Gender Issues in The Philippines

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An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• Carlos Antonio Q. Anonuevo (2000)
on his overview of the gender
situation in the Philippines stated
factual evidences on the status of
gender in the Philippines. The
gender situation in the Philippines is
characterized by sharp
contradictions. It graphically
showcase samples of women’s
advancements in politics, academic
and professional excellence, and
even legislation. But this is
contrasted by images of prostituted
women, battered wives,
economically disadvantaged women
and exploited migrant workers.
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• The socio-cultural traditions are
clashing with the MTV and
cyberspace generation. The long
history of colonialism has embedded
a patriarchal culture among Filipinos.
The conception of women as full-time
homemakers, as subordinated to
men, violence against them is private,
as reserve labor force, and as sexual
objects is now being eroded by
modern women asserting themselves
in many aspects of life. But on the
other hand, some are either
marginalized , discriminated, or even
exploited by the harsh realities of
global economy and consumerism.
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• Both the changes and the
inertia of traditions are the
backdrop of a very active and
dynamic women’s movement.
The Philippines is a main
player in the international
women’s arena and this is
anchored on a very vibrant
local women’s movement.
Numerous organizations and
NGOs exist for the cause of
gender equality and other
related women issues.
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• This puts the gender equality
issues at the forefront of national
discourse and precludes further
downslide of women status in
the modern Philippine society.
Indeed, there are many handles
for the changes to happen. These
legal policy gains resulted from
the strong voice of women that
started even during the anti-
dictatorship struggles that
culminated with the ascension of
Corazon Aquino as the first
women president of the country.
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• The 1987 constitution states two
prominent provisions. The first in the
Declaration of Principles Article II
Section 14 which asserted that “ the
State recognized the role of women in
nation-building and shall ensure the
fundamental equality before the law of
women and men.” Additionally, the
Article XIII-Labor: Section 14 provided
that “The state shall protect working
women by providing safe and healthful
working conditions taking into account
their material functions, and such
facilities and opportunities that will
enhance their welfare and enable them
to realize their full potential in the
service of the nation”.
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• Gender and Development
Law (5% of government
agencies, budget is for gender
concerns) Party-List Law
( women as a particular sector
for representation in the
legislature through party-list
elections.) Anti-Sexual
Harassment Law (defining SH
and providing Mechanisms)
Anti-Rape Law (elevation of
rape as a crime against
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• Barangay Day Care Center Law ( day care
center for every village) women in
Nation-building Law (allocation of
budget for women from development
funds from foreign governments and
multilateral institutions) Anti Mail-
order-Bride Law (making the practice
unlawful) Repatriation Law
( repatriation of Filipinas who lost
citizenship by marriage in case of need)
Non-Discrimination Law in Labor Code
(women protection in hiring and pay)
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law
(equal rights for women to be recipients
of land) Military Training equality
(women can enter military and police
schools and providing facilities for
them )
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• While the legal framework is
there, the actual situation
mirrors the deep gender
divide. In the aspect of
women in politics, the
notable success of several
women is overshadowed by
the actual ground level
statistics. The lady vice-
president is up to now a
shoo-in in the next
presidential elections in 2004.
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• But the big picture
shows that of all the
elective positions
occupied through the
1998 elections, only
15% are women.
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• In the two-chamber Congress, the
senate (Upper House) has 17.4%
women membership (4 out of 23
seats) which the House of
Representatives (Lower house)
has 12.4% (27 out of 217 seats).
The first party-list elections in
1998—wherein sectoral groups
like women competed to get a
maximum of 3 seats per party in
the House of Representatives—
resulted in the winning of 1 seat
for a single women’s party. 5
other women’s party did not make
the minimum votes required.
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• At the local government
level, women Provincial
Governors constitute
17% while Vice
Governors are at 11.5%
level. Among the City and
Town Mayors, 14.5% are
of them are women
while the ranks of the
Vice-Mayors are at low of
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• The labor force statistics show
also a mixed picture. Since there
was a notable feminization of the
workforce in the past years, July
2000 figures showed that there
are 1.942 million unemployed
women while there 2.631 million
unemployed men. However,
more women are taken in for
labor flexibility arrangements
especially in the big services
sector like in retail trade. This
leaves them exposed to
employment insecurity and
unfair compensation schemes.
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• Women still account for 53% of
the unpaid family workers while
they constitute only 37.7% of the
wage and salary earners. Though
this shows that the regular
income possibilities for women
are still limited, the average
household annual income of
female-headed families is higher.
The situation also pushes them to
seek employment overseas.
Increasing numbers of domestic
helpers and entertainers are also
being deployed both legally and
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• Within organizations, the
gender balance is under
overhaul. Trade union
leadership is still male-
dominated but women
committees and affirmative
actions have changed the
complexion of decision-
making. The public sector
unions have made great
inroad as 4 of the major
federations are under the
strong leadership of women.
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• However, the social fabric
remains tainted by arrogance of
male power. Police statistics
remains indicative of the
traditional ways of how women
are seen in the social and family
context. In 1998, 6,518 cases of
violence against women were
reported with rape accounting
for 1,054 cases and physical
injuries at high of 2,633 cases.
Last year, the former was pegged
at 13.79% and the latter reached
35.17% of cases reported.
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• In response to problems
that continue to face the
Filipina, numerous civil
society groups were
organized, and pioneering
projects were initiated. The
vocal women’s movement
was instrumental in the
enactment of the laws that
seek to protect women and
broaden their role in the
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• Such advocacy work is also
complemented with concrete
projects at the ground level.
Community-based groups tackle
violence against women, rural and
urban women establish economic
undertakings that help them
increase their income, wives and
families of migrant workers
establish their own savings and
insurance network, and crisis
centers are organized in some parts
of the country. Even prostituted
women have found both protection
and solidarity within their
An overview of the Gender
Situation in the Philippines
• These activities have
seen successes and
failures, but they
constitute as
challenges to the socio-
cultural bondage and
blinders that up to this
age of the internet and
globalization has
victimized the Filipina.

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