Part - Three Maintenance Planning

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Maintenance planning

 Planning procedure

 Basic level of Planning process

 Scheduling procedure

 Scheduling technique

 Element of sound Scheduling


Effective planning and scheduling contribute

significantly to the following:
• Reduced maintenance cost.
• Improved utilization of the maintenance workforce by
reducing delays and interruptions.
• Improved quality of maintenance work by adopting
the best methods and procedures and assigning the
most qualified workers for the job.
Planning and Scheduling Objectives

• Minimizing the idle time of maintenance workers.

• Maximizing the efficient use of work time, material,

and equipment.

• Maintaining the operating equipment at a responsive

level to the need of production in terms of delivery
schedule and quality.
Classification of Maintenance Work
According to Planning and Scheduling
• Routine maintenance: are maintenance operations
of a periodic nature. They are planned and
scheduled and in advance. They are covered by
blanket orders.

• Emergency or breakdown maintenance: interrupt

maintenance schedules in order to be performed.
They are planned and scheduled as they happened.
• Design modifications: are planned and scheduled
and they depend on eliminating the cause of
repeated breakdowns.

• Scheduled overhaul and shutdowns of the plant:

planned and scheduled in advanced.

• Overhaul, general repairs, and replacement: planned

and scheduled in advanced.

• Preventive maintenance: planned and scheduled in

• An essential part of planning and scheduling is to
forecast future work and to balance the workload
between these categories.

• The maintenance management system should aim to

have over 90% of the maintenance work planned
and scheduled.

Planning is the process by which the elements

required to perform a task are determined in
advance of the job start.
• It comprises all the functions related to the preparation of:

1. The work order

2. Bill of material
3. Purchase requisition
4. Necessary drawings
5. Labor planning sheet including standard times
6. All data needed prior to scheduling and releasing the
work order.

• Good planning is a prerequisite for sound scheduling.

Planning Procedures
• Determine the job content.
• Develop work plan. This entails the sequence of the
activities in the job and establishing the best
methods and procedures to accomplish the job.
• Establish crew size for the job.
• Plan and order parts and material.
• Check if special tools and equipment are needed
and obtain them.
• Assign workers with appropriate skills.
Planning Procedures
• Review safety procedures.
• Set priorities for all maintenance work.
• Assign cost accounts.
• Complete the work order.
• Review the backlog and develop plans for
controlling it.
• Predict the maintenance load using effective
forecasting technique.
Basic Levels of Planning Process
(Depend on The Planning Horizon)

1. Long-rang planning: it covers a period of 3 to 5

years and sets plans for future activities and long-
range improvement.
2. Medium-range planning: it covers a period of 1
month to 1 year.
3. Short-rang planning: it covers a period of 1 day to 1
week. It focuses on the determination of all the
elements required to perform maintenance tasks in
Long and Medium-Range Planning
Needs to utilize the following:

1. Sound forecasting techniques to estimate the

maintenance load.
2. Reliable job standards times to estimate staffing
3. Aggregate planning tools such as linear
programming to determine resource requirements.
Long-Range Planning

sets plans for future activities and long-range

Medium-Range Planning

• Specify how the maintenance workers will operate.

• Provide details of major overhauls, construction
jobs, preventive maintenance plans, and plant
• Balances the need for staffing over the period
• Estimates required spare parts and material
Short-Range Planning

It focuses on the determination of all the elements

required to perform maintenance tasks in advance.

Is the process by which jobs are matched with

resources and sequenced to be executed at a certain
points in time.

• Scheduling deals with the specific time and phasing

of planned jobs together with the orders to perform
the work, monitoring the work, controlling it, and
reporting on job progress.

• Successful planning needs a feedback from

Reliable Schedule Must Take Into

• A job priority ranking reflecting the criticality of

the job.
• The availability of all materials needed for the work
order in the plant.
• The production master schedule.
• Realistic estimates and what is likely to happen.
• Flexibility in the schedule.
Maintenance Schedule Can be Prepared
at Three Levels (Depend on The Time

1. Long-range (master) schedule

2. Weekly schedule

3. Daily schedule
Long-Range (master) Schedule
• Covering a period of 3 months to 1 year.
• Based on existing maintenance work orders
(blanket work order, backlog, PM, anticipated EM).
• Balancing long-term demand for maintenance work
with available resources.
• Spare parts and material could be identified and
ordered in advance.
• Subject to revision and updating to reflect changes
in the plans and maintenance work.
Weekly Schedule
• Covering 1 week.
• Generated from the master schedule.
• Takes into account current operations schedules and
economic considerations.
• Allow 10% to 15% of the workforce to be available for
emergency work.
• The schedule prepared for the current week and the
following one in order to consider the available backlog.
• The work orders scheduled in this week are sequenced based
in priority.
• CPM and integer programming techniques can be used to
generate a schedule.
Daily Schedule

• Covering 1 day.
• Generated from weekly schedule.
• Prepared the day before.
• Interrupted to perform EM.
• Priorities are used to schedule the jobs.
Elements of Sound Scheduling
Requirements for effective scheduling:
• Written work orders that are derived from a well-
conceived planning process. (Work to be done,
methods to be followed, crafts needed, spare parts
needed, and priority).
• Time standards.
• Information about craft availability for each shift.
• Stocks of spare parts and information on restocking.
Elements of Sound Scheduling
Requirements for effective scheduling:
• Information on the availability of special equipment
and tools necessary for maintenance work.
• Access to the plant production schedule and
knowledge about when the facilities will be
available for service without interrupting
production schedule.
• Well-define priorities for maintenance work.
• Information about jobs already scheduled that are
behind the schedule (backlog).
Scheduling Procedures (Steps)
• Sort backlog work orders by crafts.
• Arrange orders by priority.
• Compile a list of completed and carry over jobs.
• Consider job duration, location, travel distance, and
the possibility of combining jobs in the same area.
• Schedule multi-craft jobs to start at the beginning of
every shift.
• Issue a daily schedule (not for shutdown
• Authorize a supervisor to make work assignments
Maintenance Job Priority System
• Priorities are established to ensure that the most
critical work is scheduled first.
• It is developed under coordination with operations
• It should be dynamic.
• It must be updated periodically to reflect changes in
operation and maintenance strategies.
• It typically includes three to ten levels of priority.
Scheduling Techniques
The objective of the scheduling techniques is to construct a time
chart showing:
 The start and finish for each job.
 The interdependencies among jobs.
 The critical jobs that require special attention and effective
Such techniques are:
 Modified Gantt chart
 Integer and stochastic programming.

 Schedules show the timing for work elements and when specific

events and project milestones should take place.

 Project Scheduling Involves :

 estimating how long they will take;

 allocating resources (mainly personnel);

 scheduling when the tasks will occur.

Scheduling Benefits

Lowers chance of delay

Assists in recovering from delay,
Resolves responsibility
A good communication tool, between the managers, the owners,
investors, and the general public.
Can also serve as a contractual tool

Scheduling Systems

Network Scheduling(PERT/CPM)
 Terminologies
 Activity

 task or set of tasks

 use resources

 state resulting from completion of one or more activities

 consume no resources or time
 predecessor activities must be completed

 events that mark significant progress

 Path

 Series of connected activities between two events

… Terminologies [ctd]

 Critical Path

 set of activities on a path that if delayed will delay completion of


 Critical Time

 time required to complete all activities on the critical path

Building the Network

Define activities from WBS work packages

Estimate duration and resources for each activity
 Define precedence relationships between activities

Network Representation Schemes

 AON Network [Activity-on-Node]

 AOA Network [ Activity-on- Arrow]

AOA Network [ Activity-on- Arrow]
Historically most popular
Nodes represent start and finish events for each activity
 Arrows can only come from/go to single node
Only one arrow between two given nodes

End of
of Activity
Event Event

Example [AOA Network]
A Sample Set of Project Activities, Precedence and Duration

Activity Predecessor Duration[days]

a -- 5
b -- 4
c a 3
d a 4
e a 6
f b, c 4
g d 5
h d, e 6
i f 6
j g, h 4

Example [Completed AOA Network]

Dummy Activities

 A dummy activity is used to illustrate precedence relationships

in AOA networks.
 It serves only as a “connector,” however, it is not a “real”
activity and represents neither work nor time.
A dummy
Activity Predecessor Activity
A -
B -
C -

AON Network [Activity-on-Node]
 The node (the block in the figure) is the activity; inside the node is
information about the activity, such as its duration, start time, and finish
time .
 Requires no dummy nodes

AON vs. AOA Networks

Previous Example [Completed AON Network]

Activity Predecessor Duration[days]

a -- 5
b -- 4
c a 3
d a 4
e a 6
f b, c 4
g d 5
h d, e 6
i f 6
j g, h 4

Calculation of Earliest and Latest Times

Forward pass – determines Early Start & Finish

Early start of a given node is maximum of early finishes of

preceding nodes
Initialization : E1=0 [project start]
Ej=max(Ei+tij) for all i before node j

i j

Backward pass: determines Latest Start & Finish

Late finish of a given activity is minimum of late starts of successors

Initialization : Ln(latest occurrence of all ending nodes1)=project

duration, T, as determined in forward pass

Li=Min(Lj+tij) for all successor nodes j of node I being


Li Lj

Example [ Earliest Times]
Forward Pass [ ES and EF]

EXAMPLE [Latest Times]
Backward Pass [LS and LF]

Earliest and Latest Schedule
Activity Duration Earliest Earliest Latest Latest Total
[days] Start Finish Start Finish Float

a 5 0 5 0 5 0
b 4 0 4 7 11 7
c 3 5 8 8 11 3
d 4 5 9 7 11 2
e 6 5 11 5 11 0
f 4 8 12 11 15 3
g 5 9 14 12 17 3
h 6 11 17 11 17 0
i 6 12 18 15 21 3
j 4 17 21 17 21 0
Critical path, Activity Float

Float of an activity indicates the degree of freedom in timing

for performing task

Activity Float=LS-ES=LF-EF

Activities of Critical path have Zero Float [Start-a-e-h-j-


Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
PERT is a network analysis technique used to estimate project
duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty about the
individual activity duration estimates
 PERT uses probabilistic time
pessimistic (a)
most likely (m)
optimistic (b)

PERT Formula
Based on the distribution of the three time estimates[Beta-
distribution], the mean or expected time, te, and the variance, V,
of each activity are computed as:

Steps in PERT Analysis
 For each activity k
 Obtain ak, mk (mode) and bk
 Compute expected activity duration (mean) dk=te
 Compute activity variance Vk=s2
 Compute expected project duration D=Te using standard CPM
 Compute Project Variance V=S2 as sum of critical path activity
variance (this assumes independence!)
 In case of multiple critical paths use the one with the largest
 Calculate probability of completing the project
 Assuming project duration normally distributed

Example -1 [PERT]
Time Estimates Mean Variance
Task a m b

A - 2 4 8 4.33 1
B - 4 6 10 6.33 1
C A 6 6 6 6.00 0
D A 2 8 14 8.00 4
E A 6 8 12 8.33 1
F B,C 9 3 15 6.00 1
G D,F 8 16 20 15.33 4
H D,F 4 4 4 4.00 0
I E.H 4 8 10 7.66 1
Forward and Backward Pass

2 E 5
8.33 I 7.66
A D 4.33
4.33 H 16.33 6
1 C 10.33
F 6 G 15.33
6.33 3 4

Project Duration (Mean)= 31.66 | Variance=6 σ=2.45

Gantt Chart

A GANTT chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project

After the PERT/CPM analysis is completed, the following phase is

to construct the GANTT chart and then to re-allocate resources

and re-schedule if necessary.
GANTT charts have become a common technique for representing

the phases and activities of a project work breakdown structure.

It was introduced by Henry Gantt around 1910 – 1915.

Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart
 Characteristics:
The bar in each row identifies the corresponding task
The horizontal position of the bar identifies start and end times of the
Bar length represents the duration of the task
Good for allocating resources and re-scheduling
Precedence relationships can be represented using arrows
Critical activities are usually highlighted
Slack times are represented using bars with doted lines
The bar of each activity begins at the activity earliest start time (ES)
The bar of each activity ends at the activity latest finish time (LF).
A vertical cursor (such as a transparent ruler) placed at the review point
At a review point the boxes/lines are shaded to represent the actual
time spent
Gantt Chart

 Advantages
Good visual communication to others
Task durations can be compared easily
Good for scheduling resources

 Disadvantages
Dependencies are more difficult to visualise
Minor changes in data can cause major changes in the

Constructing Gantt Chart

 The steps to construct a GANTT chart from the information

obtained by PERT/CPM are:
1. Schedule the critical tasks in the correct position.
2. Place the time windows in which the non-critical tasks
can be scheduled.
3. Schedule the non-critical tasks according to their earliest
starting times.
4. Indicate precedence relationships between tasks.

Constructing Gantt Chart

 Example of an early GANTT chart construction:

Constructing Gantt Chart
Step 1. Schedule critical tasks:

Constructing Gantt Chart
Step 2. Place time windows for non-critical tasks:

Constructing Gantt Chart
Step 3. Schedule non-critical tasks
Step 4. Indicate precedence relationships:

Resources Based Scheduling
 Time is not the only restraint on a project plan.
 The assumption made when doing a time analysis is that
resources are unlimited – which of course is not true.
 Kind of resources :
 People
 Material
 Equipment
 Working Capital
 Requires making trade-offs
 Time constrained
 Resource constrained

Resource Loading

 The amount of individuals resources an existing schedule

requires during specific time periods

 Resource loading can be illustrated by:
o Resource usage calendar
o Modified PERT/CPM AOA diagram (similar with Gantt Chart)

 Staff Utilization=(duration of activity x staff required for each

activity, all added together) / (maximum staff required x

duration of project)

Resource Allocation Methods
Time Constrained Projects
 Resource Smoothing/Leveling is a technique used to re-allocate
resources and re- schedule activities
 Smoothening resource demands by using positive slacks (non critical
activities) to manage resource utilization over the duration of the

Peak resource demands are reduced.
Resources over the life of the project are reduced.
Fluctuation in resource demand is minimized.

Resource constrained
 Scheduling resources within constraints with minimal extension of

schedule time
Resources Allocation and Smoothing
 Once the project schedule, (e.g. GANTT chart), has been constructed, take
into account
Available resource hours
Slack times and
The project schedule

Assign staff and other resources to each activity in the project

Resources Allocation and Smoothing

Resources Allocation and Smoothing
 The original schedule (constructed above) for this project is as
shown below.

 Staff Utilisation = (3x2+4x4+5x1+7x3+2x1+4x2+3x5)/(14x6) = 0.857 =

Resources Allocation and Smoothing
 Work out the Staff Profile

Resources Allocation and Smoothing
 Scenario I
 Assume that there are 6 people available for working in this project but one of them returns from holidays at
 Re-scheduling is needed because activities A and B cannot be carried out in parallel until time=2.

Resources Allocation and Smoothing
 Scenario II
 Equipment and materials needed to carry out activities E and F are available at time=5 and time=9
respectively instead of being available at the activities ES time.
 Re-scheduling is needed but the overall duration of the project is not affected.


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