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Software Engineering Note

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• Sincethe invention of the first electronic computer in the early 1940s,

there has been significant improvement especially in the physical size,
cost and the processing speed of these computers.
• One factor responsible for great increase in processor speed is the
shrinking size of microprocessor components;
 This reduces the distance between components and increase speed.

•A critical issue in computer system design is balancing the

performance of various elements, so that gains in performance in one
area are not handicapped by a lag in other areas.
1st Gen Computers (The Use of Vacuum Tubes)

• Themain material used in the first generation of computers was

vacuum tubes (electronic valves) for digital logic elements and
• ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was
the world’s first general-purpose electronic digital computer.
1st Gen Computers (The Use of Vacuum Tubes)…
• Features of ENIAC
 Started to be built in 1943 and completed in 1946.
 Designed to create ballistics tables for World War II but too late to be
used in the war effort.
 Its first task was to perform a series of complex
 Its memory consisted of 20 accumulators, each capable of holding a 10-
digit decimal number.
 It had to be programmed manually by setting switches and plugging and
unplugging cables
 Measured 18 feet by 80 feet and weighed 30 tons.
 Slow in terms of processing speed and generate a lot of heat
1st Gen Computers (The Use of Vacuum Tubes)…
 The first publication of the Von Neumann Machine was in a 1945 proposal
by a mathematician called John von Neumann for a new computer, the
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Computer).
 In 1946, von Neumann and his colleagues began the design of a new
stored program computer, referred to as the IAS computer, at the
Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies.
 A fundamental design approach first implemented in the IAS computer is
known as the stored-Program concept
 Both data and instructions are stored in the memory
1st Gen Computers (The Use of Vacuum Tubes)…
• The IAS Structure
 The general structure of the IAS computer consisted of:
1. A main memory, which stores both data and instructions
2. An arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) capable of operating on binary
3. A control unit, which interprets the instructions in memory and
causes them to be executed
4. Input–output (I/O) equipment operated by the control unit
With rare exceptions, all of today’s computers have this same general
structure, and are thus referred to as von Neumann machines.
1st Gen Computers (The Use of Vacuum Tubes)…

• The IAS Structure

1st Gen Computers (The Use of Vacuum Tubes)…
• Features of the von Neumann Architecture (IAS)
 The memory of the IAS consists of 4,096 storage locations, called words, of
40 binary digits (bits) each
 Both data and instructions are stored in the memory
 Numbers are represented in binary form, and each instruction was a binary
 Each number is represented by a sign bit and a 39-bit value.
 A word may alternatively contain two 20-bit instructions, with each
instruction consisting of an 8-bit operation code (opcode) specifying the
operation to be performed and a 12-bit address designating one of the words
in memory
 Execution occurs in a sequential fashion (unless explicitly modified) from one
instruction to the next.
1st Gen Computers (The Use of Vacuum Tubes)…

• IAS Memory Format

1st Gen Computers (The Use of Vacuum Tubes)…
• Features of the von Neumann Architecture (IAS)
 The control unit operates the IAS by fetching instructions from memory for
execution one at a time.
 It could be seen from the IAS structure that both the control unit (or
Central Control) and the ALU contain storage (Central Arithmetical)
locations, called registers.
1st Gen Computers (The Use of Vacuum Tubes)…
 Memory Buffer Register (MBR): Contains a word to be stored in
memory or sent to the I/O unit, or is used to receive a word from memory
or from the I/O unit.
 Memory Address Register (MAR): Specifies the address in memory of
the word to be written from or read into the MBR.
 Instruction Register (IR): Contains the 8-bit opcode instruction being
 Instruction Buffer Register (IBR): Employed to hold temporarily the
right-hand instruction from a word in memory.
 Program counter (PC): Contains the address of the next instruction pair
to be fetched from memory.
 Accumulator (AC) and multiplier quotient (MQ): Employed to hold
temporarily operands and results of ALU operations.
1st Gen Computers (The Use of Vacuum Tubes)…
 The IAS operates by repetitively performing an instruction cycle
 Each instruction cycle consists of two sub cycles known as fetch and
execute cycles.
 During the fetch cycle, the opcode of the next instruction is loaded into the
IR and the address portion is loaded into the MAR.
 This instruction may be taken from the IBR, or it can be obtained from memory
by loading a word into the MBR, and then down to the IBR, IR, and MAR.
 Once the opcode is in the IR, the execute cycle is performed.
 Control circuitry interprets the opcode and executes the instruction by sending
out the appropriate control signals to cause data to be moved or an operation to
be performed by the ALU.
1st Gen Computers (The Use of Vacuum Tubes)…
 First commercial computers
 In 1950, UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer) which was
commissioned by Bureau of Census was the first successful commercial
 The UNIVAC II, which had greater memory capacity and higher
performance than the UNIVAC I, was delivered in the late 1950s.
 It was first example of backward compatibility.
2nd Gen Computers (The Use of Transistors)
 The vacuum tube used in the first generation was replaced with
 A single, self-contained transistor is called a discrete component
 The transistor was invented at Bell Labs in 1947 and by the 1950s had
launched an electronic revolution.
 These transistors were much smaller in size and more reliable as
compared to the vacuum tubes.
 The second generation of computers were much smaller in physical size as
compared to the first-generation computers.
 They were much faster in terms of processing speed.
 Less expensive and also generated less heat.
2nd Gen Computers (The Use of Transistors)
 Unlike the vacuum tube, which requires wires, metal plates, a glass
capsule, and a vacuum, the transistor is a solid-state device, made
from silicon.
 The second generation saw the introduction of more complex
arithmetic and logic units and control units, the use of high-level
programming languages (such as COBOL - Common Business-
Oriented Language and FORTRAN - Formula Translator), and the
provision of system software with the computer.
 The IBM 7094 [BELL71] was a typical 2nd generation computer
3rd Generation Computers
(The Use of Integrated Circuits - ICs)
 In 1958 came the achievement that revolutionized electronics and
started the era of microelectronics: the invention of the integrated
 Microelectronics means, literally, “small electronics.”
 Transistors were replaced with Integrated Circuits
 (ICs, semiconductor devices with several transistors built into
one physical component)
 The first ICs were based on small-scale integration (SSI) circuits,
which had around 10 devices per circuit
 Featured Computers includes IBM System/360 and the DEC PDP-8
3rd Generation Computers
(The Use of Integrated Circuits - ICs)
 The basic elements of a digital computer require only two
fundamental types of components, namely, gates and memory cells
 A gate is a device that implements a simple Boolean or logical
 E.g., an OR gate with inputs A and B and output C implements the
 The memory cell is a device that can store 1 bit of data; that is, the
device can be in one of two stable states at any time.
 By interconnecting large numbers of gates and memory cells, we
can construct a computer
3rd Generation Computers
(The Use of Integrated Circuits - ICs)
 Gordon Moore’s Law
 Moore observed that the number of transistors that could be put
on a single chip was doubling every year, and correctly predicted
that this pace would continue into the near future.
 And truly, the pace continued year after year and decade after decade
 However, the pace slowed to a doubling every 18 months (about
2years) in the 1970s but has sustained that rate ever since.
3rd Generation Computers
(The Use of Integrated Circuits - ICs)
 Gordon Moore’s Law
4th Generation Computers
(Semiconductor memory and microprocessors)
 Technically speaking these are the modern-day computers.
 Made of Very Large Integrated Circuits (VLICs).
 The VLICs (100,000 devices per chip) ensured that millions of
components could be fit into a small chip while current ultra-large-scale
integration (ULSI) chips can contain more than one billion components.
 Two of the most important of developments in later generations were:
Semiconductor Memory and Microprocessors
4th Generation Computers
(Semiconductor memory and microprocessors)
 Semiconductor Memory
 Semiconductors were found to be used to construct memories.
 In 1970, Fairchild produced the first relatively capacious
semiconductor memory.
 This chip could hold 256 bits of memory.
 It took only 70 billionths of a second to read a bit.
4th Generation Computers
(Semiconductor memory and microprocessors)
 Microprocessors
 Thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip.
 What in the first generation filled an entire room could now fit in the
palm of the hand.
 Example:
 the Intel 4004 chip developed in 1971
 IBM 5150 or IBM PC for the home user, by IBM in 1981
 Macintosh, by Apple in 1984
 Networks and Internet came into the scene
 UI, mouse and handheld devices also came into being
5th Generation Computers
(Artificial Intelligence - AI)
 Still in development, with some applications like voice recognition
 The use of parallel processing and superconductors is helping to make
artificial intelligence a reality
 The goal of the fifth generation is to develop computers that can respond
to natural language of man and with the ability to learn and self-organized.
 Watch out for the power of Quantum computation and molecular
and nanotechnology
The (Major) Evolution of the Intel Processors
 In terms of market share, Intel is ranked as the number one maker of
microprocessors for decades.
 Intel 4004 processor was the first chip to contain all of the components
of a CPU on a single chip
 The birth of microprocessor was born (1971).
 4-bit microprocessor
 Intel 8008 (in 1972)
 First 8-bit microprocessor
 Almost twice as complex as the 4004 for specific applications.
The (Major) Evolution of the Intel Processors
 Intel 8080
 First general-purpose microprocessor.
 An 8-bit machine with an 8-bit data path to memory.
 Used in the first personal computer, the Altair.
 Intel 8086
 A far more powerful 16-bit machine.
 Was used in IBM’s first personal computer
 The first appearance of the x86 architecture
 Intel 80286
 Extension of the 8086, enabled addressing a 16-MB memory instead of just
1 MB.
The (Major) Evolution of the Intel Processors
 Intel 80386
 Intel’s first 32-bit machine.
 First intel processor to support multitasking
 Could run multiple programs at the same time
 Intel 80486
 Offers a built-in math co-processor, offloading complex math operations
from main CPU.
 Pentium
 Introduction of the use of superscalar techniques which allows multiple
instructions to execute in parallel
The (Major) Evolution of the Intel Processors
 Pentium Pro
 Aggressive use of register renaming, branch prediction, data flow analysis,
and speculative execution
 Pentium II
 Incorporated intel MMX technology which is designed specifically to
process graphics, video and audio data efficiently.
 Pentium III
 Incorporates additional floating-point instructions for 3D graphics
 Typical applications are digital signal processing and graphics processing
 Pentium 4
 Additional floating-point and other enhancements for multimedia
The (Major) Evolution of the Intel Processors
 Core
 Intel’s first x86 dual core microprocessor, referring to the implementation
of two cores on a single chip.
 Core 2 (and the Itanium)
 The Core 2 extends the Core architecture to 64 bits, with Core 2 Quad
providing four cores on a single chip.
Embedded Systems
 Refers to the use of electronics and software within a product, as opposed
to a general-purpose computer, such as a laptop or desktop system.
 Examples include
 cell phones,
 digital cameras,
 traffic light,
 calculators,
 microwave ovens,
 home security systems,
 washing machines,
 lighting systems,
 thermostats,
 printers
Embedded Systems
 Embedded systems often interact (sense, manipulate, and communicate)
with external world through sensors and actuators and hence are typically
reactive systems.
 A reactive system is in continual interaction with the environment and executes
at a pace determined by that environment
The Internet of Things (IoT)
 The Internet of things (IoT) is a term that refers to the expanding
interconnection of smart devices, ranging from appliances to tiny sensors.
 IoT enables new forms of communication between people and things
(everyday gadgets), and between things themselves
 Embedded appliances, such as high-resolution video security cameras,
video VoIP phones, are IoT devices, and they require high-bandwidth
streaming capabilities.
 Special OS like TinyOS is, widely used in such embedded systems (wireless
sensor networks.).
 Normal OS like Linux, Mac and Windows also have embedded versions for
such devices.
Reading Assignment
 Application Processors versus Dedicated Processors
 ARM Architecture
 ARM-Instruction Set Architecture
 ARM Products

 Refers to a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network

access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g.,
networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly
provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service
provider interaction.

 Apple’s iCloud was launched in 2012 and had 20 million users within a
week of launch.
 Evernote, the cloud-based notetaking and archiving service, launched in
2008, approached 100 million users in less than 6 years.
 It is time to go cloud
Why Choosing Cloud (Benefits)?

1. Professional security management

2. Professional network management
3. No need to hassle setting up a database system
4. No need acquiring the hardware you need
5. System maintenance, and backing up are outsourced
6. Economies of scale
Cloud networking

 Refers to the networks and network management functionality that must

be in place to enable cloud
 It is the collection of network capabilities required to access a cloud
 including making use of specialized services over the Internet, linking enterprise
data centers to a cloud, and using firewalls and other network security devices
at critical points to enforce access security policies computing
Cloud storage

 A subset of cloud computing

 Consists of database storage and database applications hosted remotely on
cloud servers.
Cloud Services

 A cloud service provider (CSP) maintains computing and data storage

resources that are available over the Internet or private networks.
Customers can rent a portion of these resources as needed.
 Three main models of cloud service,
 SaaS
 PaaS
 IaaS
Cloud Services

 Software As A Service (SAAS)

 SaaS cloud provides service to customers in the form of software,
specifically application software, running on and accessible in the cloud.
 Example is Gmail
 Platform As A Service (PAAS)
 PaaS cloud provides service to customers in the form of a platform on
which the customer’s applications can run.
 PaaS is an operating system in the cloud.
 Example is Google App Engine
Cloud Services

 Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS)

 With IaaS, the customer has access to the underlying cloud infrastructure.
 IaaS provides virtual machines and other abstracted hardware and
operating systems, which may be controlled through a service application
programming interface (API).
 IaaS offers the customer processing, storage, networks, and other
fundamental computing resources so that the customer is able to deploy
and run arbitrary software, which can include operating systems and
Cloud Computing Architecture
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