L2 More Intro
L2 More Intro
L2 More Intro
Lecture 2: Introduction II
Evolution of Computers
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Evolution of Computers
01/31/24 2
Evolution of Computers
One factor responsible for great increase in
processor speed is the shrinking size of
microprocessor components; this reduces the
distance between components and increase
Vacuum Tubes
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ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
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The von Neumann Machine
• The first publication of the idea was in a 1945 proposal by
von Neumann for a new computer, the EDVAC (Electronic
Discrete Variable Computer).
• In 1946, von Neumann and his colleagues began the design
of a new stored program computer, referred to as the IAS
computer, at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies.
• The IAS computer, although not completed until 1952, is
the prototype of all subsequent general-purpose
• With rare exceptions, all of today’s computers have this
same general structure, and are thus referred to as von
Neumann machines.
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Von Neumann and the IAS computer
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The Von Neumann Machine
The general structure
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The von Neumann Machine
• A main memory, which stores both data and
• An arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) capable of
operating on binary data.
• A control unit, which interprets the instructions
in memory and causes them to be executed.
• Input and output (I/O) equipment operated by
the control unit.
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The von Neumann Machine
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• Registers are defined as:
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The Transistors
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The 3rd Generation: Integrated Circuits
• Throughout 1950s and early 1960, electronic equipment
was composed largely of discrete components –
transistors, resistors, capacitors and so on.
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• The memory cell is a device that can store one bit
of data; that is, the device can be in one of two
stable states at any time.
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By interconnecting large numbers of these fundamental
devices, we can construct a computer. We can relate
this to our four basic functions as follows:
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4th Generation: Microprocessors
• In 1971, Intel developed its 4004 which was the first
chip to contain all of the components of a CPU on a
single chip: the microprocessor was born.
• 4004 can add two 4-bit numbers.
Intel Itanium 7
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Intel Processors
In terms of market share, Intel has ranked as the number one
maker of microprocessors for decades. It is worthwhile to list
some of the evolution of the Intel product line:
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Intel Processors
• 80486 Sophisticated powerful cache and instruction
pipelining (a processor organization in which processor
consists of a number of stages, allowing multiple instructions
to be executed concurrently).
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The End
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