Speaking Lesson #9.1

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Speaking Part 3 (2 section)


- Allquestion Types
- Sample Answers from Experts
- Techniques on Answering
Some people say that people helped other more in the past
than they do now. Do you agree with this point?
I don’t think so. When it comes to my parent’s
generation I think they are quite sceptical about helping
other people in the community , but my generation are
regularly doing things to improve it, such as volunteering
for various environmental and charitable organisations.
Young people are encouraged to help out in the
community and I don’t think this happened in the past, so
I am afraid I’d disagree.
Some people say that working from home will be quite
common in the future. What do you think about it?

It is becoming evident that more people will work from home in the
future. As the internet becomes faster and there are more programs, such
as Skype, that allow people to work from home easily, I’d say that more
people will stay at home. If you think about it, most of them don’t need to
be physically present to do their jobs and I suppose that face to face
meetings will be a thing of the past.
Cause and Effect Questions
Useful Language to use:
So what kind of jobs do you think deserve higher salaries,
but in reality, they don't receive?

Teaching is a job that is always underrated. It's underestimated in many

countries. But teachers deserve more money because teachers are the
ones who help other professions. Children, you don't know what
profession they choose in their future. So, teachers are the ones who help
who nurture doctors, engineers. Teachers are the ones who influence
greatly on students like people's future life. Therefore, if teaching was
funded a little more, if they were given more money, bonuses and stuff,
teachers would work on themselves and the efficiency of their teaching
If you could choose any country to live, which one would
you choose?

If I could live in a country, I would probably choose

Australia. The weather is great; the people are super friendly and
just imagine living beside all those beaches. If I could choose
another country, it would have to be Italy, for the architecture,
the culture and its fascinating history.
Here are some techniques
1. Paraphrase the Question. But How?  2. Explain Why

Examiner: What can people do to try  What can people do to reduce water
and resolve water pollution? pollution?
Student: So, what can individuals do to
I believe the best way to keep water clean
ensure water is kept clean? I think……
is to curb water use at home. (Why?) The
Examiner: How can events like the
vast majority of water in the home, for
Olympics improve international cooking, cleaning and washing, therefore
relations? by reducing the amount of water we use,
Student: Hmmmm, how can sport bring the government can conserve the water
people from different countries closer supply and keep it clean.
together? I believe

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