Scaling:
• The compression or expansion of a
signal in time is known as time
Signals and Systems: Basic Operations On Signals 10

Time Scaling
Observe that because f(t) = 0 at t = T1 and t
= T2, we must have φ(t) = 0 at t = T1/2 and
T2/2 as shown in figure (b).
• If f(t) were recorded on a tape and

played back at twice the normal

recording speed, we would obtain f(2t).
• In general, if f(t) is compressed in time

by a factor a (a < 1), the resulting signal

φ(t) is given by
φ(t) = f(at)
Signals and Systems: Basic Operations On Signals 11

Time Scaling: Time Expansion

• Using a similar argument, we can show that
f(t) expanded (slowed down) in time by a
factor a (a >1) is given by
φ(t) = f(t/a)
• Figure (c) shows f(t/2), which is f(t) expanded
in time by a factor of 2. Observe that in time
scaling operation, the origin t = 0 is the
anchor point, which remains unchanged
under scaling operation because at t = 0, f(t)
= f(at) = f(0).
• In summary, to time-scale a signal by a factor
a, we replace t with at. If a > 1, the scaling
results in compression, and if a < 1, the
scaling results in expansion.
Signals and Systems: Basic Operations On Signals 12

Time Scaling:
Signals and Systems: Basic Operations On Signals 13

Time Scaling: Time Compression

• Figure (b) shows 𝑓𝑐 𝑡 , which is
f(t) time-compressed by factor 3;
consequently, it can be described
mathematically as f(3t).
2 − 1.5 ≤ 3𝑡 < 0 𝑜𝑟 − 0.5 ≤ 𝑡 < 0
𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑐0𝑡≤ 3𝑡 < 3 𝑜𝑟 0≤𝑡 <1
= ቐ2𝑒−3𝑡/2
0 = f 3t

• Observe that the instant t = -1.5 and 3

in f(t) corresponding to the instant t = -
0.5, and 1 in the compressed signal
Signals and Systems: Basic Operations On Signals 14

Time Scaling: Time Expansion

• Figure (c) shows 𝑓𝑒 𝑡 , which is f(t)
time-expanded by factor 2; consequently,
it can be described mathematically as
f(t/2), which is obtained by replacing t
with t/2 in f(t). Thus

• Observe that the instants t = -1.5 and 3 in f(t) correspond to the instants t = -3 and
in the expanded signal f(t/2)
Signals and Systems: Basic Operations On Signals 16

Time Inversion (Reversal)

• Consider the signal f(t) shown in figure (a).
We can view f(t) as a rigid wire frame
hinged at the vertical axis.
• To time-invert f(t), we rotate this frame 180
degree about the vertical axis.
• This time inversion or folding [the
reflection of f(t) about the vertical axis]
gives us the signal φ(t) shown in figure (b).
• Observe that whatever happens in figure (a)
at some instant t also happens in figure (b)
at the instant –t.
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Time Inversion (Reversal)

• Therefore, to time-invert a signal we
replace t with –t. Thus, the time inversion
of signal f(t) yields f(-t).
• Consequently, the mirror image of f(t) about
the vertical axis is f(-t).
• Recall also that the mirror image of
f(t) about the horizontal axis is –f(t).
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Time Inversion:
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Time Inversion:

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