Dairy Cattle Management
Dairy Cattle Management
Dairy Cattle Management
• Hold hind leg and hang upside down and swing if breathing does not start.
• Disinfecting umbilical cord using disinfectant (I tincture/copper sulphate solution)
soon after birth to prevent entrance of infectious organisms.
• Assisting the calf to suckle colostrum within an hour after stand on their feet within
30mintes due to the antibody constitute of colostrum and highest absorption within
12hrs after birth and very low after 24 hr.
• washing and sanitizing the teat with a solution before nursing .
• 3.Feeding is to reduce mortality and maintain growth rate to wean at 3 months 8
• The digestive tract of newborn is non-ruminant during the first week
• Milk; colostrum, is shunted past undeveloped rumen into omasum and abomasum (bypass fore
• Colostrum is the first milk produced by a cow after calving, rich in vitamin A and gamma
globulin (antibodies).
• New-born calves do not have gamma globulin that contains antibodies that protect calf from
various disease.
• So, calves must ingest gamma globulins from colostrum to get a passive immunity against
common calf disease. i.e
• Feeding colostrum during the first 24hrs of calf’s life is important due to the permeability of gut
to antibody decreases.
• limited amount is fed for at least the first 3 days of life(excessive amount lead to calf scour) and
then after milk composition gradually returns to normal.
• Whole milk/replacer is fed for 5-8 weeks after birth (depending on objective of farm, vigorousity
of calf &weaning age) then weaned at three month age.
• The amount to feed per day is dependent on BWt, rate of growth, health of calf and cost of milk.
• If whole milk is expensive, milk replaces can fed.
• Calf is separated from dam with in 24hr (3-4 days) and kept in calf pen and the cow join the herd.
• If the dam dies immediately after calving, colostrum from other cow/colostrum replacer is
prepared as 9
• - Take 1 egg (protein source) and whip in 0.56 liter of H20 - add 0.8 liters of warm water
• - add 1 tea spoonful cod liver oil(energy) -add 1 tea spoonful castor oil (energy) to feed
3/4x/day for 3-4 days.
• From week two to one month, calves is fed on milk mixed with other products (whey/skim
milk)/milk replacer.
From 4th day to weaning, Calf can reared by three system
• i. Whole milk feeding system: is feeding whole milk for the entire period (3 months) by
bucket for calf penned individually/in group.
• Whole milk is kept at body temperature (38.50C) & fed 2/3x/day at 8-10% of BWt.
• Fixed amount of milk is used i.e 3 liter/day for one month, 2 liters /day for 2 month and 1
liter /day for3 month.
• ii. Limited whole milk-dry calf starter method: the amount of milk offered to calf is limited
i.e. whole milk feed for 6-8 weeks and then high quality starter ration contains about 20% CP.
• iii. Milk replacer: is artificially synthesized milk that replace whole milk i.e contain a larger
proportion of milk products and feeding is based on the directions of manufacture.
• Introduce calf to solid feed: small amounts of fresh high quality, soft textured hay (high in
legumes) is offered as free- choice; fed ad lib.
• High quality hay encourages early rumen development that has a beneficial on health and
economy of weight gains.
• After 3 months of age, calves shifted from starter ration to concentrate feed of low protein
content and quality hay (dry feed at 1.5% of body weight). 10
• The amount of concentrate supplemented depends upon the quality of hay.
• 4.Weaning: is the withdrawal of milk/milk replacer and calf fully dependent on other feed.
• It is common at 5-8weeks, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks.
• It is depend on calf weight that attain twice the birth weight and amount of calf consume,
1.5% of its BWt of dry feed, and age of calf.
• Early weaning (5-8week) is possible if more milk is fed and calves introduced to pre-starter
and starter.
• 5.Housing: Calf pen is provide for protection from adverse weather conditions and
predators, avoid parasites,
• provide adequate ventilation to prevent dampness.
• control feeding and management, as clean as possible,
• The pen is disinfected and adequately bedded, free from draft and well lighted
• It is cheap to build and economical to operate, easy to clean.
• It has a dimension of 1.2 X 1.5m (2 m2) space per calf (individual pen) to keep calf