Contingency Theories of Leadership

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Contingency Theories of

Contingency theories
1. Fiedler Contingency Model
Leaders effectiveness is contingent upon favorableness of
situation. Favorableness of situation depends on
a) Leader member relationship (acceptance is high)
b) Degree of task structure- whether task is routine/non
routine (very structured, everything spell out)
c) leaders power position- extent to which leader has
reward, coercive and legitimate power
• Situation is favorable when structured task is there, leader has strong power
position, and there is good leader-member relation
• Under very favorable and very unfavorable the task directed leader was most
• Under moderately favorable/ unfavorable human relations or lenient leader was
most effective
Contingency theory (Cont.)
2. Hershey &Blanchard’s situational theory or life cycle Model
leadership style will depend upon
a) Task beh: extent to which leader spell out to follower what, where , and how to do the task
b) Relationship beh: extent to which leader listens, supports and encourages followers in decision making
c) Follower’s Readiness :is subordinate’s ability and willingness to perform the task
• The model propose 4 leadership style:
1) Telling style- followers are both unable and unwilling to do the job, they require directive beh i.e. what
and how to perform
2) Selling style: followers are willing but are unable to carry out task. Here leader must be supportive and
3) Participating style: followers are able but not confident about their abilities. Leader should provide
support and encouragement
4) Delegating style: followers are able, willing and confident. they do not need either delegating or
relationship beh of leader
• The model propose 4 leadership style:
1) Telling style- followers are both unable and unwilling to do the job, they
require directive beh i.e. what and how to perform
2) Selling style: followers are willing but are unable to carry out task. Here leader
must be supportive and directive.
3) Participating style: followers are able but not confident about their abilities.
Leader should provide support and encouragement
4) Delegating style: followers are able, willing and confident. they do not need
either delegating or relationship beh of leader
Path Goal theory
• In order to be effective leader must select a style
that will enhance employee satisfaction with their
job and increase their performance level.
• 2 key variable in this model are employee need
(safety, esteem…..) and task characteristics
(routine and non routine)
• 4 style proposed are:
1)Supportive leadership – leader is friendly,
approachable and shows genuine concern for subordinate.
Effective when task is boring or dissatisfying
2. Directive leadership – subordinate does not
knows exactly what is expected from them, leader gives
specific direction. No participation by subordinates.
Ineffective when task is clear, Effective when task is
Path-Goal Situations &
Preferred Leader Behavior

Source: Adapted from Gary A. Yukl, Leadership in Organizations (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1981), 146-152.

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