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An Introduction To Directional Drilling

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Directional Drilling presentation ١

In the name of Allah

An Introduction to
Directional Drilling
(Advanced Drilling Engineering course)

Instructor: Dr. Tabatabaei nejad

Lecturer: Mojtaba Owrangi - 87333102

Master of Petroleum Drilling & Production engineering

Sahand University of Technology

1. Definition & Reasons for D.D

2. Reference Systems and Coordinates
3. Types of Directional well trajectories
4. Calculation of a well trajectory
5. Directional Drilling Measurements
6. Deflection Tools
7. Principles of BHA

Directional Drilling presentation ٣

Definition & Reasons for D.D

z Definition :
z The science of directing a well bore along a
predetermined trajectory to intersect a
designated subsurface target.
z Kick off point (KOP):
z The kick off point is defined as the point below
surface location where the well is deflected from
the vertical.
z Target:
z A predetermined point in the reservoir that D.D
should reaches to it.

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Well classification
Vertical Well Wells with less than 10º deviation

High Inclination Wells between 60 and 85º deviation

Horizontal Well Wells with more than 85º deviation

Extended Reach Horizontal/TVD displacement greater

Well than 2.5
Designer Well Wells with significant turn in the horizontal
plane of 30 to 180 degrees, and turn not
restricted by inclination

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Directional wells
Radius Build Rate Radius
Classification ( degrees/30 meter ) (meter)

Long Radius 1- 6 1719 – 286

Medium 7 – 30 285 – 57

Intermediate 30 - 70 56 – 24

Short Radius 71 - 150 23 - 11.5

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Reasons for D.D

1. Side-tracking existing well (because of hole problems or fish or

reaching new targets)
2. Restricted surface locations (inaccessible locations)
3. To reach multiple targets
4. To reduce number of offshore platforms
5. Horizontal Drilling
6. To reach thin reservoirs (using horizontal wells)
7. Salt dome drilling (directing the well from the salt dome to avoid
casing collapse problems)
8. To avoid gas or water coning
9. For intersecting fractures
10. Relief wells
11. For controlling vertical wells
12. Shoreline drilling

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D.D applications

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D.D applications (multiple targets)

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D.D applications (relief well)

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D.D applications (side-tracking)

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D.D applications (inaccessible locations)

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D.D applications (shoreline drilling)

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D.D applications (salt dome drilling)

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D.D applications (fault drilling)

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D.D applications (horizontal well)

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Horizontal well

z Horizontal wells
z The Incl. reaches to 90° through reservoir section
:‫ ﺑﻴﺸﺘﺮﻳﻦ ﻛﺎرﺑﺮد در اﻓﺰاﻳﺶ ﺑﻬﺮه ﺑﺮداري و در ﻣﺨﺎزن ﺧﺎص ﻣﺜﻞ‬z
z Fracture Limestone & Low permeability zone

z Horizontal drain holes:

‫ ﻓﻮﺗﻲ‬30 ‫ ﺧﺎص ﺑﺮاي اﻳﺠﺎد زاوﻳﻪ ﺧﻴﻠﻲ ﺳﺮﻳﻊ و در ﻳﻚ ﺷﻌﺎع‬BHA z

2° per ft z
Deep Kickoff and Build :‫ﺷﺒﻴﻪ ﻧﻮع‬ z

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Drilling Fluid Selection

z Virtually all of the considerations for choosing

a fluid for drilling a vertical hole apply to
choosing a fluid for a directional hole:
z Formation protection
z Hole cleaning
z Lubricity
z Inhibition
z Fluid weight required
z Economics
z Environmental impact

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Reference Systems and Coordinates

z Depth references
z Measured Depth (MD)
z Pipe tally, wire line depth counter, or mud loggers depth
z True Vertical Depth (TVD)
z calculated from the deviation survey data

z Inclination references
z is the angle (in degrees) between the vertical and the well bore
axis at a particular point.

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Reference Systems and Coordinates

Directional Drilling presentation ٢١

Reference Systems and Coordinates

z Azimuth references
z Magnetic North (measured by MWD)
z True (Geographic) North
z Grid North

z Horizontal departure or displacement

• Horizontal distance between rig location & the target.


True north = magnetic north ± (declination)

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Reference Systems and Coordinates

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Reference Systems and Coordinates

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Types of Directional well trajectories

1. Build and hold

2. Build-hole-drop (S type)
3. Build-hold-drop-hold (modified S type)
4. Continuous build
5. Deep Kickoff and Build

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Types of Directional well trajectories

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Build and hold

z Features:

z Shallow kick-off point (KOP)

z Build-up section
z Tangent section

z Penetrate target at an angle equal to

the Max buildup angle
z No major changes in incl. & azimuth
After build up section
z Incl: 15 – 55 deg or may be more

z Applications:

z Deep wells with large horizontal

z Moderately deep wells with moderate
horizontal displacement, where
intermediate casing is not required

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Build-hole-drop (S type) & Build-hold-drop-hold (modified S type)

Modified S type S type

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Build-hole-drop (S type) & Build-hold-drop-hold (modified S type)

z Features: z Applications:
z Shallow KOP
z Build-up section z Multiple pay zones
z Tangent section z Reduces final angle in
z Drop-off section z Lease or target limitations
z Well spacing requirements
z There are several z Deep wells with small
variations: horizontal displacements
z Build, hold &drop back to
vertical (illustrated above) z Disadvantages:
z Build, hold, drop & hold
(illustrated above) z Increased torque & drag
z Build, hold & continuous z Risk of key seating
drop through reservoir z Logging problems due to

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Continuous build

z Features:
z Decrease in torque & drag KOP
z Lowest risk of key seating
z Continuous build rate
Build Section

z Applications:
z This type occurs when Target
using down-hole motors
with bent sub.

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Deep Kickoff and Build

z Features:
z Deep KOP
z Build-up section
z Short tangent section (optional)

z Applications:
z Salt dome drilling
z Sidetracking
z Appraisal wells to assess the extent of a
newly discovered reservoir

z Disadvantages:
z Formations are harder so the initial
deflection may be more difficult to
z Harder to achieve desired tool face
orientation with down hole motor
deflection assemblies (more reactive
z Longer trip time for any BHA changes
z Build up rate is more difficult to control

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Calculation of a well trajectory
(build-hold where X3 < r1)
z Radius of curvature:
180 1
r1 = ×
π q
q= build rate (deg/100 ft)

z Maximum inclination angle, ɵ, when

X3<r1 :
⎡ r1 ⎤ ⎛ r − X3 ⎞
θ = arc sin ⎢ ⎥ − arc tan ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟
⎢⎣ ( r1 − X 3 ) 2 + ( D 3 − D1 ) 2 ⎥⎦ ⎝ D 3 − D1 ⎠

z The length of arc, section DC:

× r1 × θ Or LDC =
L DC =
180 q

z Horizontal departure at the end of

build section:
X 2 = r1 (1 − cos θ )

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Calculation of a well trajectory
(build-hold where X3 < r1)
z The total measured depth:
D M = D1 + θ
q + r1
tan Ω

z TVD at the end of build section:

D 2 = D 1 + r1 ⋅ sin θ
z Measured depth at CP section:
CP = CP′ = ( D′ − D1 − r1 ⋅ sinθ )
cos θ
z Another way of expressing maximum
inclination angle, in term of r1, D1, D3
and X3 for X3<r1 is:
D − D1
θ = arc tan( 3 )−
r1 − X 3
⎧⎪ ⎛ D − D1 ⎞ ⎤ ⎫⎪
arc cos ⎨ ( r1
D 3 − D1
)× sin ⎡⎢arc tan ⎜⎜ 3

⎟⎟ ⎥ ⎬
⎪⎩ ⎣ ⎝ 1
r X 3 ⎠⎦ ⎪ ⎭

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Calculation of a well trajectory
(build-hold where X3 > r1)

z The maximum inclination angle, ɵ can be calculated

⎛ D 3 − D1 ⎞
θ = 180 − arc tan ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ −
⎝ X 3 − r1 ⎠
⎧⎪ ⎛ r1 ⎞ ⎡ ⎛ D 3 − D1 ⎞ ⎤ ⎫⎪
arc cos ⎨ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ × sin ⎢ arc tan ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ ⎬
⎪⎩ ⎝ D 3 − D1 ⎠ ⎣ ⎝ X 3 − r1 ⎠ ⎦ ⎪⎭

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Calculation of a well trajectory
(S type)
r1<X3 & r1+r2<X4 r1<X3 & r1+r2>X4

D4 − D1 ⎛ D −D ⎞
θ = arc tan( )− θ = 180 − arc tan⎜⎜ 4 1
⎟⎟ −
r1 + r2 − X 4 ⎝ 4
X − ( r1 − r2 ⎠
⎧⎪ ⎡ ⎛ D4 − D1 ⎞⎤ ⎫⎪ ⎧⎪⎛ r + r ⎞ ⎡ ⎛ D4 − D1 ⎞⎤ ⎫⎪
arc cos⎨ ( r1 + r2
D 4 − D1
× sin ⎢arc tan⎜⎜
+ −
⎟⎟⎥ ⎬ arc cos⎨⎜⎜ 1 2 ⎟⎟ × sin ⎢arc tan⎜⎜
⎪⎩⎝ D4 − D1 ⎠ ⎣ ⎝ X − ( r + r )
⎟⎟⎥ ⎬
⎠⎦ ⎪⎭
⎪⎩ ⎣ ⎝ 1 2
r r X 4 ⎠⎦ ⎪⎭
4 1 2

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Example 1- Design of D.D

Design a directional well with the following

¾ Total horizontal departure= 4500 ft
¾ True vertical depth (TVD)= 12500 ft
¾ Depth of KOP= 2500 ft
¾ Rate of build of inclination angle= 1.5
¾ Type 1 well (build-hold)

A. Determine the maximum hole angle?

B. What is the total measured depth?

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Example 1- Design of D.D

z r1=(180/Л)*(1/q)=(180/Л)*(100/1.5)= 3820 ft
Because r1<X3:
⎛D −D ⎞
θ = 180 − arc tan ⎜⎜ 4 1
⎟⎟ −
⎝ X 4 − r1 ⎠

z ⎧⎪⎛
arc cos ⎨⎜⎜
r1 ⎞
⎪⎩⎝ D 4 − D1 ⎠

⎛ D − D1 ⎞ ⎤ ⎫⎪
⎟⎟ × sin ⎢ arc tan ⎜⎜ 4
⎝ X 4 − r1
⎟⎟ ⎥ ⎬
⎠ ⎦ ⎪⎭
⇒ ɵ=26.29 deg

D1=2500 ft , D3=12500 ft , X3=4500 ft, r1=3820 ft

z Total measured depth:

D M = D1 + θ
q + r1
tan Ω DM=2500+1753+9264=13517 ft

Directional Drilling presentation ٣٧

Survey Calculation Methods

• Various procedures have been developed to

estimate the well bore trajectory as it is being
drilled. Eighteen methods are known for
computing surveys, but the 3 most widely used
methods are the tangential, angel-averaging and
minimum curvature methods.

• The normal method for determining the well path

is to ascertain the coordinates by using some
type of surveying instrument to measure the
inclination and direction at various depths
(stations) and then to calculate the trajectory.

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Survey Calculation Methods

Below is a list of the most used methods:

1. Acceleration method
2. Average angle method
3. Angle-averaging method
4. Backward station method
5. Balanced tangential method
6. Circular arc method
7. Compensated acceleration method
8. Mercury method
9. Minimum curvature method
10. Quadrant method
11. Radius of curvature method
12. Secant method
13. Tangential method
14. Terminal angle method
15. Trapezoidal method
16. Vector averaging method

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Survey Calculation Methods

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Survey Calculation Methods

z Tangential method:
z (Backward station method) or (Terminal angle method)
z the tangential method uses only the inclination and direction
angles at lower end of the course length.
⎧ n

⎪ n ∑ i
L = L
z It is inaccurate among other methods:

Li = DMi . sin(α i ). cos(ε i ) ⎫ ⎪ i =1

⎪ ⎪ n
M i = DMi . sin(α i ). sin(ε i )⎬ ⇒ ⎨M n = ∑ M i
Di = DMi . cos(α i ) ⎪ ⎪ i =1
⎭ ⎪ n
Li= latitude north/south
Mi= latitude east/west
⎪ Dn = ∑ Di
Di= TVD segment αi= inclination angle ⎩ i =1
DMi= course length εi= direction angle

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Example 2- tangential method

Use the following survey data to determine the trajectory coordinates

for tangential method?

Measured depth, ft Hole angle, deg Azimuth

3000 2 N 28 E
3300 4 N 10 E
3600 8 N 35 E
3900 12 N 25 E
5000 15 N 30 E
6000 16 N 28 E
7000 17 N 50 E
8000 17 N 20 E
9000 17 N 30 E
10000 17 N 25 E

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Survey Calculation Methods

Average angle Or Angle Averaging Method:

• the angle averaging method is the simple average of the
angles at the top and bottom of course length.

α i + α i −1 ε i + ε i −1 ⎫ ⎧ n

Li = DMi . sin( ). cos( ) ⎪ ⎪ Ln = ∑ Li

2 2
⎪ ⎪ i =1

α i + α i −1 ε i + ε i −1 ⎪ ⎪ n
M i = DMi . sin( ). sin( ) ⎬ ⇒ ⎨M n = ∑ M i
2 2 ⎪ ⎪ i =1
α i + α i −1 ⎪ ⎪ n
Di = DMi . cos( ) ⎪ ⎪ Dn = ∑ Di
2 ⎭ ⎩ i =1

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Example 3- Average angle method

Determine the trajectory coordinates for the corrected survey points

given below:

Measured depth (ft) inclination angle (deg) direction angle

7100 0 0
7200 10.1 S68W
7300 13.4 S65W
7400 16.3 S57W
7500 19.6 S61W

For the first point the direction should not be averaged, it means that at
MD= 7200 we use dir. = 248 instead of 124.
For the first point the inclination should be averaged, so for
MD=7200 the incl. = 5.05.

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Survey Calculation Methods

Minimum curvature method

Radius of curvature method:

The minimum curvature method

uses the angles at A1 and A2

and assumes a curved well bore

over the course length

not a straight line.

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Survey Calculation Methods

z β is in [radian] and if it is less than 0.25

radian, it is reasonable to set F=1.0

cos β i = cos (α i − α i −1 ) − {sin α i −1 . sin α i (1 − cos (ε i − ε i −1 ))}⎪
⎪ ⎧ n
F = ⎛⎜ 2 ⎞⎟. tan ⎛⎜ i ⎞⎟ ⎪ ⎪ Ln = ∑ Li
⎝ βi ⎠ ⎝ 2⎠ ⎪ ⎪ i =1
⎪ ⎪
⎛ D Mi ⎞ ⎪ n
Mi = ⎜ ⎟.(sin( α i −1 ). sin (ε i −1 ) + sin α i . sin ε i ).Fi ⎬⇒ ⎨M n = ∑ M i
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎪ ⎪ i =1
⎪ ⎪
Li = ⎛⎜ Mi ⎞⎟.(sin( α i −1 ). cos (ε i −1 ) + sin α i . cos ε i ).Fi
⎝ 2⎠ ⎪ ⎪ D n = ∑ Di
⎪ ⎩ i =1

Di = ⎛⎜ Mi ⎞⎟.(cos( α i −1 ) + cos α i ).Fi

D ⎪
⎝ 2⎠ ⎪⎭

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Comparison of accuracy of various calculation methods

Calculation Total vertical depth & North displacement &

method differences from actual (ft) differences from actual (ft)
Tangential 1628.61 -25.38 998.02 +43.09

Balanced tan 1653.61 -0.38 954.72 -0.21

Angle-ave. 1654.18 +0.19 955.04 +0.11

Radius of 1653.99 0.0 954.93 0.0

Minimum 1653.99 0.0 954.93 0.0
Mercury 1653.63 -0.37 954.89 0.04

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Directional Drilling presentation ٤٨
Dogleg Severity

z Large angle changes occurring over a short course length can

place high bending stresses on the pipe. In addition, these
doglegs can cause key seating problems. Most operators place
a limit on the amount of angle change allowable over a 100-ft
segment. The limit is 4-6 deg per 100 ft.

DL =
L[(sin I1 sin I 2 )(sin A1 sin A2 + cos A1 cos A2 ) + cosI1 cosI 2 ]

† DL: dogleg, deg/100ft

† L: course length
† I1, I2 : Inclination at upper & lower survey, deg
† A1, A2 : direction at upper & lower survey, deg

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Directional Drilling Measurements

z Magnetic single shot instruments

z Magnetic multi shot instruments
z Measurement while drilling (MWD)
z Electromagnetic
z Acoustic
z Pressure pulse
z Pressure pulse modulation
z Cable & DP

Directional Drilling presentation ٥٠

Directional Drilling Measurements

Directional Sensor Hardware

The figure above shows the basic configuration of the Directional Sensor
probe. The directional probe is mounted to the MWD assembly and
keyed into a Non-Magnetic Drill Collar. The nominal length of the sub is
30 feet. The nonmagnetic collar is usually referred to as Monel.

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Directional Drilling Measurements

z Records
–tool face position
z on sensitized paper or photographic film
Inclination may be determined by
–a float on a liquid
–a pendulum

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Directional Drilling Measurements (Single shot)

z Procedure:
–load film into
–activate timer
–make up the tool
–drop the tool
–retrieve tool (wire
line or drill pipe)

Directional Drilling presentation ٥٣

Magnetic Multi shot Instruments

z Are capable of taking numerous survey records in one run.

z May be dropped down the drill pipe or run on wire line in open hole.
z The unit contains a watch that is spring wound and uses the power of the
spring to operate a timer cam.
z The multishot tool is usually dropped down the drill pipe and
landed in the nonmagnetic drill collar.
z During the trip out, a survey is taken every 90 ft, i.e. every stand.
z More closely spaced stations could be obtained by stopping the
pipe more often, and waiting for a picture.
z A stopwatch at the surface is synchronized with the instrument

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Magnetic Multi shot Instruments

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MWD (Measurement While Drilling)

z While drilling it is possible to transmit to the surface down hole

information on:
Inclination temperature
Direction weight on bit
tool-face angle torque on bit
gamma ray sonic velocity

z Inclination, direction, and tool-face angle are of particular

interest in directional drilling. A lower cost MWD tool can
be used if only directional drilling information is required.

z Information is typically transmitted through the mud column by:

+ve or - ve pressure pulses, or pressure pulse modulation

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Deflection Tools

z Hole angles are usually kicked off by jetting, whip stocks or some type of bent
sub, down hole motor tools.

z Geology affects the decision as well as the desire to use a steering tool.

1. Jetting:
It was a widely used technique several years ago. It involved the use of a large bit jet
and two smaller jets. After washing 6-8 ft rotary was used to drill the rest of the

2. Whip stock
is a very simple device used to kick off the well.
Separated into 2 categories:
i. Open hole whip stocks
ii. Casing whip stocks

3. Bent subs:
are used with down hole motors. The sub has 1/2 -5/2 degree of bend in it that will
deflect the motor in the desired direction.

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Deflection tools (Jetting)

z Jetting
z A standard soft formation tri-
cone bit, with one very large
nozzle and two smaller ones.

z Important parameter:
z Geology:
z S.S & oolitic limestone (best)
z Unconsolidated S.S & very
soft rock (good)
z Very soft rocks erode too
much (bad)
z As a rough rule of
thumb, ROP>24m/hr
using normal drilling

z Hydraulic energy
z A rule of thumb: mud
velocity through the
large jet should be at
least 500 ft/sec.

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Deflection tools (Jetting)

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Advantages & Disadvantages Of Jetting

z Advantages z Disadvantages
z Same BHA to change z Only works in soft
trajectory & drilling ahead formation and therefore at
z Simple and cheap method shallow depths.
in soft formations. z high dogleg severities are
z Dogleg severity can be often produced. Deviation
partly controlled from is produced in a series of
surface by varying the sudden changes, rather
number of feet “jetted” than a smooth continuous
each time. change. For this reason, it
z The survey tool is not far
is normal practice to jet
behind the bit. an under gauge hole and
then open it out to full
z Orientation of tool face is gauge, which smoothes
fairly easy off the worst of the

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Deflection tools (Whip stock)

z Some movies about D.D:

1. Movie 1 (bottom trip W.S)
2. Movie 2 (section milling)
3. Movie 3 (section milling)
4. Movie 4 (retrieving a W.S)
5. Movie 5 (cement type W.S)
6. Movie 6 (Casing W.S)

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Deflection tools (Whip stock)

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Deflection tools (Whip stock)

z Whip stocks
z Standard removable Whip stock
z used to kick off wells
z Sidetracking
z Disadvantage
z If the whip stock is set on the fill, then whip stock rotate when
drilling starts
z Fill tend to wash away, causing the bit to slide down the side of
the well bore and entire whip stock assembly to rotate
z Critical: when bit leaves the end of W. wedge, if the rock too
soft & circulation too high, bit can lose curvature and continue
z number of “trips” involved.
z whip stock produced a sudden, sharp deflection
z Advantages
z It is a fairly simple piece of equipment which requires relatively
little maintenance and has no temperature limitations.

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Deflection tools (Whip stock)

• Circulating Whip stock

– the drilling mud initially flows through a passage to the bottom of
the whip stock which permits more efficient cleaning of the
bottom of the hole and ensures a clean seat for the tool.
– It is most efficient for washing out bottom hole fills.

z Permanent Casing Whip stock

z used where a “window” is to be cut in casing for a sidetrack
z advantage
z operation usually takes less time.
z disadvantage
z gives a sharp dogleg
z Casing window is too short. Numerous trips & long hours of rotation
can wear or damage the casing, difficult to trip out the BHA through
the casing window

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Deflection tools (Whip stock)

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Down hole motors

z Was developed in 1966, and 2 years later the PDM

began to be used in the US
z PDM & turbine + Bent Sub + Bent Housing or
eccentric stabilizers

turbine motor (left)

and positive
motor (right)

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PDM s vs. Turbines

z PDM:
z The directional driller can
use pump pressure as a
weight indicator
z longer bit life
z because of the slower
rotary speed.
z Use a small bend at the
U-joint housing instead of
bent sub
z Turbine:
z operate at higher
z DO NOT have a dump

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Factors Affecting directional behavior of rotary assemblies

z Gauge and placement of stabilizers

z Diameter and length of drill collars
z Weight -on-bit
z Rotary speed
z Bit type
z Formation anisotropy and dip angle of the
bedding planes
z Formation hardness
z Flow rate
z Rate of penetration

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PDM accessories

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PDM accessories

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PDM accessories

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PDM accessories

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Turbine accessories

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Principles of BHA (Fulcrum)

z The Fulcrum principle is used

to build angle (increase
borehole inclination)
z Full gauge near bit stabilizer,
followed by 40 to 120ft DC, before
the first string stabilizer, or no string

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Principles of BHA (Fulcrum)

The rate of build will be INCREASED by the following:

• Increasing the distance from the near-bit stabilizer to the first

string stabilizer
• Increase in hole inclination
• Reduction of drill collar diameter
• Increase in weight on bit
• Reduction in rotary speed
• Reduction in flow rate
(in soft formations)

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Principles of BHA (Stabilization)

z The Stabilization (Packed Hole) Principle:

hold angle and direction

three stabilizers in quick succession behind the bit separated by

short, stiff drill collar sections, then the three stabilizers will resist
going around a curve and force the bit to drill a reasonably
straight path

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Principles of BHA (Stabilization)

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Principles of BHA (Pendulum)

Drop angle

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z “Applied drilling engineering” Adam T.bourgoyne, spe text book,vol 2.
z “Oil well drilling engineering” H. Rabia, univ. of newcastle,1985.
z “Advanced directional drilling” drilling services, computalog, Texas.
z “Drilling engineering” N.J Adams, pennwell books, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
z “Drilling engineering workbook” baker huges INTEQ,80270H rev. B, Dec
z “IADC Drilling manual”, e-book version(11),2000.
z “Well engineering & construction” Hussein Rabia, e-book version.
z “Introduction to directional drilling” schlumberger hand out, 1998
z “Directional drilling training manual”, schlumberger handbook, 1996

Directional Drilling presentation ٧٩

Attachment- review of 6 calculation methods

Directional Drilling presentation ٨٠

Attachment- review of 6 calculation methods

Directional Drilling presentation ٨١

Attachment- review of 6 calculation methods

Directional Drilling presentation ٨٢

Attachment- review of 6 calculation methods

Directional Drilling presentation ٨٣

Attachment- review of 6 calculation methods

Directional Drilling presentation ٨٤

Attachment- review of 6 calculation methods

Directional Drilling presentation ٨٥

That was all I knew about D.D
Thanks for your attention

Directional Drilling presentation ٨٦

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