Computer Vision and Its Applications
Computer Vision and Its Applications
Computer Vision and Its Applications
Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that enables computers to
interpret and understand visual information. This presentation explores its
applications, advancements, and future possibilities.
by Aahib Nazir
Introduction to Computer Vision
1 Visual Perception 2 Image Processing
Computer vision enables machines to It involves acquiring, analyzing, and
see and interpret the visual world like manipulating digital images to extract
humans. meaningful information.
Basic Principles and Concepts
1 Image Recognition 2 Object Tracking
Computer vision algorithms can identify Computer vision technology can track
objects, patterns, and faces within the movement of objects in real-time.
Applications of Computer Vision
2 Advancements
Ongoing research and technological advancements are expanding the possibilities of
computer vision.
3 Future
The future of computer vision holds tremendous potential in areas such as AR,
robotics, and beyond.