Music Guideline
Music Guideline
Music Guideline
1. Subject
This document is intended to regulate the
musical part during WRRC competitions.
1. Subject
This document provides the musical
guidelines for WRRC competitions.
2. Music Definitions
2.1. Time signature and tempo
4/4 = 1 Bar
bridge is a contrasting section that prepares the return of Intermezzo is a similar term, but it can be not
the original piece of material. only out of melody, but also with a change of
A bridge can also be a short transition between two tempo and style. Therefore, in RR competitions
different RR-form themes. It is usually used in lengths of we distinguish between the terms Bridge and
2-4 bars(!), but the length of the transition depends on Intermezzo. A clumsy example for intermezzo:
the composition. Its main characteristic is that the tempo - Song ‘A’ is ‘Jailhouse Rock’ then
does not change during the transition. So, the Bridge can - intermezzo is ‘Für Elise’ and then
be out of melody but at the same time with an - Song ‘B’ is ‘Blue Suede Shoes’,
unchanging tempo. (See Figure 6.)
Whys: Many couples and formations have their own competition music that has been cut or mixed to
include Bridge or Intermezzo. Formations in particular often use it, as their final music is relatively
long, so they colour the final composition by using a variety of music.
However, it is very important for the judges that the amount of RR part meets the minimum amount of
rateable RR music. If an intermezzo is used in a production, that time should not count towards
rateable RR music.
If a Bridge(s) is(are) used in the music then the tempo is not interrupted and therefore counts towards
rateable RR music.
3. Cutting/use a quality music
3.1. Composition issue