5.0. Factors To Consider When Choosing Veg
5.0. Factors To Consider When Choosing Veg
5.0. Factors To Consider When Choosing Veg
LUANAR, Bunda Campus
Factors to consider when choosing a vegetable enterprise
Planning stages:
Modern green house
• AKA Nutriculture, Soilless culture,
or tank farming
• The cultivation of plants in
nutrient-enriched water, with or
without the mechanical support of
an inert medium such as sand or
• Hydroponic farmers place their
plants in circulating or still water
filled with nutrients;
• The roots absorb the nutrients,
while the shoots remain above the
• The growing of plants by suspending their roots in the air and spraying them
with nutrient solutions or delivered through a mist system.
Key factors to consider in hydroponics
1. Water temperature
2. Air circulation
3. Nutrient balance
4. Nutrient solution pH
Discussion Point…
How would you
manage water
temperature, air
circulation and pH in a
hydroponic system?
Planning stage cont’d
Decide which crops to grow
• To plan properly, you will have to decide which crops you are going to grow. There
are many variables that will contribute to your final choice.
•Before land selection for vegetable production, have a clear idea of which
crops you intend to grow,
•Then investigate all the following points regarding a piece of land before
•All of these factors must be favourable to growing your chosen crops.
•Factors to consider: soil type, climate, history of the land..etc
Discussion Point…
What other factors
should inform your site
• Obtain a good understanding of the market system.
• Contact potential people you plan to sell your produce to and find out about sales
expenses, how they want the produce packaged and whether they think they will
be able to sell the quantities you are planning to grow.
• Fixed contracts may be possible with a supermarket chain for the whole crop or
for a whole year.
• Examine the competition : can you compete with other growers? What will make
your enterprise survive when others are going down.
- Make sure your produce is of quality- This includes appearance, freshness,
flavour and package presentation.
Capital investment
• It should be noted that the capital required to produce horticultural crops is greater
than for most of the other types of agricultural production
Discussion Point…
“It should be noted that the capital
required to produce horticultural
crops is greater than for most of the
other types of agricultural production”
2. Accessibility:
• The nursery should be easily accessible to the field, to the road.
5. Labour Supply:
• Nursery should be located where experienced and skilled labour are
available or where they can be trained
ii. Nursery preparation
b. Steam treatment:
• Hot steam can be used to treat the soil against harmful insect pest.
• For this, cover the required area with the help of polythene sheet and stop the movement of air in the
covered area.
• Supply the hot steam for at least 4-6 hours continuously.
• This way all the harmful pathogen and insect pest will be killed.
Soil solarisation
Nursery bed preparation
• After the seed bed preparation seeds are sown in the nursery bed either by
broadcasting or in lines depending upon the nature and season of crop.
a. Mulching
• To maintain the soil moisture for seed germination cover the seed bed with a
thin layer of mulch of grass or paddy straw any organic mulch during hot
weather It has following advantages:
- It maintains the soil moisture and temperature for better seed germination.
- It suppresses the weeds
- Protects from direct sunlight and raindrops
- Protects against bird damage
Removal of mulch
• After three days, observe the seed beds daily. As and when the white thread
like structure is seen above the ground, remove the mulch carefully to avoid any
damage to emerging seedlings.
Nursery seedling management
b. Watering
• Frequent light watering from sowing to seed emergence
• After which watering should be done twice a day
• Watering should be reduced gradually to harden the plants for field planting
c. Thinning
• Closely growing , weak, damaged or diseased seedlings are removed
• Leave seedlings to stand 3-5cm apart
d. Crop protection
Diseases and insect pest
• Adaptation of crop protection measures in the nursery against the incidence
of insect pest and diseases is very important task to get the healthy seedlings.
• Diseases such as: Damping off, late blight infect the seedling in the nursery.
• Insect pests such as: leaf miner and borer
• The care for controlling these major diseases and insect pests time to time is
• Timely weeding in nursery is very important to get healthy seedling
• If there are some weeds in the seed bed, remove them manually either by
hand or by hand hoe
e. Hardening
• Hardening off of plants is a process done before seedlings are transplanted.
The purpose is to prepare the seedlings for harsh field conditions.
• Hardening should start in about 7 days before transplanting
• It involves reducing watering rate
• The process helps to prepare plants for the harsh field conditions