GROUP 1 Basic Principles of Sanitary Plumbing Design

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Introduction to
Plumbing is the art and technique
of installing pipes, fixtures, and other
apparatus to convey and supply water
in buildings and to dispose and
discharge wastewater and other liquids,
gases and other substances out of the
building ina safe orderly, healthy and
sanitary way toensure the health and
sanitation of life and property.
Introduction to
•The word Plumber is a title given
to a person who is skilled in the
field of sanitation. It was derived
from the ancient Roman word
Plumbarius whichis taken from
the Latin term word Plumbum.
Introduction to
Plumbarius refers to an individual who
worked in the sanitary field of ancient

Plumbum on the other hand, meant lead. A metal used

as plumbing materialby the Romans, preferred for its
twinproperties of malleability and resistant to acid.
Engineers defines plumbing systems as all potable
water supply and distribution pipes, plumbing fixtures
and traps, drainage and vent pipes, and building
(house) drains, including their respective joints and
connections, devices, receptacles, and appurtenances
within the property lines of the premises and including
potable water piping, potable water treating or using
equipment, fuel gas piping, water heaters, and vents
for same.
Plumbing engineers are responsible for systems
that serve all types of buildings, including
commercial, residential, and institutional
buildings, such as hospitals, laboratories,
industrial plants, jails, schools, shopping
centers, housing developments, power plants,
research centers, and sports complexes.
The plumbing engineer is now responsible for design of the
following systems:

1. Sanitary drainage
2. Sanitary sewage disposal
3. Storm water drainage
4. Site drainage
5. Storm water disposal
6. Venting
7. Domestic water
• A. Cold water
• B. Hot water
• C. Hot water circulation
• D. Tempered water
• E. Tepid water for emergency eyewash and
The plumbing engineer is now responsible for design of the
following systems:

8. Fire protection
• a. Standpipe
• b. Sprinkler
• c. CO2
• d. Clean agent
9. Acid and industrial waste
10. Chilled drinking water
11. Gas
• a. Natural and manufactured
• b. Liquefied petroleum (LP)
12. Compressed air
The plumbing engineer is now responsible for design of the
following systems:

13. Vacuum
• a. Clinical and surgical
• b. Laboratory
• c. Cleaning
14. Argon
15. Oxygen
16. Carbon dioxide
17. Nitrogen
18. Nitrous oxide
19. Helium
20. Deionized water
21. Distilled water
Fixture Selection

• The type, quantity, and arrangement of plumbing

fixtures is usually the prerogative of the architect, but
the engineer must evaluate and advise the architect as
to type and arrangement and, particularly, space

• The type and quantity of fixtures to be installed in a

building is predicated upon the number of people
served and the type of building occupancy.
Quality of
• Manufacturers have accepted certain standards for
the manufacture of plumbing fixtures.
• Most manufacturers adhere to these standards so
that, at the present time, fixture quality is a minor
• limitation of water consumption in water closets to
1.6 gallons per flush (gpf) is required in most
jurisdictions and it is required that fixtures and
designs ensure accessibility for the handicapped in
public and private buildings.
When evaluating fixtures, the following characteristics should
be carefully checked:

1. Strength
2. Durability
3. Corrosion resistance (acid resisting)
4. Abrasion resistance
5. Absence of defects
6. Adequate performance for the service
7. Concealed fouling surfaces.
Water Closet

• Water closets are

manufactured in a number of
styles and with various
features that make them
distinct from each other.
Various features of Water Closets:

• siphon jet reverse trap • corner tank

• wash down • prison
• blowout • handicapped design
• siphon vortex • pneumatic assist flush
• siphon wash • wall mounted
• flush valve (Flushometer • floor mounted
valve) • back outlet
• gravity tank • one-piece tank type
• flushometer tank • two-piece tank type
• dual flush • round front bowl
• wall hung tank • elongated bowl.
Certain types of water closets are unacceptable.
They are those that have:

1. An invisible water seal

2. Unventilated spaces
3. Surfaces that are not thoroughly cleansed
with each flushing action
4. A design that permits contamination of
the domestic water supply.
Urinal Styles
The style identifies the type of flushing action in the
• Siphon Jet - create a siphon action to evacuate
the trap.
• Blowout Urinal - s tend to force the water and
waste from the trap to the drain.
• Washout urinals - rely on a water exchange to
flush and there is no siphon action or complete
evacuation of the trap way.
• Stall and wash-down urinals have an external
trap. urinal figure
A Lavatory is a washbasin used for
personal hygiene. In public locations, a
lavatory is used for washing one’s
hands and face. Residential lavatories
are intended for hand and face
washing, shaving, applying makeup,
cleaning contact lenses, and similar
hygienic activities.
Quality of Fixtures
Size and Shape
Manufacturers produce lavatories in every conceivable
size and shape, providing an unlimited selection.
Lavatories are square, round, oblong, rectangular,
shaped for corners, with or without ledges, decorative
bowls, and molded into countertops. They can be
classified into five different types: slab, splash back,
shelf back, ledge back, and countertop.
Special purpose lavatories can usually be placed within these five categories.

1 2 3

The slab type lavatory comes in The splash back lavatory has an The shelf-back lavatory reduces
vitreous China and is supported integral back and is splashing and in addition
by concealed or exposed arms, recommended for sanitary provides a shelf for the storage
wall brackets, and chrome legs. purposes. Splashing, which can of toiletries. The fixture is made
The back of the fixture is usually run down the back of the slab of either vitreous China or
installed 2 in. from the wall to type, stays on the fixture. The enameled iron.
facilitate cleaning of the wall fixture is made of vitreous China
behind the lavatory. and is supported by wall hangers
or by concealed or exposed
Special purpose lavatories can usually be placed within these five categories.

4 5
The ledge-back lavatory offers
Counter self-rimming and undercounter
some splash reduction and some mounted lavatories are the most recent
shelf area. This type as well as the and probably the most diversified of any
others has depressions molded category. They come in various
into the fixture for holding bar materials, including vitreous China,
enameled cast iron, stainless steel,
soap. Manufacturers offer
plastics, fiberglass, and precast artificial
modifications to provide or delete
marble. A development that has
additional holes or depressions. contributed to the popularity and
An additional hole may be acceptance of countertop lavatories is
provided for a liquid soap the self-rimming feature that does not
dispenser. require the use of a stainless-steel rim.

• A sink is a large fixed container in a

kitchen, with taps to supply water.
• Sink has a wide selection: in single,
double, and triple-compartment
Service Sinks
The most popular service sinks are those
that have a high back and are wall
mounted and supported on a trap
standard or low type mop basins that are
mounted on, or recessed into, the floor.
Protective rim guards are recommended
for both
Bathtub means a receptacle, in which a
user can sit, with a faucet that supplies
water capable of reaching at least 85° F
and with a drain connected to a sewage
collection system. Bathtub means all
permanently fixed tubs having a
capacity of less than 60 gallons volume
at the overflow.
A plumbing fixture for the distribution
and use of water in a building. Shower
receptors are available in various sizes
and shapes. They are available in
standard precast sizes (minimum 30" x
30") but may be obtained in custom built
models to fit practically any application.
Drinking Fountains

Drinking fountains (non refrigerated) are

available as free?standing, surface
mounted, semi recessed, fully recessed,
bi-level (regular height and handicapped
accessible height), pedestal, or deck type
for counter tops.
The bidet is about the same size and shape
as a water closet and could be classified as
a small bath. It is used primarily for
washing the anal regions after using the
water closet.

The hot and cold-water supply and the

drain fitting are very similar to those used
for lavatories.
Standard and codes for
plumbing systems

• IPC 
• UPC 
• ASPE 
• Water System Design

The objective in designing the water

supply systems for any project is to always
ensure an adequate water supply at
adequate pressure to all fixtures and
equipment and to achieve the most
economical sizing of the piping.
Water System Design
Health Pressure Flow

This is of irrefutable and It is essential to maintain the Proper and adequate quantities
paramount importance. required flow pressures at of fl ow must be maintained at
Inadequate or improper sizing fixtures and equipment or fixtures and equipment for
can cause decreases in pressure improper operation will result. obvious reasons.
in portions of the piping system,
which in turn can cause
contamination of the potable
water supply by backflow or
Water System Design
Water Supply Pipe Failure NOISE

Improper sizing can Pipe failure can occur due Velocities more than 10
cause failure of the water to the relation of the rate ft/sec will cause noise
supply due to corrosion of corrosion with and increase the danger
or scale build up. excessive velocities. of hydraulic shock

It is essential that the term flow pressure be

thoroughly understood and not confused
with static pressure. Flow pressure is that
pressure that exists at any point in the
system when water is flowing at that point.
It is always less than the static pressure.
Flow at an Outlet
There are many times when the engineer must determine how many gallons per minute are being
delivered at an outlet. This can easily be determined by installing a pressure gauge in the line
adjacent to the outlet and reading the gauge while flow is occurring. With the flow pressure
known, the following formula can be used:

q=20d^2 p½

q = rate of flow at the outlet, gpm
d = a actual inside diameter (ID)of outlet,in.
p = flow pressure, psi
Constant Flow
Pressures in the various parts of the piping
system are constantly fluctuating depending
upon the quantity of flow at any moment.
Under these conditions the rate of flow
from any one outlet will vary with the
change of pressure.

A flow control is a simple, self-cleaning

device designed to deliver a constant
volume of water over a wide range of inlet
Inadequate Pressure

Lack of adequate pressure is one of the most frequent complaints and could be the cause of
serious troubles. The pressure available for water distribution within a building can come
from various sources.

There are three basic methods available:

1.Gravity tank system
2.Hydropneumatics tank system
3.Booster pump system
Demand Types

• Some outlets impose what is called a continuous demand on the system. They are
differentiated from outlets that impose an intermittent demand.
• They occur over an extended period of time. Plumbing fixtures draw water for a relatively
short period of time and are considered as imposing an intermittent demand.
• Each fixture has its own singular loading effect on the system, which is determined by the
rate of water supply required, the duration of each use, and the frequency of use.
• The water demand is related to the number of fixtures, type of fixtures, and probable
simultaneous use.
Estimating Demand

The basic requirements for estimating demand call for a method that :

1. Produces estimates that are greater than the average demand for all fixtures or
inadequate supply will result during periods of peak demand.
2. Produces an accurate estimate of the peak demand to avoid oversizing.
3. Produces estimates for demand of groups of the same type of fixtures as well as for
mixed fixture types.
Design Loads
• Arriving at a reasonably accurate
estimate of the maximum probable
demand is complicated due to the
intermittent operation and irregular
frequency of use of fixtures.
• Different kinds of fixtures are not in
uniform use.
• Average flow is also of no concern,
for if a system were designed to
meet this criterion it would not
satisfy the conditions under peak
Design Loads

Two method of Design Loads evolved in United States:

• Empirical Method
- based upon arbitrary decisions arrived at from experience and judgment.
- useful only for small groups of fixtures
• Method Probability
- based upon the theory of probabilities
- most accurate for large groups of fixtures.
Design Loads

The federal Energy Policy Act (EPACT92) established the following

criteria for water use by fixture:
• Water closets: 1.6 gal/flush
• Urinals: 1.5 gal/flush
• Showers: 2.5 gpm
• Lavatories: 2.5 gpm
• Sinks: 2.5 gpm
Water System Sizing

• The water distribution system must always be designed on

the basis of the minimum pressure available.
• Generally, the minimum pressure to be provided at most
fixtures is 8 psi and from 15 to 25 psi for water closets
Maximum Velocity

The maximum velocity of water flow in the piping during

periods of peak demand should always be of prime importance
to the designer
Friction Head Loss

Friction Head Loss Water piping must be sized to limit the friction head
losses in the piping system so that the highest and most remote water outlet will
have the required minimum pressure for adequate flow during periods of peak
demand. The maximum friction head loss that can therefore be tolerated in the
system during peak demand is the difference between the static pressure at the
highest and most remote water outlet at no-flow conditions and the minimum
flow pressure required at that outlet.
Minimum Sizes
• Most codes establish minimum
sizes for the piping supplying the
outlets for the various kinds of
fixtures.Table 14-13 lists fixtures
and the minimum size of fixture
supply pipe. Sizes given in the
table are generally such as to
maintain velocity of flow below the
maximum of 10 ft/sec
Procedure for Sizing
01 02 03 04 05

Before an attempt to size any Mark the FU value at Convert all FU values to Determine the pressure Use hydraulic tables to
system, a riser diagram of the every outlet and the sum of gpm demand and assign available for friction head select sizes. The selection
complete water distribution fixture units for every the gpm values to loss. Using the longest will be based on the gpm
system should be drawn. In section of the system. (It is continuous demand outlets. run to the highest fixture demand, the uniform
this riser diagram, the floor-to- important to stress that (refer to plans as well as friction head loss, and the
floor heights should be shown. when adding load sit is the riser diagram to maximum design velocity
It often proves useful also to mandatory to add fixture determine the longest selected. If the size
note the static pressure at each unit values. Never add run), establish the indicated by the tables
floor. On this drawing, the gallons per minute uniform friction head produces a velocity more
minimum pressure required at demands except for loss. than the selected
the highest outlet as well as the continuous demands.) maximum velocity, then a
minimum available pressure size must be selected that
should be noted. produces the required
Many friction head loss tables are based upon
the Hazen and Williams formula:
The foregoing procedure works very well
when the street pressure is adequate to supply
the requirements of the building or where a
gravity tank system is installed.

Under these conditions the minimum available

pressure is already established and thus
pressure available for friction head loss can be
calculated. It is an entirely different situation
Water System
The physical and chemical characteristics of water to
be used for human consumption are usually clearly
defi ned by the public health department of the
municipality or state and by most codes. Rules and
regulations have been promulgated and enforced to
ensure that only potable water is distributed in the
public water mains. It is mandatory that building
systems connect to available public mains as a
positive measure for the protection of the public’s
health. Public water supply systems offer reliability,
capacity, convenience, and, above all, high?quality
potable water
Protection of the Potable
Water Supply
The following rules should be scrupulously followed in the design of all water supply distribution

1. No materials or chemicals that can produce toxic effects should be used.

2. There should never be a cross-connection between a private and a public water supply system.
3. Water supply piping must never be directly connected to the drainage system.
4. Water supply piping must never be directly connected to embalming, mortuary, operating, or dissection tables.
5. There must be no direct connection for pump priming.
6. There should be no direct connections to sterilizers, aspirators, or similar equipment.
7. Water that is used for cooling, heating, or processing must not be reintroduced to the water supply system.
8. An air gap must be provided between the overflow level of the fixture and the water supply outlet.
9. Below-the-rim water supply connections must never be made except where the configuration of the fixture
makes this impossible. The connection is permitted if special precautions are taken.
Water Meters

• Water meters should be

installed only when it is
required that the amount of
water supplied to a building
be measured.
2. Hot Water System Design

Proper design of the domestic hot water supply

system for any building is extremely important. Careful
planning on the basis of all available data will ensure an
adequate supply of water at the desired temperature to
each fi xture at all times. A properly designed system must
of course conform with all the regulations of the
authorities having jurisdiction.

The objectives for the design of an efficient hot water distribution

system include:

1. Providing adequate amounts of water at the prescribed temperature

to all fixtures and equipment at all times
2. A system that will perform its function safely
3. The utilization of an economical heat source
4. A cost-effective and durable installation
5. An economical operating system with reasonable maintenance
Safety Devices

• There have been many reports of exploding or bursting tanks, damage to

property, and scalding and injury of persons because of hazardous
pressures and temperatures.
• Standard plumbing equipment, including hot water heaters and storage
tanks, is designated for a working pressure of 125 psi.
• Water expands as it is heated. The increase in its volume for a 100° F
temperature rise can be calculated to be 1.68% of its original volume.
• A pressure-relief valve or a combined pressure and temperature-relief
valve provide a positive means of relieving the excess pressure or the
build up of pressure of water as it heated.
Water Heaters
• There have been many reports of exploding or bursting tanks, damage
to property, and scalding and injury of persons because of hazardous
pressures and temperatures.
• Standard plumbing equipment, including hot water heaters and storage
tanks, is designated for a working pressure of 125 psi.
• Water expands as it is heated. The increase in its volume for a 100° F
temperature rise can be calculated to be 1.68% of its original volume.
• A pressure-relief valve or a combined pressure and temperature-relief
valve provide a positive means of relieving the excess pressure or the
build up of pressure of water as it heated.
Water Heaters

The brief outline of some of the more common sources of hot water
supply that follows sets forth their main characteristics and

A) Directly Heated Automatic Storage Heaters

B) Instantaneous Heaters
C) Booster Heaters
D) Semi-Instantaneous Heaters
E) Storage Water Heaters
A) Directly Heated Automatic Storage Heaters

• In this category are placed the simple gas, propane-fired, or

electrically heated storage tank heaters used so universally in
homes, apartments, smaller institutions, and establishments.
These water heaters are generally low-demand heaters, with
low Btu input so that the heating of the water is spread over
several hours.
B) Instantaneous Heaters
• Instantaneous types of water heaters
must have sufficient input capacity to
meet all demands simultaneously.
These heaters have no built-in storage
volume because they are designed to
supply the full load instantly and
• The flow of the fuel, gas, or liquid, is
automatically controlled by the flow of
water in an on-off or a modulated
system. The water flow rate,
temperature, and heat input are fixed
at the factory.
C) Booster Heaters

The term “booster” is applied to describe the function or purpose of the water heater.
Heaters may be the ordinary, standard instantaneous types, but they serve to raise the
temperature of the regular hot water supply to some higher temperature needed to
perform special functions. The advantages in the use of booster heaters are:

1. Only as much water need be heated to above normal system temperatures as is

required for the specific job. The larger, normal uses throughout the building can be
average hot water at lower temperatures.
2. Savings in investment, maintenance and operating costs are derived from the
limited use of very hot water.
3. Small boosters can be located near their job, with simple control, minimum waste,
and smooth operation.
D) Semi-Instantaneous Heaters
• This type of heater contains between
10 and 20 sec of domestic
waterstorage according to its rated
heating capacity. A 60-gpm rated
heater will have approximately 20 gal
of water in its shell. The semi-
instantaneous heater finds its
application for apartments, offices,
certain institutional structures, or any
building in which the peak demand is
spread over several hours and where
the peak draws are not severe.
E) Storage Water Heaters

• The primary reason for using the storage-type water heater

instead of the instantaneous or semi-instantaneous one is to
smooth out the peak demands on heating systems where there are
large volume changes in the hot water demand, such as there are
in gymnasiums (showers), laundries, kitchens, and industrial
washrooms. When the correct storage capacity is combined with
the correct recovery capacity and the proper size heating-medium
control valve is selected, a substantial reduction in the peak heat
fluid demand can be realized.
Sizing the Hot Water
Circulating System

The objective of the design of a hot water circulation system is to have

hot water of required temperature readily available at any fixture as
needed. Hot water supply piping, whether insulated or not, transmits heat
to the surrounding lower-temperature air by convection, radiation, and
System Types
Hot water supply and circulation piping
systems can be classified into three
general classifications
• up feed
• downfeed
• Combined up feed and down feed.

The heater locationcan be at the bottomor

top of the system.
System Types
System Types
System Types
• Proper sizing of the hot water circulating systemis essential for the efficient and economical
operation of the hot water system.
• Empirical methods of sizing circulating piping are usually adequateand satisfactory for the
majority of installations, but there are many installations where applying these methods
results in a system or parts of a system that are extremely undersized or oversized.
• To accomplish this accurately and economically, the rate of circulation in the piping and the
size of the circulating piping to obtain that rate must be accurately determined. Three basic
factors govern this determination:
1. The heat loss rate of the piping
2. The temperature differential at which the system is to operate
3.The allowable frictionhead loss in the piping.
• Assumed that the hot water supply system has been properly sized. Thus, step-by-step
procedure for sizing of hot water circulating piping are:
1. Calculate the heat loss rates of the hot water supply piping.
2. Calculate the heat loss rates of the hot water circulating piping.
3. Calculate the circulation rates for all parts of the circulating piping and the total
circulation rate required.
4. Determine the allowable uniform friction head loss and the total head required to
overcome friction losses in piping when the water is flowing at the required circulation
5. Calculate rates of flow for various pipe sizes, which will give the uniform pressure
drop, established in Step 4, and tabulate the results.
6. Size the system based upon the tabulation set up in Step 5.
7. With the sizes established in Step 6, repeat Steps 2 through 6 as a check on the
assumptions made.
Sizing the Hot Water
Circulating System

The objective of the design of a hot water circulation system is to

have hot water of required temperature readily available at any fixture as
needed. Hot water supply piping, whether insulated or not, transmits heat
to the surrounding lower-temperature air by convection, radiation, and
3. Drainage Systems

Wherever public sanitary sewers or combined

sewers are available for disposal of sewage from a
building, the sanitary drainage system of the building
must be connected to the public system.

Every building must have adequate provisions for draining water

from roofs, paved areas, courts, and yards. Storm water drainage systems
should connect to the public storm sewer or combined sewer. The storm
drain should never be connected to the public sanitary sewer. When
public storm or combined sewers are not available, storm water may be
run to an existing stream or into an adequate system of dry wells.
A combined plumbing drainage system or a combined sewer is one that
conveys both storm and sanitary sewage in the same conduit. More and more
communities are eliminating the combined sewers and providing separate public
sanitary and storm sewers. The storm water in a combined system imposes too great
a load upon the sewage treatment plants. This load can be great enoughto cause a
municipality to bypass the overload around the treatment facility during heavy
storms and thus dump great quantities of raw untreated sewage into the public
waterways. Sanitary and storm water drainage systems within a building should be
independent of each other unless they discharge into a combined public sewer.


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