Water Supply and Sanitary Installations-1

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NOV 2O16
Introduction- some facts

 88% of diarrhea disease is attributed to unsafe water

supply, inadequate sanitation and hygiene.
 1.8 million people die every year from diarrhea
diseases (including cholera); 90% are children under 5,
mostly in developing countries.
 Every 8 seconds a child dies from drinking
contaminated water (that is 10,000 a day).
 500 million people are at risk from trachoma, 146
million are threatened by blindness and 6 million
people are visually impaired from this disease.
Safe Water and Public health

 No other single intervention in the history of medicine

has saved as many lives and reduced as much
suffering as the provisioning of uncontaminated water.
Ewald, 1994
 We shall not finally defeat AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria,
or any of the other infectious diseases that plague the
developing world until we have also won the battle for
safe drinking water, sanitation and basic health care.
Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General
Water supply installations

 Main source of water

Water supply installations
Importance of water quality considerations

 To evaluate and classify raw water quality

 To identify sources of pollution

 To assess the treatment required for

beneficial uses
Some raw water quality parameters

 Bacteria: may cause disease, taste and odors, pipe corrosion,

pipe blockage
 Viruses: are more resistant to disinfection than bacteria
 Fungi and molds: frequently form dense, slimy mats that clog
filters and other units; they can produce musty taste and odors
as well as color and turbidity
 Algae:
– may cause turbidity and color
– interferes with coagulation and sedimentation causing filter clogging
– Chemicals produced by algae are precursors of and are associated
with different taste and odor problems

 Protozoa: most of them cause disease

 Helminths (parasitic worms): cause many diseases
 Nuisance-causing organisms: many organisms, snails,
crustaceans, and slime growth cause serious problems in raw
water conveyance
Waterborne diseases
Microorganism Diseases
Viruses Hepatitis, poliomyelitis
Bacteria Cholera, Gastroenteritis, Leptospirosis, Paratyphoid
fever, Salmonellosis, Shigellosis, Typhoid fever
Protozoa Amebiasis, Giardiasis, Crptosporidiosis
Worms Ascariasis, Guinea worm, Lung fluke, Schistosomiasis

Reported waterborne diseases in Ethiopia, 1998-1999

Diseases No. of No. of diagnosed
diagnosed cases in 1999
cases in 1998
Bacillary dysentery (Shigellosis) 39810 70125
Helminthes 179398 296696
Amebiasis 20541 26123
Typhoid fever 3759 3109
Unspecified dysentery 39289 100114
Typical raw water analysis
Parameter Deep well Upland River Arid zone Seawater
water water water water
Color Clear Slightly Turbid Turbid
Conductivity,ms/cm 580 yellow 915 1000-7000 51000
pH 7.3-7.9 150 7-8 7.5-8.5 7.9
TDS, ppm 410 6.5-7.2 640 700-5000 36200
Cations, mg/L as 105
Ca2+ 250 200 250-1500 350
Mg2+ 75 30 75 150-2000 1330
Na+ 25 15 200 10300
K+ 35 350
Anions, mg/L as
Cl- 40 125 <2000 20500
SO2- 500 30 175 <1500 2850
F- 15
Si- 10 10-20 20
HCO3- 250 6 125 170
NO3- 10 30 50
Typical raw water analysis

Parameter Upland Lowland Soft Sanstone/

catchment river aquifer gravel/clay
pH 6.0 7.5 7.2 7.8
Total solids, mg/L 50 400 300 523
Alkalinity 20 175 110 -
Hardness 10 200 200 346
Color 70 40 <5 <3
Turbidity 5 50 <5 0.1
Coliforms, 20 20 x 103 5 Detectable
Basic quality requirements of
drinking water

 Free from diseases causing pathogenic organisms

 Contain no compounds that have adverse effect on
human health
 Fairly clear (i.e., of low turbidity, little color)
 Contain no compounds that cause offensive taste and
 Free of substances and organisms that cause corrosion
or encrustation of the water supply system, staining of
clothes washed in it or food items cooked with it.
Drinking water quality standards

Parameter WHO guideline Recommended for

pH 6.5-8.5 5.0-9.5
Total solids, mg/L 1000 2000
Total hardness, mg/L 500 600
Chloride, mg/L 250 800
Sulphate, mg/L 400 600
Fluoride, mg/L 1.5 4
Iron, mg/L 0.3 3
E. Coli, MPN/100 ml 10 30
Nitrate , mg/L 10 40
Basic principles of Design of water

 Plumbing fixtures should be supplied with

water in sufficient volume and at pressures
adequate to function satisfactorily and without
undue noise under all circumstances.
 The design of pipe network should be so made
that there is no contact between the lines
feeding to the cistern or any such other
appliances with those feeding water for human
Basic principles of Design of water

 Pipe network should be such that it should be

completely watertight and also remain undamaged
either by traffic loads, vibrations or by the
temperature change and strains of the building.
 The design of the pipe network in the premises
should be such that optimum discharge of water is
obtained consistent with economy. The system
should be free from water hammer and corrosion
Basic principles of Design of water

 The pipe network should be so laid and fixed

so that it does not pass by the side of any
sewerage line or refuse drain nor it passes
through any field of foul ground where dirt or
city refuse drain nor it passes through any
field of foul ground where dirt or city refuse
have been deposited and manure dumps.
Basic principles of Design of water

 The pipe network should be of adequate size

to give the desired rate of flow.
 The pipe network should be divided into
sections to facilitate repairs. These sections
should be separated by valves in order that a
section can be isolated for repairs keeping
the rest of the distribution network
Basic principles of Design of water

 Changes in diameter and in direction should be

gradual rather than abrupt to avoid undue loss
of discharge head. Whenever, the pipes are
bent it should be so made that these are not
likely to materially diminish or alter cross
 The piping should be so laid that air locks do
not occur and it should be possible to flush out
the network from time to time.
Basic principles of Design of water

 Lead piping should not be utilized anywhere

in the domestic water supply system
 Polythene and PVC pipes should not be
installed near hot water pipes or near any
source of heat
 Air valves should be provides at all summits
and wash out at low points.
Basic principles of Design of water

 The mains should be laid at least 90 cms below

surface under road and at least 75 cms below
surface under a foot path to protect it from
various traffic loads coming on it. Otherwise,
there are chances of pipes settling under load
and breaking.
 Safety demands that water pipes should be
separated from electric, telephone and other
such cables.
Basic principles of Design of water

 No piping should be so laid as to pass into or

through any sewer line or manhole pit, as pit
or any material such nature that it is likely to
cause undue deterioration of pipe
Collection of Data

 Design of a proper water supply system should

mean that water is available at all times to all
consumers in required quantity and pressure.
 Water requirement is the demand of water needed
by the consumers.
 Number of consumers
 Per capita water demand
Collection of Data

 The source of water supply should be clearly
known both in quality and quantity.
 The source of water supply could be a river,
pond, tube well, open well or municipal water
 The point of pollution must be identified
frequency of
S.N checks required/ undertaken status reporting
Checklist- water supply design

 Area served by the scheme

 Present population to be catered for
 Probable population after 20 years
 Per capita water supply required
 Contoured site plan of the area for which water
supply is required showing layout of the buildings,
roads, formation level etc.
 Future requirements of water source for the
additional areas.

 Existing filtered water supply in the area or in

the area. If so the following details be
– key plan
– Size of the main

 In case supply is taken from the storage

reservoir, the following details are to be
– Site for reservoir
– Capacity of the reservoir Whether it is capable of
meeting the extra demand in the worst summer
– Reduced level of the reservoir floor and depth of water
– Longitudinal sections of the proposed alignment of
water mains with nature of soil and sub-soil

 If there is no water supply in the area,

proposals for water supply:
– Open well or tube wells
– From any existing perennial sources of water supply
– Dry weather and monsoon flow and low water
requirement for purification of water

 In case of storage or service reservoirs are

required, possible location of reservoir to be
 Information about the quality of water
 Whether electric supply is dependable
Water requirement for various types of

 Water requirement of buildings can be

divided into four broad types as given below:
– Residential
– Industrial buildings
– Office buildings
– Buildings with floating populations
Water requirements in gallon
Daily Water Requirement for Storage
( Based on the number of occupants)

Example calculation of daily domestic water requirement

Suppose we have 24 floors & each floor consists of 4 flats,
 2 of them having 3 bedrooms
 2 of them having 2 bedrooms.
 +1 round the bend each flat with single person

take 2 persons/bed room.

Total number/floor = 2×3×2+2×2×2+4 = 24 Persons/floor.
Total number of occupants= 24×24 = 576 Persons.
From table above the daily water requirement is between 35-50
gal/ day (Residential Building),
The daily water requirement for the whole building is:
=> 50×576 = 28800 gallons
Design of water supply network inside
the building

 Water when brought into the building premise

from the mains or from the overhead tanks
may be, either routed through the
underground tank and overhead reservoir
through pumping or it may be fed directly to
the various outlets of water from mains
Design of water supply network inside
the building
Direct supply (up feed)

 Water is supplied to all parts of

the building directly from the
city mains through a connection
 The system is successful only
when the water supply is
available in adequate quantity
and pressure adequate
quantity and pressure round the
Direct supply (up feed)

The no of floors to which water can be

supplied by this method is be supplied by this
method is limited by the pressure of the water
– The system eliminates the need for storage tanks
which are sources of contamination
– Its economical because it does not require
individual storage tanks, pumping etc.
Direct supply (up feed)

– Pressure from water main is inadequate to supply
tall buildings
– Water supply is affected during peak load hour
Down feed system

 Used in cities where the pressure is

sufficient for water to reach up to 4
to 5 floors or higher but only for
limited hours
 To meet the water requirement
during non supply hours, water is
stored in overhead tanks placed on
the top which are filled by a direct
connection from the mains
Down feed system

Supply to kitchen is taken from the direct

main while supply to taps for bathing and for
flushing is taken from the overhead tank
– Water is not affected by peak load hour
– Not affected by power interruption
– Time needed to replace broken parts does not
affect water supply
Down feed system

– Water is subject to contamination
– High maintenance cost
– Occupies valuable space
– Requires stronger foundation and other structure
to carry additional load of the water and the tank
Pumped systems

 Water can be distributed by an

automatic pumping system
(hydro pneumatic system)
directly to the supply point,
similar to direct supply
 The pressure in the system is
boosted by pumping sets that
pump water from an
underground/ground level tank
Pumped systems

– Eliminates the need for overhead tanks and ideal
for existing buildings or in buildings where new
overhead tanks can not be constructed, or for low
buildings when tanks placed on roofs cannot
generate enough pressure
– Water supply is affected by loss of pressure during
power interruption
Aim of designing water supply network
within the buildings

 The rate of flow of water of all outlets should

be more or less equal
 The installation should prevent the wastage
of water
 Water supply to an out let should not be
strictly affected by operation of other outlets
 The rate of flow of water should be
convenient and satisfying to the user
Water pipe sizing in buildings

 Most common fittings

– Water closet
– Bowl urinal
– Sink
– Shower
– Bath Tub
Common fittings

Water closet Sink

Bowl Urinal Bath Tub

Above Ground Sanitation Pipe work

 The terms “soil pipe” and “waste pipe” are

both derived from the original two-pipe
system of sanitation where a soil pipe was
connected to a WC and waste pipe was
connected to kitchen sinks, baths etc.

 The terms “stack” relates to a vertical pipe.

The portion of which carries waste water is
referred to as the “discharge stack”, and the
part which does not carry waste is called the
“ventilation stack”.
 A pipe carrying waste water from a fitting or
group of fittings to the main discharge pipe
is called a “branch discharge pipe”
Waste Pipe Connections

 For general purposes all water discharged

from a waste or soil appliance is deemed to
be disposed of in a safe and efficient
 For this purpose all sanitary fixtures must be
connected to a waste pipe. The sizes for the
appliances are given in the tables below.
Common pipe sizes

 A trap is a fitting or part of an appliance

designed to retain a body of water thus
preventing the passage of foul air.
 Traps should be fitted close to a waste or soil
appliance, unless the appliance has an
integral trap.

 There are many different types of traps:

• “S” traps - Vertical outlet
• “P” traps - Horizontal outlet
• “Bottle” traps - Horizontal outlet
• “Running” traps - Horizontal out let
Trap Seals

 The depth of the trap would depend upon the

circumstances and the usage of the pipe, but in
general pipes of less than 50mm internal bore (e.g.
baths, wash hand basins, sinks etc) would have a
trap with a seal of not less than 75mm.
 For pipes with a larger internal bore than 50mm (e.g.
WC pans, etc) a trap with a seal of 50mm is required,
the reason being that it is much less likely that trap
seal loss will occur in a pipe so large.
Loss of Trap Seals

The most likely ways for traps to loose their seal are:
 Leakage: This will allow water in the trap to empty
onto the floor and is consequently soon noticed
and repaired
 Siphonage: This may be either self siphonage or
induced siphonage
– Self siphonage occurs when a waste pipe is flowing full bore and,
because of the absence of an anti-siphon facility, a vacuum is
formed and the trap becomes unsealed
Loss of Trap Seals

– Induced siphonage occurs when two or more waste

pipes are connected together. The water from the
farther sanitary fitting, flowing past the branch
connection of the nearer fittings, withdraws air from
the branch pipe of the nearer one. A partial vacuum
is thus created on the outlet side of the trap on the
nearer fitting and siphonic action as created,
emptying the trap
Loss of Trap Seals

 Capillary Attraction: If a piece of absorbent

material is caught in the outlet of the trap
with one end dipping in the water and the
other end hanging over the outlet, the water
may be drawn out by capillary action through
the metal.
Loss of Trap Seals

 Evaporation: If the appliance is not in use

for a long period of time the water in the trap
will evaporate.
 Momentum: This is caused by the sudden
discharge of water into the trap. The force of
the water may be sufficient to unseal the
trap. The discharge of a bucket full of water
into a WC is the most usual cause.

 A pipe installed to provide a flow of air to and

from a drainage system or to provide
circulation of air within such system to protect
the trap seal from siphonage and

 The main vent is a vertical pipe connecting

fixture vents to the main soil-and-waste vent
or directly to the atmosphere.
 In a building of three or more stories, the
main vent should be connected to the bottom
of the soil stack to prevent pressure on the
lower branches.
Single-Fixture Vent

 The individual vent

(also referred to as a
back vent or
continuous vent) is
most common. This
vent can be adapted
to all fixtures. It
prevents both direct
and indirect
Battery of Fixture Vents

 Batteries of two
or more fixtures
can be
individually. Each
vent ties into a
vent pipeline
connected to the
main vent.
Common Vent

 Fixtures mounted
side by side or back
to back on a wall are
common vented. In
the common vent,
both fixtures
discharge into a
double sanitary T
with deflectors.
Flow through sanitary stack

 One Pipe System

 Soil and waste fitting discharges are carried by one
main soil and waste pipe connected directly to the
 Every trap in the system must be ventilated with a pipe
not less than 32mm in diameter
 The top of the vent stack may be either carried up
independently from the main soil stack or connected to
the main soil and waste stack above the highest fitting
Flow through sanitary stack

 To prevent air being compressed at the bottom of

the mains soil and waste stack and possible
disturbance of the water seals of the traps on the
lowest sanitary fittings, and additional vent or air
relief pipe is sometimes required
 It is particularly suitable for apartments, offices,
hotels, etc where sanitary fittings are grouped
above each other on successive floors
Flow through sanitary stack

 Single Stack System

 The undesirable air pressure fluctuations in
drainage pipe work can, in a certain range of
circumstances, be eliminated by the observation
of simple rules without the necessity for trap
ventilating pipes
 The single stack system depends for its
performance in retaining trap seals.
Flow through sanitary stack

 To prevent compression of the air at the base of

the stack, the bend at the foot of the stack must
be a slow radius bend
 This lowest connection to the discharge stack
must be a minimum distance of 450mm above the
invert of the drain
 All fittings must be grouped closely to the main
stack so that branch pipes are as short as
Flush how it works

 Flushing Cisterns
– The cistern is operated by depressing a lever which
lifts the piston. The action forces or lifts a body of
water over the crown of the siphon and into the flush
pipe. Siphonic action is then created which empties
the cistern.
 There are two types of flush cisterns
– Asiatic
– European
European WC

Asiatic WC
Flush how it works

 The toilet is essentially a "trap“ just like the one under the
kitchen sink but only larger (for obvious reasons). And like a
trap, the fact that water is always present in the bottom (the
bowl) it "traps" or prevents sewer gases from backing up into
the house.
 Below are a couple of the principles involved in how a toilet
 Water seeks its own level.
 A simple siphon
 Flush or Flood
 Momentum
Flush how it works

 Simply speaking, we "flood“

a toilet to make it work.
Flush how it works

 When we press the handle on the tank (not shown

here), the flapper valve is opened and the water
stored in the tank is released into the bowl at a very
fast rate causing the water level in the bowl to rise
and overflow rapidly. The rising water seeks its own
level and overflows down the trap creating a siphon
that literally sucks the water out of the bowl.
Flush how it works

The siphoning continues until the water level in the

bowl falls below the lip at the bottom of the bowl.
Flush how it works

 With the ball or float valve

closed, the tank starts to fill
again and a separate tube
directs water down into the
standpipe directly into the
bowl through a bypass
under the ball valve. This
filling of the bowl will stop
automatically when the
tank is filled
Flush how it works

 The entire operation of flushing and refilling

trap occupies a time interval of 10 – 15
seconds depending on the valve and the
device utilized.
 Flush water should be adequate enough to
remove the contents of the blow completely
 Most common types of cisterns flushes 10 -
12 liters of water per flush.
Design of sanitary lines-basic philosophy

 The aim of designing a drainage system is to

provide a system of conduits which are
designed to be self cleansing while conveying
soil, waste water speedily to the sewer or out
fall without risk of nuisance and hazard to
Design of sanitary lines-basic philosophy

► The drainage system has to carry waste and

soil water rapidly away from the fixtures
without any leakage.
► The foul gases from the sewer line should not
get an access to the interior of the building,
whether the system is functioning or not.
► The drainage pipe lines should be water tight,
gas tight, air tight.
Design of sanitary lines-basic philosophy

► The drainage pipe lines should be suitably

installed so that slightly movement of the building
or pipes due to thermal changes, ground
movement etc. will not cause leakage
► There should be no air locks, siphonage, deposit
and damage
► Pipes should be approachable all the times and
as far as possible should these not be embedded
in the masonary
General rules in designing sanitary

 The pipe should take the shortest possible

route to the house sewer or the terminating
point of the sanitary system
 Control components such as traps and vents
should be located strategically to so as to
ensure efficient circulation
Design of piping for a large number of
sanitary fitments

 In case of small residential house the number of

fixture is necessarily limited hence in one
horizontal branch of soil and waste pipe not
many appliances.
 The self cleansing velocity of 0.75 m/s should be
Major design criteria for sanitary

 Gradient
– The discharge of water through a domestic drain
is intermittent and limited in quantity and,
therefore, small accumulation of solid matter are
liable to form in the drains between the building
and the public sewer.
– Gradients shall be sufficient to prevent these
temporary building up and blocking the drains.

 Pipe size
– Where gradient is feasible the practice of using
pipes of larger diameter than required in order to
justify laying at flatter gradient
– But increase of pipe diameter does not increase
velocity of flow but it reduces the depth of flow and
with increased frictional losses due to large area of
pipe being in contact with flow reduces velocity
substantially which leads to accumulation of solids
at much faster rate
Design of sanitary pipe for a building

 The stack diameter shall not be in any

circumstances less than the diameter of the
branch drain pipes
 The minimum diameter of W.C connection to the
stack is 100mm
 The size of the branch drain shall be computed
by the number of fixture units discharging in it.
The minimum diameter of fixture discharge pipe
is to be 32 mm.
Noises in sanitary System

 In designing the plumbing system for a new

house, a plumbing contractor will endeavor to
make it as noiseless as possible.
 Manufacturers of plumbing fixings are making
every effort to reduce the noise connected with
the operation of their equipment, and
contractors have been very successful in
eliminating much of the noise formerly
associated with plumbing systems.
Some fixtures and noises generated

 When a water closet is flushed

 Vibrating loose washer in sink, lavatory or bath
tub, tap can create a chatter in pipe system
 When the faucet is opened to a certain degree a
squeal noise will develop
 Where gate valve is open or partially open, a
loose fittings wedge of the gate vibrates and thus
transmit a noise.

 Water hammer is the most common cause of

piping noise. The basic cause is a quick
closing valve and the faucets.
 Excessive water pressure is the cause of
noise in piping system
Important point in the installation of
sanitary system

 The errors in installation of sanitary fittings in

various piping and fittings which are being apart
from being unsightly are dangerous to the
structures and can become health hazards to
the people.
 When should the water supply and sanitary
lines be laid when the fitments are to be fixed

 The sanitary installations are done after the

plaster work of the building is over
 Flush cistern
– Flush cistern should be firmly installed and
leveled in order that the water level inside is
correct and therefore ball valve functioning would
be without a problem.

 Installation of mirror
– a viewing mirror is always provided in the
– The silvering on the rear side of the mirror is
required to be protected from dampness
 Installation of wash basin
– the wash basin should be supported on a
cantilever in order to stand firmly
– Bottle trap should be installed for wash basins

 Installation of European type W.C

– Seat cover should be rested on the low level
cistern when not in use
– Seat cover should rest properly when open and
should not fall down by itself
– W.C should be fixed to the floor firmly and

 Placements of fittings
– in case of sanitary fittings wash basin shouldn’t be
placed too below and a shower head shouldn’t be
made too far high.
– The average standard height of wash basin and
shower head are 75 cm and 1.77 meters.
Water supply & sanitary installations
some do’s and some don’ts

 Water supply & sanitary installation gives

maximum benefit to the user if well designed and
constructed but if not may cause nuisance to
 Water supply:
– Choosing pipe materials- quality and type of the
– Pipe work should be a closed loop- rats, insects etc
shouldn’t enter into the piping system

– Jointing of the pipes should be done properly

– Valves utilized should be tested first if it works or not
– The pipes should withstand the pressure inside the pipe
 Sanitary installations
– Type of pipe material; cast pipe for underground & PVC for
above ground
– The fittings quality and grade should attain good
Sanitary piping- Troubles & Causes

 Clogging of pipe
– Self cleansing velocity depend on roughness of
the pipe, weight of the solid carried out and
hydraulic gradient of the pipe
 Leakage
– Poor jointing of pipes

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