Final Ysc Final Poster Format 04.01.24

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This research study explores the synergy between Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications, and Cloud
Computing to address the evolving challenges in modern transportation. With the increasing complexity of transportation systems, there is a pressing need
for innovative solutions to alleviate issues like traffic congestion, accidents, and the growing demand for autonomous vehicles. In response, ITS has emerged
as a crucial framework for enhancing travel efficiency and safety. The integration of Edge AI technologies and Cloud Computing platforms holds immense
potential for shaping the future of transportation. This study aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the potential applications, challenges, and benefits
that arise from the harmonious integration of Edge AI and Cloud Computing in the realm of ITS.

Introduction Results
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are pivotal
solutions for contemporary transportation challenges,
including traffic congestion and the rise of accidents.
This research focuses on integrating transformative  The anticipated results included insights into the current landscape of ITS, the effectiveness of
technologies—edge computing and cloud platforms—to edge AI in transportation applications, and the advantages and challenges associated with cloud
address these issues. ITS, crucial for enhanced travel integration.
efficiency and safety, incorporates advanced  The research aimed to provide a framework for the future development and implementation of
technologies. The study specifically explores the intelligent transportation solutions.
synergy between edge AI applications and cloud  The expected results include insights into the current state of ITS, the effectiveness of edge AI in
integration within transportation, aiming to analyze their transportation applications, and advantages and challenges related to cloud integration.
contributions to ITS development. By providing insights  Additionally, the research aims to contribute a framework for future development and
into potential applications, challenges, and benefits of implementation of intelligent transportation solutions. CONTROL
this integration, the research guides the future  The actual results would be obtained through the methodology outlined, involving literature
implementation of intelligent transportation solutions for reviews, case studies, and empirical analyses.
a safer, more efficient, and autonomous transport
ecosystem. BPF

This research aimed to analyze and evaluate the role
of edge AI technologies and cloud integration in the 20 µm

development and enhancement of Intelligent

Transportation Systems.
The study sought to identify key applications such as
driver assistance systems, traffic congestion avoidance, GCL

and accident-avoidance systems, with a focus on their

maturity and effectiveness. HILUS


This research employs edge computing to enhance real-

time processing in Intelligent Transportation Systems HILUS
(ITS), with a focus on improving driver assistance
systems. By strategically implementing edge computing
solutions for processing on-board sensor and camera GCL

data, the methodology facilitates localized data CONTROL

processing. The use case identifies suitable edge
devices, develops real-time data processing algorithms,
and integrates them seamlessly with existing ITS,
aiming to improve responsiveness and reduce latency.
Anticipated outcomes include enhanced driver
assistance system performance and increased overall
ITS efficiency, aligning with the abstract's objectives. BPS

The research employed a multi-faceted approach,

combining literature reviews, case studies, and empirical Societal Impact
analyses. It involved the examination of existing edge AI
The integration of edge AI technologies and cloud platforms in Intelligent Transportation Systems
technologies, cloud platforms, and their applications in
(ITS) outlined in the research abstract is poised to revolutionize transportation, significantly
transportation systems. The research methodology
improving safety, efficiency, and paving the way for autonomous vehicles. This technological
appears to be a combination of the following:
advancement has the potential to mitigate traffic congestion, reduce accidents, and enhance the
1.Literature Reviews: Reviewing existing literature on overall travel experience, As these innovations mature, they hold the promise of shaping a future
Intelligent Transportation Systems, Edge AI where intelligent transportation contributes to a sustainable and accessible society.
applications, and Cloud Integration to gain insights into
the current state of knowledge in these areas. Conclusion
2.Case Studies: Examining specific cases or examples By examining the synergies between edge AI technologies and cloud platforms, this research
related to the integration of Edge AI and Cloud intended to contribute to the advancement of Intelligent Transportation Systems. The findings
Computing in transportation systems to derive practical would guide future research and development efforts for creating efficient, safe, and autonomous
insights and examples. transportation solutions.
3.Empirical Analyses: Conducting empirical analyses
to assess the maturity levels of Edge AI technologies
and Cloud platforms, as well as evaluating their potential
impact on the performance of Intelligent Transportation
Selected References
• Yuan T, DaRocha W, Rothenberg CE, Obraczka K, Barakat C, Turletti T. Machine learning for next-generation intelligent transportation systems: A survey. Trans Emerging Tel
Systems. Tech. 2022;33(4):e4427. doi: 10.1002/ett.4427
• Wang F-Y. Parallel control and management for intelligent transportation systems: concepts, architectures, and applications. IEEE Trans Intell Transp Syst. 2010;11(3):630-638.

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