Subhro Mondal Dme 1
Subhro Mondal Dme 1
Subhro Mondal Dme 1
Forms of Demand
Forms of Inventories
Classification of Inventories Cost
Inventory Control
Objectives of Inventory Control
Demand for items used to produce final products
Tires stored at a Goodyear plant are an example of a dependent demand item
Demand for items used by external customers
Cars, appliances, computers, and houses are examples of independent demand
Forms of inventories
There are many types of inventory. The
form of inventories depends upon the type
of concern. All types of inventory do not
require same treatment and therefore
policy with regard to each may also differ.
Raw material inventories:
These are complete finished products ready for sales. In a
manufacturing unit, they are the
final output of the production process.
They can also be classified as:-
• Movement inventories
• Lot size inventories
• Anticipation inventories
• Fluctuation inventories
Cycle stock and safety stock
Classification of
inventories cost:
For items that are purchased from outside the firms, this is
usually the unit price that the firm pays to its vendor. As an item
moves through the logistics system of the firms, it purchase cost
in the inventory analysis should reflect its fully landed cost, by
which is meant the cost to acquire and moves the item to that
point in the system.
In addition to the per unit purchase cost, there is usually an additional
cost which is incurred whenever we order, reorder or replenish the
inventory. If we produce items internally then there will be an
organization set up cost. This happens because we have to shut down the
manufacturing line and change over, reconfigure the line to make a
specific item.
This is the cost involved with processing the order, involving paying the
bill, auditing, and so forth.
The cost that accrue due to the actual holding of the inventory over a time
period. Many different kinds of cost can be considered as holding cost. The
key characteristics of holding cost varies with the amount of inventory
being held and the time that the inventory is held. The holding cost can
further be classified as follows:
• Storage cost
• Service cost
• Risk cost
•Capital cost.
Back orders
Lost sales
Disruption cost
Inventory control:
Inventory control is the means by which materials of the correct quality and
in correct quantity are made available as and when required with due regard
to economic in storage and ordering cost. Hear the desired level of inventory
can neither be high or low because high level inventory will lead to increase
in carrying cost while low level of inventory will lead to increase in ordering
The activities of inventory control
normally include the following:
• Determination of the limits of the inventories to be held.
• Risk of obsolescence.