Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense
By Agus Prihadi
We us the present simple tense to talk about
things we do all of the time ( Sesustu yang
biasa kita lakukan)
• I go to school everyday ( saya pergi
sekolah setiap hari)
• He brushes his teeth before he goes to bed (
Dia menggosok gigi sblm tidur)
• We study English every Wednesday (kita
belajar bhs Inggris setiap hari rabu)
Things that are always true
We us the present simple tense to talk about
things that are always true/fact Sesuatu
berdasarkan fakta / alamiah)
• The earth goes around the sun ( Bumi
berputar mengelilingi matahari)
• I am a teacher (saya seorang guru)
• You are a student ( Kamu seorang siswa)
Time signal
We I He
They am It