Animal Feeding Training (Autosaved)
Animal Feeding Training (Autosaved)
Animal Feeding Training (Autosaved)
Gemeda Tuntuna
February ,2024
feedstuffs:- is a component of a ration or a diet (combined to
produce rations)
Classification of feedstuffs is divided into two main categories:
More than 18% CF and less 60% TDN
More lignin – less digestible
Classified as
Dry Roughage – 10- 15% moisture
Succulent Roughage – 60-90% moisture
Dry Roughage:- straws, stover, Hay,
Protein rich:- oilseed cake or meal, alfalfa, bone and fish meal
vitamins supplements
minerals supplements
Nutrients in the Feedstuffs
Nutrients are substances obtained from food used for
maintenance and production.
Maintenance requirements for basic activities (breathing, blood
circulation, fighting diseases, maintain body temperature)
Production Requirements
Milk production
Eggs production
Wool production
The essential nutrients in the feeds are energy, proteins,
minerals, vitamins and water
It is essential for life
• Maintenance of healthy protective tissues such as skin, stomach,
• Improvement of appetite, hence feed intake (vitamin B)
• Production of red blood cells, hence preventing anemia ( V B6 and
• Enhanced Ca and K utilization – for bone formation and growth ( V
• from Diet, rumen microbial synthesis or tissue synthesis.
vitamin deficiency
• Loss of appetite
• Anemia – red blood cells
• Delay in growth
• Lack of immunity
Dairy Cattle Feeding
• Feed costs represent largest input (60-70%)
• Adequate feeding levels of a highly nutritional diet are vital for
optimal animal performance and well-being.
• Some essential Considerations for dairy cattle feeding:
Nutrients Requirements_ maintenance + productions
Feed Availability_ forages, grains, supplements (vitamins
and minerals)
Physiological status _ Calf, Heifers, Pregnancy, Dry and
Environmental conditions_ too hot or too cold
Economic Considerations
Calf Feeding
Heifers replace the culled animals, increase the herd size or sold to generate
Heifers should be closely observed and fed correctly to avoid the growth
if a heifer growth rate 500 g/day - consumes 5 kg of feed, the 10% Cp.
This ensures that they will come on heat at the right time, as puberty is related
• Become pregnant
The lactation stage is divided into 3 stages based on the cow’s physiological
Early Lactation
Lasts from calving to peak milk production, which occurs at about 70 days
Milk production increases rapidly such that the voluntary feed intake
cannot meet the energy demand.
Cows that are well fed come on heat and achieve a year CI
Mid lactations
Lasts from peak lactation to mid-lactation
Proper feeding of the cow help to realize the cow’s potential during
the next lactation and minimize health problems at calving time
Reduce feed intake to maintenance level (withdraw concentrates)
The cow should be fed on high-level concentrates in preparation for the next
lactation. This extra concentrate enables the cow to store reserves to be used in
early lactation
Fed a ration contain 15 g of Ca/day for the last 10 days or 30–40 g/day for last
2 months.
are present in the feed the animal consumes during a 24-hour period.
Hand weed
Spray with herbicide 2,4-D - 2.5 liters per hectare (not when with vetch)
Cut at milk stage (4 weeks) leaving a stubble height of 5 cm from ground
• Field preparation
Hand weed
If using a herbicide, remember that application timing and rates vary.
Herbicides for perennial weed control before seeding (2,4-D- 1 liter/
Thus, conserve the excess for use in times of dry season scarcity.
The aim of conservation is to harvest the maximum amount of
dry matter from a given area and at an optimum stage for
utilization by animals.
Good-quality hay
Leafy and greenish in color
Have no foreign material mixed with it
Have no smell
Silage making
Well-prepared silage is
Bright or light yellow-green
Has a smell similar to vinegar and
Has a firm texture.
Bad silage
Tends to smell similar to rancid butter or ammonia.
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