Lecture 1-Introduction Edit

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Reinforced Concrete I



Properties of reinforced concrete:

 What is Concrete?

Concrete: -Concrete is stone like material

obtained artificially by hardening of the
mixture of cement, inert-aggregate
materials (fine & course) and water in
predetermined proportions.

Properties of reinforced concrete

The material called concrete in this Lecture is

made of three or four basic ingredients,
usually called concrete making materials. These
materials for concrete are:
 Hydraulic cement, usually portland cement
 Mineral aggregate(s)
 Water
 Admixture(s) (optional)

Properties of reinforced….

 When these ingredients are mixed, they form

a plastic mass which can be poured in suitable
moulds (forms) and set-on standing into hard
solid mass, as a result of exothermic chemical
reaction between cement and water.
 To produce a workable mix, more water is
used over and above that needed for this
chemical reaction.

Properties of reinforced….
 Concrete has been the construction material used in
the largest quantity for several decades.
 The reason for its popularity can be found in the
excellent technical properties of concrete as well as
in the economy of this material.
 It is also characteristic that the properties of
concrete ingredients have a major influence on the
fresh as well as hardened concrete. Therefore, the
selection of concrete-making materials for a given
purpose is quite important.

Properties of reinforced….

In order to make this selection intelligently,

the selecting person should be able to assess
concrete-making materials, and should know
what to select, how to select it, and why to
select it in a particular way. In other words,
he or she should be familiar with the
available types of each of the concrete-
making materials; the significance and

Compressive Strength of concrete:

 A wide range of strength properties can be

obtained for concrete by appropriate
adjustment of the proportions of the
constituent materials, using different
degree of the compaction and the
conditions of temperature and moisture
under which it is placed and cured.
 Water-cement ratio is the main factor
affecting the strength of concrete, as
shown in the next slide.
Compressive Strength of concrete:

Compressive Strength of concrete:

 Standard test specimens of 150mm cube

are taken at the age of 28days to
determine the compressive strength of
concrete according to Ethiopian standard
institution (ESI).
 At age of 7days, concrete may attain
approximately about 2/3 of the full
compressive strength of concrete.
 In some national standard (example ACI
code), cylinder specimens of 150mm
diameter by 300mm high are taken. 9
Compressive Strength of concrete:
 Although the load is applied uni-axially, the
friction between the loading plate and the
contact faces of the test specimen has more
effect on cube strength than the cylinder
 Because of this, the cube strength gives more
strength than the true compressive strength
of concrete, whereas, cylinder strength gives
reasonably the true compressive strength.
 On average, cube strength is taken as 1.25
times cylinder strength.
Tensile strength of concrete

 Even though concrete is weak in tension, its

tensile strength is important in a variety of
 Shear and torsion resistance of RC
members primarily depend on tensile
strength of concrete. Further, the
conditions under which cracks form and
propagate on tension zone of RC flexural
members depend strongly on the tensile
strength of concrete.
Tensile strength of concrete

 Two methods are used to determine

tensile strength of concrete. These
are :
1. Beam-test and
2. Split-cylinder test method.

Tensile strength of concrete
 According to ES-EN-2,

Tensile strength of concrete
 Beam test method, tensile strength of
concrete is obtained by loading plain
concrete test-beam laterally by two point
loads at the third points of test-beam until
the tension zone of the beam fracture.
 Tensile strength of concrete is then
computed using flexural stress formula
in terms of modulus of rupture concrete.
Tensile strength of concrete

 Split-cylinder test method, tensile strength

of concrete is obtained by loading standard
plain concrete cylinder along the side until
the cylinder splits in to two pieces. The
tensile strength of concrete is the computed
 . d .l
based on the theory of elasticity for
homogeneous material in a bi-axial state of
stress. 15
Tensile strength of concrete

 Whatever the method, it is known that, the

tensile strength of concrete is relatively
low, and it is about 8 to 15% of compressive
strength of concrete.

Shrinkage and Thermal Movement

 Concrete may under go deformations and

volume changes with out application of
loading. This phenomenon may be caused by
shrinkage and thermal-movement in fresh
and hardened concrete.
 Shrinkage of concrete is liable to cause
cracking, but it has the beneficial effect of
strengthening the bond between the
reinforcing steel and the surrounding
Shrinkage and Thermal Movement

 Shrinkage of concrete caused initially by

the absorption of water by cement and
aggregate, and further by evaporation of
water which rises to surface as a result of
capillary action.
 During setting process the hydration of
cement causes a great deal of heat to be
generated, and as the concrete cools,
further shrinkage takes place due to
thermal contraction.
Shrinkage and Thermal Movement

 Thermal shrinkage may be reduced by:

 Using a mix-design with low cement content.
EBCS-2 specifies cement content not to
exceed 550kg/m3 of concrete.
 Avoiding rapid hardening & finely ground
 Keeping aggregate & mixing water cool, or
may be need to keep them under shade.
 Maintaining the temperature & evaporating
water by proper curing. 19
Creep of Concrete
 Creep is the continuous deformation of a member
under sustained compressive stress over a
considerable length of time (under long-term
loading). It is a phenomenon associated with brittle
materials (concrete is a brittle material).
 Creep deformation depends on the stress in
concrete, duration of loading and water-cement
 The effect of creep has to be considered in design
of reinforced concrete member subjected to
compressive stress mainly caused by long term
loading (dead load).
Creep of Concrete

 The effect of creep is particularly important in

beams, where the increased deformations may
cause the opening of cracks and damage of
 To reduce creep deformation, it is necessary to
provide nominal reinforcement in the compression
zone of the beam. The nominal area of
compression steel required by doubly reinforced
beam is about 0.4% of the area in compression
(which may be taken as 0.2% of the whole area
including tension zone).
Creep of Concrete

Reinforcing Steel
 Steel reinforcements are available in the
form of round bars and welded wire fabric.
 The most commonly used bars have
projected ribs on the surface of bar. Such
bars are called deformed bars. The ribs of
deformed bar improve the bond between
steel and the surrounding concrete in RC
members by providing mechanical keys.

Reinforcing Steel

 A wide range of reinforcing bars is available

with nominal diameter ranging 6mm to
 Most bars except 6mm diameter are
deformed one. Some of the common bar
size with their application in concrete
works are given in table below.

Reinforcing Steel

• Some rebar properties for design purpose

available in Ethiopia are given below:

Strength of reinforcing steel

 Reinforcing steel is capable of resisting

both tension and compression.
 Compared with concrete, it is a high
strength material. For instance, the
strength of ordinary reinforcing steel is
about 10 and 100 times, the compressive
and tensile strength of common structural

Strength of reinforcing steel

Reinforced Concrete (as a composite

 It is known that plain concrete is quite

strong in compression, weak in tension.
 On the other hand, steel is a high cost
material which able to resist both tension &
 The two materials (plain concrete and
reinforcing steel) are best be utilized in
logical combination if steel bars are
embedded in the plain concrete in tension
zone close to the surface.
Reinforced Concrete (as a composite
 In this case, plain concrete is made to resist
the compressive stresses and reinforcing
steel resists the tensile stresses.
 Both plain concrete and reinforcing steel bar
together assumed to act as one composite
unit and it is termed as Reinforced concrete
 The tensile stresses developed in the section
are transferred to reinforcing steel by the
bond between the interfaces of the two
Reinforced Concrete (as a composite
 In all RC members, strength design is made
on the assumption that concrete does not
resist any tensile stresses.
 All the tensile stresses are assumed to be
resisted by the reinforcing steel imbedded
in tension zone.
 Some times if necessary, reinforcing steel
is provided in compression zone to assist
the concrete resisting compression in
addition to reducing creep deformation.
Reinforced Concrete (as a composite
 Reinforcing steel and concrete may work readily in combinations
due to the following reasons.
1. Bond between the bars and the surrounding concrete prevents
slip of the bars relative to the concrete. Adequate concrete
cover for steel bar and embedment length of bar are required to
transfer stress between steel and concrete without slipping.
2. Proper concrete mixes provide adequate impermeability of
concrete against bar corrosion.
3. Sufficiently similar rates of thermal expansion (0.00001/0C to
0.000013/0C for concrete and 0.000012/0C for steel) introduce
negligible stresses between steel and concrete under
temperature changes.

Advantages of Reinforced Concrete

 It is monolithic. This gives it more rigidity.

 It is durable. It does not deteriorate with
 While it is plastic, it can be moldable into
any desired shape.
 It is fire, weather and corrosion resistant.
 By proper proportioning of mix, concrete
can be made water-tight.
 Its maintenance cost is practically nil. 32
Disadvantages of Reinforced Concrete:

 It is difficult to demolish in case of repair

of modification.
 It is too difficult to inspect after the
concrete has been poured.

Behavior of RC Beam under Lateral Loading

 When beam is subjected to gradually increasing

lateral load, there is change in stresses &
 If these stresses and deformations exceed the
capacity of the materials of the beam, the beam
will fail.
 Tests have shown that RC beams may fail either
along a vertical (normal) plane or a diagonal plane.
The aim of design of a member is to ensure
resistance of section of beam along all planes.
Behavior of RC Beam under Vertical Loading

 Three stages of behavior can be observed

at a section of maximum moment, when
singly reinforced beam is subjected to
gradually increasing load till failure.

Behavior of RC Beam…
Stage I: Uncracked

Behavior of RC Beam…
Stage II: Cracked Section Under Working Load

Behavior of RC Beam…
Stage III: Cracked Section Under Ultimate Load


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