SEMINAR On Eyelid Echi 3rd Year
SEMINAR On Eyelid Echi 3rd Year
SEMINAR On Eyelid Echi 3rd Year
Age incidence : young and young
D. Internal hordoleum
It is the suppurative inflammation of a
meibomiam gland due to
staphylococcus . It is also often called
a suppurating chalazion . Sometimes
it may be also due to the secondary
infection of a chalazion .
Benign tumour
Malignant tumour
Papilloma : it is the most common
tumour of the eyelids .
It appear as a warty growth which may
be sessile or pedunculated . There are
papillae on the surface .
Histologically , a papillae consists of a
fibrous tissue core with blood vessels
covered by proliferated epithelium .
The basement membrane of the
epithelium remains same .
It may occur as a localized capillary or
cavernous angioma or the lid may
be affected along with the facial
angioma as in sturge – webers’
syndrome .
It is a benign pigmented tumour ,
composed of pigment producing cells
, usually affecting the lid margin .
It originates either from sensory nerve
end – organ or from the basal layer
of epidermis .
Xanthelasma –
It is a slightly raised yellow plaque ,
commonly situated in the skin of the
upper and lower lid near the inner
canthus and may be bilateral . These
tumours are more frequent in females
and sometimes are associated with
diabetes and excessive blood
Neurofibroma –
usually the plexiform type of
neurofibroma affects the lid , mostly
the upper one . The lid becomes
hypertrophied and droops down and
hypertrophied nerves can be felt
through the skin , along with the upper
lid , the temporal side of the face may
also be affected .
Rodent ulcer or basal – celled
Epidermoid carcinoma or squamous
celled carcinoma
Malignant melanoma
Basal celled carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma
A. Entropion : the lid margin rolls inward .
Causes :
a. Congenital : rare and is usually
associated with microphthalmos and
anopthalmos .
b. Acquired :
i. Spastic entropion
ii . Mechanical entropion
iii. Sensile entropion
iv. Cicatricial entropion
B. Ectropion : the lid margins rolls
outward i.e. Becomes everted , it
may occur in various degrees.
Causes :
a. Spastic ectropion
b. Sensile ectropion
c. Paralytic ectropion
d. Mechanical ectropion
e. Cicatrical ectropion
C. Symblepharon –
The lid becomes adhered to the eyeball ,
due to adhesion between the palpebral
and bulbar conjunctiva .occurs in case
of the lower lid .
2 types :
i. Anterior symblepharon
ii. Posterior symblepharon
D. Amkyloblepharon –
The lid margin adhere together . The
adhesion may be complete or partial
and is usually associated with
symblepharon .
Cause :
a. Congenital deformity of the lid .
b. Acquired causes
F. Blepharospasm –
The lids are firmly closed , due to
forcible contraction of the orbicularis
muscle . The spasm of the muscle is
involuntary and may last for a few
moments to a few weeks or months .
Causes :
i. Reflex sensory stimulation through
the branches of the trigeminal
nerve commonest .
ii. Excessive stimulation of retina –
exposure to dazzling light .
iii. Stimulation of the facial nerve
iv. Hysteria
G. Ptosis :
There is drooping of the upper lid below
its normal . This condition can be
bilateral or unilateral and partial or
complete .
Causes :
A. Congenital ptosis
B. Acquired ptosis
C. Lack of support of the upper lid
D. Mechanical ptosis
E. Myogenic ptosis
a. Squamous blepharitis :
~ accumulation of white scales like
dandruff on the lid margin
~ on removing the scales , the lid margin
appears hyperaemic but there is no
ulceration .
~ falling of eyelashes , but they are
replaced quickly without distortion.
~ the lid margin may be thickened .
b. Ulcerative blepharitis
~ yellow crusts are deposited at the roots
of the eyelashes by which the lashes
are glued together .
~ on removing the crusts , small ulcers
appear around the base of the lashes
which bleed freely .
~ falling of the eyelashes , which are
either not replaced or when replaced
become misdirected.
c. External hordoleum or stye
~ swelling , redness and marked oedema
of the affected lid .
~ marked tenderness at the point of
inflammation on the lid margin .
~ chemosis of the bulbar conjunctiva may
occur .
~ finally a white pus point becomes
visible on the lid margin in relation to
the root of a cilia
~enlargement of the corresponding pre
auricular lymph gland .
d. Chalazion
~ small , cystic or hard sweeling of the
size of a pea on the lid , alittle
distance away from the lid margin .
In multiple chalazia , there is more
than one sweeling .
~ the swelling is fixed to the torsus ,
with the skin freely moving over it
and it is not tender .
~ no signs of any inflammation .
~ on everything the lid , the tarsal
conjunctiva over the swelling
appears velvety red or purple .
~ the regional glands are not palpable .
e. Internal hordoleum :
The point of maximum tenderness is
away from the lid margin . Other
clinical signs are similiar to those for
external hordoleum , but the pus
points on the tarsal conjunctiva and
not on the root of an eyelash .
f. Ectropion
~ chronic conjunctivitis due to
~ In long continued cases , the
conjunctiva becomes dry and
thickened .
~ corneal ulcer may develop due to
exposure .
g. Symblepharon
~ prononunced adhesion may cause
diplopia due to the limitation of the
movements of the eyeball . The lids
may not be closed properly and in
that case consequences due to
exposure may occur .
h. Ptosis
~ the margin of the upper lid covers more
of the cornea than normal .
~ palpebral fissure is narrower than
~ there is no fold , in the skin of the upper
lid .
~ on an attempt to evaluate the upper
lid , there is elevation of the eyebrow
and wrinkling of the skin of the
forehead due to hyperaction of the
frontalis muscle .
Ultrasound scans
CT scan
They show the size , location and
shape of the tumours and also show
the enlarged or affected lymphs
node around the eye .
Chronic pink eye
Injury to the cornea
Excess tearing or dry eyes
Eyelashes problem
Eyelid skin problem.
a. Blepharitis – both types
1. Improvement of general health in
children .
2. Judicious and balanced diet with vitamins
, particularly vitamin A .
3. Removal of septic focus like bad tonsils .
4. Correction of any error of refraction .
5. Treatment of seborrhoea of scalp .
6. Treatment of associated conditions like
chronic conjunctivitis , chronic
dacryocystitis or louse infection.
Local treatment :
1. Removal of scales and crusts from the lid
margin with 3% sodibicarb lotion .
2. Application of broad spectrum antibiotic
ointment to the lid margin like
gentamycine or chloromycetin ointment
3 times a day .
3. After healing of the ulcers ,
hydrocortisone ointment 1% has to be
applied to the lid margin 3 times a day to
remove congestion and any allergic
factor .
b. External hordoleum
~ hot compress 2-3 times a day .
~ gentiayn eye drop 4 times daily .
Genticyn eye oint at bed time .
~ ampicillin 250 mgm . 4 times a day by
mouth for 5 days .
~ when the pus points the pus should be
drained either by pulling out the
affected eyelash or by a tiny horizontal
incision with a knife .
c. Chalazion
~ A course of antibiotic ointment like
chloromycetin oint may be applied to
expect a resolution .
~ bigger chalazia should be incised
vertically through the tarsal
conjunctivia , after application of
local anaesthesia and the granulation
tissue should be scooped out .
d. Internal hordoleum
~ hot compress and board spectrum
antibiotic by mouth as in case of a
stye .
~ incision on the tarsal conjunctiva in a
vertical direction to drain the pus .
e. Entropion
The spastic entropion is cured when
the cause of blepharospasm is
treated . The sensile entropion can
be treated by keeping the lower lid
pulled downwards by a strip of
adhesive plaster .
If bandaging is the cause , it should be
discontinued . Sensile entropion
which is not cured by application of
adhesive plaster , should be treated
by plastic operation .
Simplest operation is “skin muscle”
operation .
Here an eliptical area of loose skin and
the underlying orbicularis oculi
muscle are resected .
f. Ectropion
In case of spastic ectropion the cause
of blepharospasm has to be treated .
For other types of ectropion , plastic
operation is needed .
g. Symblepharon
Prevention is most important . A soft
contact lens should be used which
covers the eyeball and prevents the
adhesion . When the condition is
already established , operative
procedure is necessary .
h. Ankyloblepharon
Separation of lid margins by
operation .
i. Lagophthalamus
~ application of a bland ointment or
liquid paraffin during sleep to keep
the cornea moist .
~ operative procedure in the form of
tarsorraphy , by which the palpebral
aperture is narrowed by uniting the
margins of the lids on the lateral
side .
even a central tarsorrpapy may be
done .
Hot compress
Topical antibiotic eye drops
Oral anti inflammatory drugs
Intra lesional injection of long acting
steriod (triamcinolone)
Incision and currettage
Eye hygiene
Assess the general condition of the
eye of the client .
Identify the cause of the infection
Maintain sterility of the eye
droppers , tubes of medication and
other items . Then reduces the risk of
eye infection .
Use aseptic technique while doing
dressing of surgical site to prevent
infection .
Advice the client not to use dirty
clothes to clean the eye .
Demonstrate the proper
administration of eye drops or
ointment .
Eye and eyelid infection among females
using kajal and mascara .