Satellite Communication

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• Basically, a Satellite is a smaller object that
revolves around a larger object in space. For
example, moon is a natural satellite of earth.
• We know that Communication refers to the
exchange (sharing) of information between
two or more entities, through any medium or
channel. In other words, it is nothing but
sending, receiving and processing of
Satellite Communication
• If the communication takes place between any
two earth stations through a satellite, then it is
called as satellite communication. In this
communication, electromagnetic waves are
used as carrier signals. These signals carry the
information such as voice, audio, video or any
other data between ground and space and vice-
Satellite Communication
• Soviet Union had launched the world's first
artificial satellite named, Sputnik 1 in 1957.
Nearly after 18 years, India also launched the
artificial satellite named, Aryabhata in 1975.
Satellite Communication
• Satellite communication, in telecommunications,
the use of artificial satellites to provide
communication links between various points
on Earth. Satellite communications play a vital
role in the global telecommunications system.
Approximately 2,000 artificial satellites orbiting
Earth relay analog and digital signals carrying
voice, video, and data to and from one or many
locations worldwide.
Need of Satellite Communication
• The following two kinds of propagation are
used earlier for communication up to some
1. Ground wave propagation − Ground wave
propagation is suitable for frequencies up to
30MHz. This method of communication makes
use of the troposphere conditions of the earth.
Need of Satellite Communication
• The following two kinds of propagation are
used earlier for communication up to some
1. Sky wave propagation − The suitable
bandwidth for this type of communication is
broadly between 30–40 MHz and it makes use of
the ionosphere properties of the earth.
Satellite Communication
• The maximum hop or the station distance is
limited to 1500KM only in both ground wave
propagation and sky wave propagation.
Satellite communication overcomes this
limitation. In this method, satellites
provide communication for long distances,
which is well beyond the line of sight.
Satellite Communication
• Since the satellites locate at certain height
above earth, the communication takes place
between any two earth stations easily via
satellite. So, it overcomes the limitation of
communication between two earth stations due
to earth’s curvature.
How a Satellite Works
• A satellite is a body that moves around
another body in a particular path. A
communication satellite is nothing but a
microwave repeater station in space. It is
helpful in telecommunications, radio and
television along with internet applications.
How a Satellite Works
• A repeater is a circuit, which increases the
strength of the received signal and then
transmits it. But, this repeater works as
a transponder. That means, it changes the
frequency band of the transmitted signal from
the received one.
How a Satellite Works
• The frequency with which, the signal is sent
into the space is called as Uplink frequency.
Similarly, the frequency with which, the signal
is sent by the transponder is called
as Downlink frequency. The following figure
illustrates this concept clearly.
How a Satellite Works
How a Satellite Works
• The transmission of signal from first earth
station to satellite through a channel is called
as uplink. Similarly, the transmission of signal
from satellite to second earth station through a
channel is called as downlink.
How a Satellite Works
• Uplink frequency is the frequency at which,
the first earth station is communicating with
satellite. The satellite transponder converts this
signal into another frequency and sends it
down to the second earth station. This
frequency is called as Downlink frequency. In
similar way, second earth station can also
communicate with the first one.
How a Satellite Works
• The process of satellite communication begins
at an earth station. Here, an installation is
designed to transmit and receive signals from a
satellite in an orbit around the earth. Earth
stations send the information to satellites in the
form of high powered, high frequency (GHz
range) signals.
How a Satellite Works
• The satellites receive and retransmit the
signals back to earth where they are received
by other earth stations in the coverage area of
the satellite. Satellite's footprint is the area
which receives a signal of useful strength from
the satellite.
How a Satellite Works
• A satellite is basically a self-contained
communications system with the ability to
receive signals from Earth and to retransmit
those signals back with the use of
a transponder—an integrated receiver and
transmitter of radio signals.
How a Satellite Works
• A satellite has to withstand the shock of being
accelerated during launch up to the orbital
velocity of 28,100 km (17,500 miles) an hour
and a hostile space environment where it can
be subject to radiation and extreme
temperatures for its projected operational life,
which can last up to 20 years.
How a Satellite Works
• In addition, satellites have to be light, as the
cost of launching a satellite is quite expensive
and based on weight. To meet these
challenges, satellites must be small and made
of lightweight and durable materials.
How a Satellite Works
• They must operate at a very high reliability of
more than 99.9 percent in the vacuum of space
with no prospect of maintenance or repair.
How a Satellite Works
• The main components of a satellite consist of
the communications system, which includes
the antennas and transponders that receive and
retransmit signals, the power system, which
includes the solar panels that provide power,
and the propulsion system, which includes
the rockets that propel the satellite.
How a Satellite Works
• A satellite needs its own propulsion system to
get itself to the right orbital location and to
make occasional corrections to that position. A
satellite in geostationary orbit can deviate up
to a degree every year from north to south or
east to west of its location because of the
gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun
How a Satellite Works
• A satellite has thrusters that are fired occasionally
to make adjustments in its position. The
maintenance of a satellite’s orbital position is
called “station keeping,” and the corrections made
by using the satellite’s thrusters are called
“attitude control.” A satellite’s life span is
determined by the amount of fuel it has to power
these thrusters. Once the fuel runs out, the satellite
eventually drifts into space and out of operation,
becoming space debris.
How a Satellite Works
• Satellites operate in three different orbits: low
Earth orbit (LEO), medium Earth orbit (MEO),
and geostationary or geosynchronous orbit
(GEO). LEO satellites are positioned at an
altitude between 160 km and 1,600 km (100
and 1,000 miles) above Earth.
How a Satellite Works
• MEO satellites operate from 10,000 to 20,000
km (6,300 to 12,500 miles) from Earth.
(Satellites do not operate between LEO and
MEO because of the inhospitable environment
for electronic components in that area, which
is caused by the Van Allen radiation belt.)
How a Satellite Works
• GEO satellites are positioned 35,786 km (22,236
miles) above Earth, where they complete one orbit
in 24 hours and thus remain fixed over one spot. As
mentioned above, it only takes three GEO satellites
to provide global coverage, while it takes 20 or
more satellites to cover the entire Earth from LEO
and 10 or more in MEO. In addition,
communicating with satellites in LEO and MEO
requires tracking antennas on the ground to ensure
seamless connection between satellites.
How a Satellite Works
• A signal that is bounced off a GEO satellite takes
approximately 0.22 second to travel at the speed of
light from Earth to the satellite and back. This delay
poses some problems for applications such as voice
services and mobile telephony. Therefore, most mobile
and voice services usually use LEO or MEO satellites
to avoid the signal delays resulting from
the inherent latency in GEO satellites. GEO satellites
are usually used for broadcasting and data applications
because of the larger area on the ground that they can
Satellite Frequency
• Satellite communications use the very high-
frequency range of 1–50 gigahertz (GHz; 1
gigahertz = 1,000,000,000 hertz) to transmit and
receive signals. The frequency ranges or bands are
identified by letters: (in order from low to high
frequency) L-, S-, C-, X-, Ku-, Ka-, and V-bands.
Signals in the lower range (L-, S-, and C-bands) of
the satellite frequency spectrum are transmitted
with low power, and thus larger antennas are
needed to receive these signals.
Satellite Frequency
• Signals in the higher end (X-, Ku-, Ka-, and V-
bands) of this spectrum have more power;
therefore, dishes as small as 45 cm (18 inches)
in diameter can receive them. This makes the
Ku-band and Ka-band spectrum ideal for
direct-to-home (DTH)
broadcasting, broadband data communications,
and mobile telephony and data applications.
Pros and Cons of Satellite Communication

• Following are the advantages of using

satellite communication:
1. Area of coverage is more than that of terrestrial
2. Each and every corner of the earth can be
3. Transmission cost is independent of coverage
4. More bandwidth and broadcasting possibilites
Pros and Cons of Satellite Communication

• Following are the disadvantages of using

satellite communication:
1. Launching of satellites into orbits is a costly
2. Propagation delay of satellite systems is more than
that of conventional terrestrial systems.
3. Difficult to provide repairing activities if any
problem occurs in a satellite system.
4. Free space loss is more
5. There can be congestion of frequencies.
Applications of Satellite Communication

• Satellite communication plays a vital role in our daily

life. Following are the applications of satellite
– Radio broadcasting and voice communications
– TV broadcasting such as Direct To Home (DTH)
– Internet applications such as providing Internet connection
for data transfer, GPS applications, Internet surfing, etc.
– Military applications and navigations
– Remote sensing applications
– Weather condition monitoring & Forecasting
Applications of Satellite Communication

• Advances in satellite technology have given rise to a

healthy satellite services sector that provides various
services to broadcasters, Internet service
providers (ISPs), governments, the military, and other
sectors. There are three types of communication
services that satellites
provide: telecommunications, broadcasting, and data
communications. Telecommunication services
include telephone calls and services provided to
telephone companies, as well as wireless, mobile, and
cellular network providers.
Applications of Satellite Communication

• Advances in satellite technology have given rise to a

healthy satellite services sector that provides various
services to broadcasters, Internet service
providers (ISPs), governments, the military, and other
sectors. There are three types of communication
services that satellites
provide: telecommunications, broadcasting, and data
communications. Telecommunication services
include telephone calls and services provided to
telephone companies, as well as wireless, mobile, and
cellular network providers.
Applications of Satellite Communication

• Broadcasting services
include radio and television delivered directly to the
consumer and mobile broadcasting services. DTH, or
satellite television, services (such as the DirecTV and
DISH Network services in the United States) are
received directly by households. Cable and network
programming is delivered to local stations
and affiliates largely via satellite. Satellites also play an
important role in delivering programming to cell
phones and other mobile devices, such as personal
digital assistants and laptops.
Applications of Satellite Communication

• Broadcasting services
include radio and television delivered directly to the
consumer and mobile broadcasting services. DTH, or
satellite television, services (such as the DirecTV and
DISH Network services in the United States) are
received directly by households. Cable and network
programming is delivered to local stations
and affiliates largely via satellite. Satellites also play an
important role in delivering programming to cell
phones and other mobile devices, such as personal
digital assistants and laptops.

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