Item Analysis and Validation (Group 5)
Item Analysis and Validation (Group 5)
Item Analysis and Validation (Group 5)
Try-out phase
Item analysis phase
Item revision phase
Item Difficulty
Discrimination Index
Item Difficulty – the difficulty of an item is defined
as the number of students who are able to answer
the item correctly divided by the total number o
students. Thus:
0 – 0.25
difficult Revise or discard
0.76 – above Revise or discard
Difficult items – tend to discriminate between those who
know and those who does know the answer.
P- percentage who answered the item
correctly (index of difficulty)
R – number who answered the item correctly.
T – Total number who tried the item.
P = 8 x 100 = 40%
The smaller the percentage figure the more difficult the item.
Estimate the item discriminating power using the formula below
D = R u - RL = 6 – 2 =.40
½T 10
The discriminating power of an item is reported as a decimal fraction;
maximum discriminating power is indicated by an index of 1.00.
Maximum discrimination is usually found at the 50% level of
0.00 – 0.20 = very difficult
0.21 – 0. 80 = moderate difficult
0.81 – 1.00 = very easy
The teacher usually compare scores on the test in question with the
scores on some other independent criterion test which presumably has
already high validity.
Another type o validity is called the predictive validity wherein the test
scores in the instrument is correlated with scores on later performance
of the feelings.
Grade point average
high 20 10 5
average 10 25 5
Low 1 1o 14