Cropping System Revised

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Cropping system

Cropping system
• the order in which crops
are cultivated on a piece of
land over a fixed period of
• represents cropping
pattern used on a farm
and their interaction with
other farm enterprises and
available technology which
determine their makeup.
Types or
Classification of
cropping system
refers to growing of only one crop on a
piece of land year after year.

1.Mono- It might be due to climatological and

socio economic conditions or due to
cropping specialization of farmers in growing a
particular crop.
E.g. growing of Tobacco due to
specialization of farmers in cultivation
tobacco, rice crop is grown as it is not
possible to grow other crop due to
waterlogged condition.
The reason for mono-culture:
1) The cultivators have no
choice to cultivate many crops
as holding isvery small.
2) The soil and climatic
conditions do not permit
successful cultivation of other
3) The crop grown is main
article in diet and
specialization of farmer.
Disadvantages of
1) Sometimes fertility and
productivity of the soils is
lowered, if suitable soil
management practices are not
2) Soil structure may be
3) Increases infestation of
pests, diseases and weeds.
2.Multiple Cropping
3. Ratoon cropping

It refers to raising a crop

with regrowth coming out of
roots, stem or stubbles after
harvest of the crops. It is
generally followed in
sugarcane, sorghum, pigeon
pea etc.
Advantages of Relay cropping :

• i. minimum tillage is needed for relay cropping and

primary cost of
• cultivation is less.
• ii. Weed infestation is less, as land engaged with crops
year round.
• iii. Crop residues are added in the soil and thus increases
organic matter.
• Iv. Residual fertilizer of previous crops benefits for
succeeding crop.
• In scarcity (Dry farming) where the rainfall
is very low only two crops
• are taken in three years as against one
4. Fallowing crop every year. A fallow years or
• season is one in which field is not
or fallow in cultivated with any crop left without crop.
• The field may be left undisturbed in a
rotation ploughed condition or kept clean by
• frequent harrowing. This practice is useful
for conservation of soil moisture
• and maintaining fertility of the soil.
5.Crop rotation:

• Crop rotation is a process of growing different crops

in succession on a piece of land in specific period,
with the object to get maximum profit from least
investment without impairing the soil fertility. One
• may take one or more farming years to complete.
Farming year is 12 months for irrigated areas and is
limited to period of adequate soil water availability
• for crops growth in rain fed areas.
Principles of Crop rotation:
 The crops with tap roots should be followed by those which have
fibrous root system. This helps in proper and uniform use of
nutrients from the soil.
 The leguminous crops should be grown after non-leguminous crops
because legumes fix atmospheric N into the soil and more organic
matter to the soil.
 More exhaustive crops should be followed by less exhaustive crops
because crops like potato, sugarcane, maize etc. need more inputs
such as better tillage, more fertilizers, greater number of irrigations
Principles of Crop rotation:
 Selection of crops should be demand based.
 The crop of the same family should not be grown in succession
because they act like alternate hosts for insects, pests and
 An ideal crop rotation provides maximum employment
to the family and far in labor, the machines and types of equipment are
efficiently used and all the agricultural operations are done timely,
simultaneously maintaining soil productivity. The selection of the crops
should be problem-based
Principles of Crop rotation
• One sloppy land which are prone to erosion an alternate
cropping of erosion promoting and erosion resisting crops
like legumes should be adopted.
• Under dry farming the selection of crops should be such
they can tolerate drought.
• In low-lying and flood prone areas the crops should be
such which can tolerate water stagnation.
• The selection of crops should suit farmer’s conditions.
• The crop selected should also suit the soil and climatic

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