Maintenance Planner

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Maintenance Planning and Scheduling

Maintenance Planning and Scheduling

Module1 - Introduction

Who am I?
Who are you?
Outline your experience in planning and
Special requests over the subject matter if any
Outline of The Course

Day 1
Objective of the course
What is expected through the course
Maintenance strategy
Elements of work management
Purpose of planning and scheduling
Benefits of planning and scheduling
Work identification
Work prioritization
Outline Of The Course

Day 2
Backlog Management
Work execution
Outline Of The Course

Day 3
Work closure and documentation
Work order status control
Analysis and continuous improvement
Performance measurement
Materials management
Preventive maintenance
Outline Of The Course

Day 4
Shutdown Management
Test questions and answers
Questions and discussions
Objective Of The Course

Define planning and scheduling

Understand the necessity of planned work
Understand its effect on interest groups
Understand its effect on maintenance performance
Understand the role of a Planner and Scheduler
What Is Expected Through This Course

Better understanding of Planning and Scheduling

Importance of defect identification
What it takes to plan a job
How to efficiently schedule daily and future work
How to increase wrench time
How to control Backlog
How to conduct maintenance meetings
How to measure maintenance performance
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 2 Maintenance
Maintenance Strategy Definition

Management method used to

achieve maintenance objectives
Maintenance Strategy Objective

Reduce equipment downtime

Minimize equipment damage &repairs
Reduce maintenance cost
Reduce parts & material inventory
Sustain plant reliability
Maintenance Strategies

Run-to-Failure (RTF) A strategy where the organization decides to

allow specific equipment/asset/system to fail without performing
any PM or PdM. It is a deliberate decision based on economic
Predictive Maintenance (PdM) also called as Condition Based
Maintenance (CBM). The strategy is based on the actual condition
i.e health of the equipment/asset. It involves non invasive
measurements and tests on the asset so as to identify and take
actions in advance to prevent failures
Preventive Maintenance (PM) The strategy is based on inspection,
component replacement and overhaul of an equipment/asset at a
fixed interval/cycle regardless the condition of the asset at that time
Reactive Maintenance

There is no structured maintenance program

The individual asset/system doesnt have its own PM/PdM
or RTF based specific maintenance strategy
Maintenance is generally performed after the equipment
has failed
The failed equipment is returned to its working condition
and service specifications by replacing or repairing faulty
Reactive maintenance is mostly carried out on
unscheduled basis
Advantages Of Reactive Maintenance

Lower start up cost

Lower labor and staff cost
Normally justified in small factories where :
Down times can be sustained
Repair costs are less than other type of
Financial justification for scheduling is not felt
Disadvantages Of Reactive Maintenance

High cost. Emergency repairs cost 3 to 5 times more

than planned repairs
Life expectancy of assets is reduced
Higher business risk
Higher safety issues
Time consuming
Difficult to control budgets
Resources get wasted
Cannot be employed for equipments regulated by
statutory provisions e.g. cranes, lifts, hoists etc
Proactive Maintenance

Maintenance work is completed to avoid failures

or to indentify defects that could lead to
failure. It includes
Preventive Maintenance
Predictive Maintenance
Defect Identification
Advantages of Proactive Maintenance

Reduces equipment failures

Better utilization of resources
Lower consumption of spares and materials
Reduces business risk
Improves plant safety
Facilitates better coordination between
operations , maintenance and stores
Ensures better work life balance
Higher employee moral
Disadvantages of Proactive Maintenance

Labour intensive
Unless and until the maintenance frequencies are
optimized , too much or too little preventive
maintenance will occur
Increases investment in diagnostic equipment
At times includes some invasive activities that
cause incidental damage to equipment
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 3 -Work Management

What Is Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Planning and Scheduling is a disciplined

approach to get the right work done by the right
people using the right material at the right time. It
is an essential part of effective maintenance.
Strategic Purpose Of Planning And Scheduling

To avoid delays
To leverage labour resource (get more work done
with fewer people).
To establish an approach that will reduce reactive
maintenance over the long term
To minimize the chaos and efficiency losses
resulting from disconnects with production
schedule, priority changes, emergency work and
Maximize plant availability at minimal cost
Benefits Of Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Reduction in equipment downtime

Up to 100% increase in wrench time
Reduction in maintenance costs
Improved inventory control
Improved plant safety
Improved maintenance and repair quality
Improved employee moral
Improved work relations between departments
Improved work life balance
Benefits of Maintenance P&S for Maintenance Dept

Provides more time for site activities &leadership

Provides desired methods and procedures for jobs
Helps to know the requirement of the labor for the
jobs well in advance
Helps improve quality of the work done
Helps to avoid delays due to non availability of
spares, material, tool, job details, equipment etc
Facilitates better control over work as the quantum
of weekly work is known well in advance
Better control on over time
Ensures better work life balance
Benefits of Maintenance P&S for Operations Dept

Increases availability of the equipments by

minimizing down time and interruptions
Operations own the weekly schedule. This ensures
a better control over the work to be done
Joint prioritization facilitates correct job priorities
Helps to provide better estimates as to when the
equipment will be available for usage
Ensures better coordination with maintenance with
planner as single point of contact
Ensures better participation of operations in
analysis of planned jobs
Wrench Time
Break/lunch; 13%

wrench time; 30%

Wait time; 16%

meetings; 5%
materials; 4%

Clean up; 2%
Administration; 4%
tools; 7%

instructions; 4%
travel; 17%
Reasons For Wrench Time Losses
Some of the major reasons for losses in wrench
time are
Waiting for parts, spares and material
Searching parts, spares and material
Waiting for equipment to be shutdown/handed over
Waiting for instructions, information, drawings etc
Waiting for permits
Running from emergency to emergency
Travel time (to and fro)
Improper job scoping
Waiting for crane and auxiliary services
Waiting for the other craft to finish his work
How P&S Improves Wrench Time

Consider a plant -A operating in a reactive mode

with no planner/scheduler

Assume the plant to have 30 maintenance craft people

with a wrench time of 30%
The total productive time available =
30 peoplex40 hrs/weekx0.30 = 360 man hours/week
How P&S Improves Wrench Time

Consider a similar plant -B operating in planned

maintenance mode with same number of
maintenance people ie 30 people which includes 2

The number of maintenance craft people available

becomes (30-2) =28 with a wrench time of 50%
The total productive time available =
28 peoplex40 hrs/weekx0.50 = 560 man hours/week
How P&S Improves Wrench Time
Comparing A & B , we find

Plant B has performed 560 hrs-360 hrs=200 extra

work with the same number of maintenance people

200 additional work hours/week are equivalent to

200/40X.3 17 additional maintenance people

Thus with 2 maintenance crew working as

planners/schedulers, we have 200/360=55.55%
increase in productive (wrench) time
Work Management Process Steps
Work Management Process
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 4 -Work Identification

Work Identification Overview

Work Identification is the first step in the Work

Management Process


Notifications/Work Requests - key component of

this sub-process
Function of Work Identification

To identify right work at the right

Work Identification Methods

Planned Maintenance

Observations during work execution

Weekly Walk-Downs

Operator Rounds

Maintenance Reports

Audit Database (Internal / External)

Daily Reports

Shift Handover

Vendor Reports / Visitor Observations

Management / Supervisory Request

HSSE / Safety Inspection

Planned Shutdown Work

Project and Modification


Recommendations of RCAs

OEM Upgrade

Work Identification Responsibility

Anyone can be responsible for identifying work and
generating work requests
Not the sole responsibility of maintenance &
Find little things
Get to it before it becomes a problem
Role Of Operators In Work Identification

Operators run the equipment. Hence they are

always in a better position to know equipment
Operators should be encouraged to identify and
report any defects or any abnormal behavior of
equipment before they fail
Use operators as the 1st line of defense. Such a
proactive practice acts as a very effective tool to
reduce downtime and cost
Walk-Down Process

Proactive method of defect identification

Participants include maintenance leader, production
leader, planner, safety representative, material
Carried out every week
Each area/zone is inspected every 3 months /yr
Open WOs list for the area/zone is examined
New work is identified
Completed work is deleted from the open WOs list
Work Requests

Originator/assigned person must enter all notifications / work requests in CMMS

Key information may include

Correct Notification type

Defect description
Defect / Repair Tag Number
Work Type (Proactive, Reactive)
Failure Codes, if known
Functional Location (if required)
Equipment identification number
Priority Code
Special Requirements if any(safety requirements, possible permits)
Created By
Reported By
Projected Dates, if known
Benefits Of Clear Description

Eliminates ambiguity
The job can be planned correctly the first time
Waiting time due to poor instructions can be
Originator is easier to identify
Helps to eliminate duplicate work orders
Work Request Approval

All work should have a work request

Work request approval time for non safety jobs
should be <48 hours, for safety critical <24hrs
An effective approval process should exist to ensure
necessary work is approved and non-value added
work is minimized
Work Request Cancellation

Cancellation of work requests should be carried out

on merit and valid reasons
Originator should always be informed and the
reasons explained
Procedure should be in place with proper audit
system to ensure that the cancellation process is
being rightly followed
Benefits of Work Identification

Helps to take timely actions

Enables to have parts and material at hand
Can prevent small problem resulting into a major
breakdown and emergencies
Helps improve plant safety
Helps reduce maintenance cost
Work Identification


A stitch in time saves nine

Work Identification Process Flow

Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 5 -Work Prioritization

What Is Prioritization

It is a method of determining and

communicating the real urgency of
identified work
Why Prioritize

If work is not prioritized correctly,

Reactive work dominates
Less important jobs often precede critical jobs
Critical jobs are often lost in the backlog
Leads to over inflating of work
Creates a culture of mistrust
Safety often gets compromised
Maintenance costs escalate
Why Prioritize

If everything is very important, then

nothing is important
Examples Of Prioritization

Three levels
1-Emergency- Needs to be started immediately
2-Urgent- Can be started after 24 hrs but in a week
3-Planned- All work that can be planned
Examples Of Prioritization

Four levels
1-Emergency- Needs to be started immediately
2-Urgent- Can be started after 24 hrs but in a week
3-Medium Priority-To be started within 30 days
4-Low Priority- Can be started after 30 days
Examples Of Prioritization

Five levels
1-Emergency- Needs to be started immediately
2-Urgent- Can be started after 24 hrs but in a week
3-Serious-To be started within 2 weeks
4-Medium Priority-To be started within 1 month
5-Low Priority- Can be started after 1 month
Benefits Of Prioritization

More work can be planned, scheduled and

Ensuring correct priority means your plant
output will be interrupted less often
Wastage of maintenance man-hours on tasks of
low relative importance is avoided
There is consensus on importance of each of the
jobs between maintenance and operations
Ensures higher schedule compliance
Benefits Of Prioritization

Emergency work costs 3 to 5 times the planned work

Takes 2 to 3 times more to complete
Quality is often a suspect
Forward scheduled work cost 10 % 20 % less than
unscheduled work
Communication Of Prioritization

Maintenance priority system should clearly

communicated to all the plant personnel
Priority Matrix should be displayed at
various locations across the plant
Personnel should be trained in effective
priority based decision making

Priority system followed by you


Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 6 Planning
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Planning Overview

Planning is how to do the work and what

information to collect to do this work
It is the key strategic element in maintenance
planning and scheduling
The primary purpose of planning is to identify and
remove as many obstacles as possible for smooth
execution of the work
Good planning is a prerequisite for sound
Planning Overview

Look into the future

All jobs dont need the same level of planning
but all require some thought
When sufficient planning capacity exists, "all
jobs that benefit" should be planned
The Rush Job
I am a rush job.
I belong to no age, for man has always hurried.
I prod all human endeavours.
Men believe me necessary but falsely.
I rush today because I was not planned yesterday.
I demand excessive energy and concentration.
I override obstacles, but at great expense.
I illustrate the old saying Haste makes waste.
My path is strewn with the evils of overtime,
mistakes, and disappointment.
Accuracy and quality give way to speed.
Ruthlessly I rush on I am a rush job.
Why Plan

Planning is necessary
To ensure that the work is executed the right way and is trouble-

free from start to finish

To reduce waste and non productive time

To ensure that the work is done error free (quality)

To minimise cost of the work

To facilitate good coordination between operations, maintenance

and stores
To do the work safely

Failing to plan is planning to fail,

Benjamin Franklin
Long-Range Maintenance Planning

WHY bother with a Long-Range Maintenance Plan?

In the rush to get work done we often forget activities
that we know we should deal with.
If you dont write a commitment down on your calendar,
there is a tendency to schedule two or more activities at
the same time.
A calendar is a long-range planand a long range plan is
really just a calendar of future events
Long-Range Maintenance Planning

Activities that lend

themselves to long range
Known major events like
annual shutdowns, capital
projects, etc.
PMs with frequency greater
than one month
Regulatory requirements (set
up in PM program)
Accounting for periods of
resource constraints
(vacations, Festivals,
holidays, etc.)
Long-Range Maintenance Plan
Zone Maintenance Long-Range Planning
Once all the long range activities have been identified, divide
the facility into ZONES
ZONES can either be Systems (with known boundaries),
geographic areas, or large equipment. Systems can be broken
into sub-systems if too large.
Each ZONE is allocated to one week during a thirteen week
ZONES can be moved for resourcing or risk related issues
PMs for the ZONES are adjusted for due date alignment
ZONES can best be viewed on a spreadsheet
Duplicate the 13 week ZONE schedule and you have a 52
Week ZONE schedule (13 X 4 = 52)
Each week we focus on the associated ZONE or ZONES
Zone Maintenance Long-Range Planning
Zone Maintenance Long-Range Planning
One of the greatest benefits of using such a tool is that it allows
you to see PM activities before they are scheduled.
What often happens is that we rely on our CMMS to schedule our
PMs automatically and arbitrarily based on some frequency and/or
last finished date.
This reliance tends to hide the PM.
Depending on the system, the PM pops up on the radar
screen right before its due. This allows the planner little
time to properly prepare for the task, consequently leading
to a greater probability of deferment or delinquency.
Having the ability to visualize the task allows for
recognition, planning and execution.
Another benefit is that viewing the event on a calendar
allows adjustments to meet seasonal needs.
Work Order

Work Order is a critical document in maintenance

management process
It is a source of information for the work done, cost
of labor, parts and material used and causes of failure
Work orders help tracking of cost of ownership of the
equipment for decision making
Importance of a work order should be made known
to all the technicians involved in plant maintenance
Job Plan

A job plan is sequencing of steps and

coordination of supporting activities to
accomplish a specific work activity the right way
A job plan is not a job procedure
A job plan is what the scheduler and execution
team follows when they do their respective work
Minimum Requirements Of A Planned Job

All jobs do not require same level of planning . However the

minimum requirements of any planned job should be
Correct Equipment Identification Number
Work to be done
Labor estimate of all the crafts required for the job
List of parts and material & their estimated costs
Checking availability of these parts and raising necessary
requests wherever required
Clearances requirements
Changing the status in CMMS as ready to be scheduled
Preparation of the work pack
Job Plan
Symptoms of Ineffective Planning

Some of the typical symptoms of poor planning

Maintenance people standing around waiting for parts

Maintenance people waiting for asset to be handed over

Frequent trips to stores by maintenance personnel

Poor quality of work

High rework

High stock-outs in the storeroom

Planners routinely used to expedite parts

Production downtime invariably higher than estimated

Planning Process

Seven steps of planning process

Screening of work orders
Assessing and scoping of the work to be performed
Job Research (labour libraries, reference files, equipment
history, schematics)
Breakdown of jobs with detailing and sequencing of tasks
Preparation of work pack
Receiving feedback and updating job plans
Screening Of Work Orders
Verify whether
The work order is not a duplicate
The requested work is needed (based on actual visit)
Priority is correct (based on visit)
Can the job be done anytime?
Can the job be taken up during shutdowns?
The description of the problem is clear and complete
Correct Location and Equipment numbers are present
All requester required fields are completed with valid codes
Priority and requested completion dates are realistic and
provide required lead-time for planning
Job Scoping
Jobs scoping involves
Discussing with the requester about the problem and
his expectations
Verification of the specific job location
Listing what needs to be done from start to finish
Safety hazards and permit requirements
Forecasting requirements for job execution
Preparing a list of steps necessary to execute the job
Identifying special needs if any
Whether the equipment needs to be shutdown
Vendor and services requirements
Job Research

In the job research step the planner should

Determine the level of maintenance planning required for the job
If a job plan is required, verify if one already exists in the system
If no job plan exists, can parts of other job plans be applied to
create a new one if required
Will a picture or sketch help move the work execution along
Consider alternative plans /approaches for the work viz.
1) Should the item be replaced rather than repaired
2) Should the item be procured rather than fabricated
3) Will modification or extra work give better results
Consider seeking help of engineering , reliability and specialists
wherever required
Detailed Job Planning

The step involves

Identifying the best method for job performance
Splitting the job into tasks
Identifying task dependencies
Labour requirements
Bill of Materials
Special tools, equipment and services required including safety items
Scaffolding, insulation removal, cranes etc
Workshop and fabrication requirements if any
Electrical isolations
Transport requirements
Cost estimates
Disposal of wastes and oils
Detailed Job Planning

Essentials of good Labour Estimating Practices

Familiarity with jobs and plant assets
Comparing jobs against benchmarks
Care while using historical data as they are likely to
have built in delays
Dont try to be 100% accurate
Detailed Job Planning

Steps and procedures

Develop clear work instructions with supporting
sketches and drawings for disassembling and
assembling a complex component
Include steps at which data such as temperature or
bearing clearances should be recorded
Provide specifications and standards e.g torque value,
pressures etc
Contingencies And Mitigations

All safety critical work orders should have

documented mitigation plans
Planner should consult TA in safety critical work
Mitigation to reduce / eliminate risk should exist
on planner checklist and should be used
consistently for all work
Regular audits should be carried out to ensure
proper mitigation
Repetitive Jobs

All job plans should be properly stored in

CMMS and be easily accessible for review
and re-use
The database should be reviewed regularly to
ensure that the information remains up-to-date
Procedure should be in place to assure data
base is maintained at a high quality
Work Pack

A folder handed over to the technicians containing all

the information and details to complete the job
An index of what the folder contains
Work order
Job safety analysis and risk assessment
Work permits
Job Plan with task lists and task sheets
List of all tools, parts and materials
Drawings , schematics, prints , specifications, special procedures etc
Documents and repair approval forms
Descriptions and photos of what they should find as they do the job
Equipment history
A test and check sheet to confirm accuracy of the work
A feedback form for the execution team
Feedback On The Job Plan

Feedback is essential to make necessary improvements in the job

plans for future use
A typical Feedback Form carries following details:
Were the job instructions clear?
Was the job carried out in line with the job plan?
Were the tasks and their sequencing correct?
Did any unusual problem occur?
Were the time estimates correct?
Were any extra tools, material and services required?
Were there any delays related to permits and equipment hand over?
Suggestions from the crew executing the job
Planner Role

Planner is the most critical position in the entire

maintenance planning and scheduling process
Should be proactive, efficient, skilled and competent
A good communicator
Be able to establish and maintain effective working
relationships with all stakeholders
Should make every effort to know his plant in detail
People with work execution experience normally
make a good planner
Planner Responsibilities

Should look into the future

Review work orders requiring planning to understand the requested work

Evaluate and understand planned work priorities

Should spend at least 1/3 of the day in the field for job scoping and research

Prepare job plans based on level of detailing required for the respective jobs

Maintain and update job plan library

Identify and reserve parts & materials

Planner Responsibilities
Prepare work packs

Coordinate with operations , maintenance, engineering and

service provider
Chair the weekly & daily scheduling meeting

Work towards improving the equipment BOMs

Generate reports on the KPIs

Maintain integrity of the backlog

Review job feedback to improve job plans and estimates

Donts of A Planner

A planner should not :

Be used for emergency/unscheduled work
Expedite material
Act as a reliever supervisor
Be assigned directly to the line organization
Be totally desk driven
Be immersed in real time activities
Donts of A Planner

The most common reasons planning programs fail

Unqualified/Untrained planner-wrong person in the role
of the planner
Overlap in roles and responsibilities-Ambiguity in roles
and responsibilities of planner and other functions in
Overworked planner-High planner to craft ratio
Planner doing multiple work
Enhancing Planning Capabilities

Planning capabilities can be improved by

Leadership involvement and roles. All the maintenance team members
should be educated in P&S to ensure that each one understands his/her
role correctly
Planners should be provided additional support wherever required in
developing effective job plans. It invariably helps improving planning
by providing a senior maintenance technician to the planner for a few
hours every day
Planners must have a library of information which should include
equipment manuals, drawings, specifications , labor libraries and other
Planned work packs should be reviewed by maintenance supervisor
before scheduling to ensure that the work is doable as planned

Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 7 Backlog

The total amount of work that has been

identified but not yet completed
Purpose Of Backlog

Backlog acts as a storage area of maintenance work

An effective way to organize and quantify the work
Lowest cost reliability is achieved only when the right work is
planned, scheduled and executed in the right order
Helps identify potential resource issues
Helps to measure and control risk

Maintenance cannot move past the reactive stage
without a firm control over backlog
Backlog Contents

Jobs enter backlog following notification approval

jobs are removed from backlog after completion

Backlog includes repair work as well as

preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance

and routine work
General overhauls of equipment is considered as a

part of backlog
How To Use Backlog

Backlog acts as a tool to make decisions

What to plan
What to schedule
How many resources are required
Material and service requirements
When to use contractors
Measuring Backlog

Backlog = required man hours / available man hours

Backlog is generally expressed in weeks of backlog
Backlog calculations:
Add up required man hours for all pending work-A
Sum up total man hours available in a week-B (Average)
Sum up total man hours spent for lunch, breaks, training,
meetings, PM work etc in a week -C (Average)
Backlog = A/B-C weeks
How Much Is Too Much Backlog?

In general context and level of risk associated with

each particular asset determines the level of
acceptable backlog
Low risk assets tolerate higher backlog & vice versa
An over staffed crew will have a small maintenance
backlog and vice versa
Managing Backlog

The Planner should

Manage the backlog ( Upkeep and Accuracy)
Generate backlog reports
Review backlog periodically with appropriate
Sort backlog to produce work list for weekly look
ahead scheduling
Remember-Though Planner is the custodian of the
backlog, managing backlog is everybodys
How To Check Backlog Integrity
Jobs that are completed but havent been closed
Duplicate jobs
Ageing jobs
Jobs for which no one knows why the job was needed
A poorly described where it is difficult to know what is to
be done
Job status not filled in and nobody recalls what the status is
Jobs waiting for parts. Were the parts ordered? Were they
received? where are they now?
Jobs that need to be done but are not listed in the backlog
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 8- Scheduling
Scheduling Definition

A sequence of activities undertaken

to ensure that proper resources are
available at a specific time when
equipment on which the work to be
done can also be available

Who, and When, of getting

work done
Scheduling Objective

Choose the work, finalize coordination

of resources and commit to get the
work done within a defined time and
Benefits of Scheduling

Efficient scheduling results in

Eliminating waiting for spares, material and
Efficient use of work execution work force
Allowing correct skills to be allocated to tasks
Levelling the work load across high and low
Higher schedule compliance
Effects of Sound Scheduling

With effective scheduling, the execution team gets

everything they need for the job in time
A work permit to execute the job
Asset cleaned and ready to be released for job
Asset ready for lock out and tag out
Material and spares at the site including tools
and material handling equipment
Right maintenance personnel with proper PPE
Important Activities Prior To Scheduling

Process should be in place to ensure quality of

the work order contents
Planner should review the work against
Planner should review the work with
operations, supervisors, technicians and also
engineers wherever required
Process should be in place to ensure visual
identification of work as ready to schedule
Requirements Of A Reliable Schedule

A reliable schedule must ensure

A job priority ranking that reflects criticality and
work impact
Availability of all the material needed for the work
Resource availability matches the scheduled work
Realistic estimates and what is likely to happen
rather than what the scheduler wishes
Sufficient flexibility in the schedule. The scheduler
must revise and update the schedule regularly
Equipment Criticality
What is equipment criticality?
A criticality rating for a piece of equipment is used to determine
how often the equipment should be inspected and how it is to be
It produces a priority scale to care for equipment with equipment
of the highest importance getting highest protection and response
It acts as a guide for the planner/scheduler to decide which
require immediate attention and which work orders can be
rescheduled to a future date
It helps to determine the mitigation strategy to be applied to the
Helps to determine the optimum level of holding of spares for
the asset
Equipment Criticality

Sample Criticality Criteria

5 Very High-Critical safety related items and protective
4 High-Critical to uninterrupted production of the final product
3 Medium-Supporting system for the main production process
2 Low-Stand by equipment in a critical system
1 Very low-Other ancillary equipment

In general 20% of plant assets should be classified as critical

Work Impact, If Not Done

Sample Work Impact Criteria

5 Immediate threat to safety of people and plant

4 Will affect operations ability to meet primary goals
3 Will create hazardous situations for the people or
machinery though not an immediate threat
2 Will affect operations after some time though not
1 Improve the efficiency of the operation process
Job Priority

Samples of Job Priority Ranking

Job priority = Equipment criticality x Work impact

A work order with equipment criticality of 3 and work

impact of 3 gives job priority ranking of 9
A work order with equipment criticality of 2 and work
impact of 2 gives job priority ranking of 4
Day Ahead Planning And Scheduling

Planner/supervisor look ahead for one day

A list of jobs for the next day is decided by using backlog
and requests from operations
May or may not look into material requirements
Job scoping is rarely done
Proper job plans hardly exist
The compliance is poor
Defies the principle of planning and scheduling.
Supports reactive maintenance culture
1Week Look Ahead Planning And Scheduling

The Weekly Wish List

Planner looks ahead for one week

A list of jobs for the next week is prepared using backlog,

long range plan and operations requests

Partial planning is done on almost all the jobs

Job scoping/research is either poor or absent

Material/tools/services requirements are seldom captured

Labor requirements are poorly balanced against available

1Week Look Ahead Planning And Scheduling

No formal inputs from operations and

engineering during planning
Schedule is rarely owned and protected by
The schedule compliance is poor
Defies the principle of effective planning and
Exhibits reactive maintenance culture
Requirements of Look Ahead Scheduling

A long-range plan
A well maintained quality backlog
Willingness among the departments
to work together and not department
Requirements of Look Ahead Scheduling

A proper planning and scheduling process extends

the planning horizon to allow:
Parts and materials handled in a timely manner
Sufficient time to obtain the parts and services

Do not schedule a job until all the
required parts are available
6 Weeks Look Ahead Scheduling

Activity 13 weeks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

WalkDown (T-7) Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9 Z10 Z11 Z12 Z13

Wkly. P & S Mtg. (T-6) Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9 Z10 Z11 Z12

Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9 Z10 Z11
(T-5 to T-3) Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9 Z10

Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9

Scheduling(T-2) Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8

Scheduling(T-1) Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7

Execution(T-0) Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6
6 Weeks Look Ahead Scheduling
6 Weeks Look Ahead Scheduling

Week T-6
The planner/scheduler prepares a preliminary list of jobs to
be executed during the 7th work week thereon. These
include PMs form the annual PM plan, corrective work
from backlog and the new jobs identified during previous
weeks walk-down
Operations and maintenance supervisors review proposed
work and recommend changes wherever required
The planner/scheduler revises the list and sends it to all the
concerned disciplines
6 Weeks Look Ahead Scheduling
Weeks T-5 to T-3
The Planner starts finalizing work plans, materials ,
support requirements etc for identified work
Materials dept starts procuring spares and material
The Planner ensures that materials have been ordered
and coordinates with material dept to determine if they
will or not arrive prior to the execution week
The Planner/Scheduler coordinates work assignments
with external work groups
The Planner/Scheduler reschedules work wherever
material or manpower availability changes
The Maintenance Supervisors review work plans and
ensure that resource estimates are correct
6 Weeks Look Ahead Scheduling

Week T-2
The Planner/Scheduler evaluates capacity loading
The Planner/Scheduler reports on details of the work list
All disciplines review the status of the scheduled jobs
Jobs that cannot be performed are reassigned to the
appropriate upcoming execution week window
Production and Maintenance personnel review the
proposed work for operational risk and other issues if any
Operations approve the schedule during the meeting and
the schedule is frozen
6 Weeks Look Ahead Scheduling

Week T-1
Minor last minute changes are made to the schedule
Urgent work (if any) is added
The Planner/Scheduler reschedules any work removed
from the execution week
All disciplines agree to the jobs during the weekly
scheduling meeting and the schedule is considered locked
Maintenance raises appropriate work permit applications
The Planner/Scheduler issues the final schedule to all
the disciplines post the meeting
The Planner/Scheduler issues work packs
5 Weeks Look Ahead Scheduling

Similar to six week look ahead scheduling except

that the planning period is lesser by one week
4 Weeks Look Ahead Scheduling

Similar to six week look ahead scheduling except

that the planning horizon is four weeks
Normally favored at places where spares, material
and supporting equipment can be made available in
a shorter time frame
Benefits of Look Ahead Scheduling

Better coordination of activities between

operations, materials and maintenance
Provides sufficient time for materials and
support to be made available
Ensures better utilization of resources
Operations is able to take ownership of the
Reduces wait time
Complete more work per unit of time
Lessens reactive tendencies
Schedule Freeze

A frozen schedule jointly developed by operations and

maintenance ensures a higher compliance
It eliminates unwarranted tussles and communication
gaps between maintenance, operations and stores
Operations own the schedule. Hence they support
maintenance in execution as against any jobs imposed
upon them by maintenance
Wrench time improves. Schedule breakers and slipped
work orders get reduced
Schedule Communication

The weekly schedule once frozen should be published

as per the prefixed time and copies made available to
all the stake holders via email
Hard copies should be displayed at appropriate places
like workshops and common notice boards
Online viewing should be enabled for all
Visual planning board should be established and fully
Advantages of Publishing Schedule In Advance

Maintenance supervisors discuss the jobs scheduled for

the week and the next day with each other & the
technicians. Ambiguities if any get cleared in advance
Technicians are aware of the weekly and daily schedule
in advance
Operations keep the equipment ready for maintenance
Permit requirements are handled efficiently
Material required for jobs often get shifted to the site in
Scaffolding , rigging, insulation removal etc get done in
time facilitating timely completion of the work
Scheduling Tips

Normally early morning is the period of battling

breakdowns and so not a good time to schedule PMs
PMs may not get done if left for end of the day
Late morning or early afternoon are preferred times
to schedule PMs
Schedule achievable work. Thus if the break in
work is 15%, limit your schedule loading to 80%.
Always keep some safety margin
Scheduling Tips
Balance the weekly schedule
After keeping sufficient room for emergency jobs, the
schedule should contain a balance of high priority
work (60%), mid priority work(20%) and low
priority work(20%) . This helps
Getting sufficient number of mid and low priority jobs
getting done in time before they turn into emergencies
Technicians realize that mid and lower priority jobs too
are being given due importance. This encourages defect
identification, the 1st step of Work Management
Provides additional buffer for emergency work
Scheduling Tips

Whenever possible multi-person job should be scheduled

as the first job in the morning. Advantage is that everyone
is available to start the job together
When a schedule is interrupted, consider postponing a
job not started rather than interrupting a job in progress.
Ensure that the job site is secured before moving to the
emergency repair
Give preference to completing higher priority jobs by
utilizing skills allotted to lower priority jobs if required
Scheduler Role

The Scheduler
Can come from Operations or Maintenance
Often times a Planner fills the function
Works best when an Operations type is the Scheduler
Scheduler Role

The Scheduler
Creates the Schedule
Owns the Schedule
Runs the Scheduling Meeting
Is the Restricting Orifice for changes
Validates Break-ins
Scheduler Role

The Scheduler
Monitors Schedule Performance
Runs daily Meetings
Is Accountable for Schedule Performance
Makes it very Painful to Change the Schedule once frozen
Reports on Schedule Compliance
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 9 - Work Execution

Process Definition

Work Execution is the physical execution

of the maintenance work according to the
work order instructions and an agreed
Execution Overview

While Work Identification, Prioritization,

Planning and Scheduling are strategic i.e.
forward-looking , Work Execution is tactical
Benefits of a effective maintenance planning
and scheduling process are realized during
work execution
The best laid plans if not executed properly
will lead to failure
Work Execution Process

Schedule ownership transferred from planner to

execution team
Supervisor verifies preparedness for each days work
Supervisors assigns jobs to specific team members
Technicians collect material and tools for the job
Operator inspects the job site and signs permit
Conducts dynamic risk assessment at job site
Work executed by technicians
Executing The Work

Ensure that the crafts have been appropriately

trained and are assessed to be competent to
undertake the task
Additional work completion checks should be
undertaken by supervisors or TA for critical jobs
to ensure the work has been done correctly
Supervisors should check out the progress of the
work periodically throughout the day
Post Job Execution Activities

The technician should enter failure codes, material ,

actual time spent etc in the work order and return it to
the supervisor
Work orders must be verified for completeness and
correctness by the supervision, signed off and returned
to planner as soon as possible on the same day.
Unused parts, material and warranty items must be
returned to the stores in line with a documented process
Wastes must be segregated and disposed off in line
with the documented process
Important Job Execution Tips

Protect the schedule once it is published

Always make the technicians aware of the next
days schedule in advance. Publish next days work
in advance
Make a list of jobs that can be interrupted during
Plan for the emergencies by holding resources in
reserve, assigning them to interruptible jobs
Encourage technicians to stick to the schedule
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 10- Work Closure and

Work Order Closure and Documentation

Work order closure, documentation and

feedback is the sixth step in the work
management process
Apart from job execution, technicians play
a very important role in this process step

A good job plan starts with three key items 1) the crafts
required 2) Estimated hours 3) Parts and materials
Post execution the technicians should write additional
information to improve the plan viz. tasks, additional parts/
tools/equipment required, safety aspect, time loss etc in the
feedback form
When the planner gets this information, he updates the
job plan for future use

What did you find

What was the cause of failure
What did you do to correct the condition
How long did it take
What do you think happened
What parts did you use
How can the job plan be improved
How did you leave the equipment
Importance of Work Order Closure and Documentation

Source of real time information

Helps improve job plans
Helps improve quality and accuracy of work
Helps to get the correct history and maintenance
costs of the equipment
Helps evaluation of workmanship by tracking rework
Sets the basis for improvement in maintenance
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 11- Work Order Status

Purpose of Work Order Status Control

Purpose of Work Order Status Control

is to monitor issued work orders to
prevent unnecessary backlog
Work Order Status Control

Run report & determine reasons for

outstanding overdue Work Orders, which
may include:
Emergency priorities outstanding more than 1 day
Urgent priorities outstanding more than 1 week
Work scheduled but not completed on time
Unreturned work orders
Completed work orders not closed
Work Order Status Control

Work Orders created but not planned

Planned but unreleased works orders

WRs not reviewed within the desired time frame from

Postponed WRs

WRs not processed to Work Order within the prefixed

time frame from the time of approval

Benefits of Work Order Status Control

Work Order Status reports help

Management and stake holders to
analyze work order statuses
To quantify the resource requirements
To discuss and take necessary actions for
backlog levels beyond a specified target
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 12- Analysis &

Continuous Improvement
Analysis & Continuous Improvement

Feedback forms should be reviewed for productivity and

quality improvements.
Failure reporting and related data in CMMS should be
reviewed for Reliability Analysis
Rework should be tracked for conducting RCAs
Reporting standards should be in place to generate reports to
be used for analysis and continuous improvement
Defined Process should be in place to analyze data of earlier
week schedules for corrective actions and improvement
Ageing report of the WOs should be generated every month
to take necessary actions
Analysis and Continuous Improvement

There is no such thing called a
perfectly planned job
Continuous Improvement is always
a must for Efficient Maintenance
Planning and Scheduling,
Analysis and Continuous Improvement

Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) or Root Cause Failure
Analysis (RCFA) as it is sometimes called is a step
by step methodology that leads to the discovery of the
prime cause (root cause) of the failure
It is a structured way to arrive at the root cause of the
failure thus helping elimination of the cause and not
just the symptoms associated with the failure.
Analysis and Continuous Improvement
General Categories of RCAs
Safety based- RCA is performed to find the cause of
accidents related to occupational safety, health and
Product/Production based- RCA is done to identify
causes of poor quality, production losses and other
problems in manufacturing related to the product
Process based-RCA is performed to identify the
causes of problems related to the processes
Asset based- RCA is performed for analysis of
failures of equipment or systems in the plant
Analysis and Continuous Improvement
General Principles for RCAs

Aiming corrective measures at root causes is more

effective than treating symptoms of the problem
To be effective RCA must be performed
systematically. Conclusions must be supported by
There is usually more than one root cause for any
given problem
Analysis and Continuous Improvement
Six Steps in Performing a RCA
Define the problem-the failure
Collect data/evidence about issues that contributed to
the problem
Identify possible factors/causes
Develop solutions and recommendations
Implement the recommendations
Track the recommendations solutions/actions to
ensure effectiveness
Analysis and Continuous Improvement

Step 1-Define the problem-the failure

What happened/what failed
How was the problem discovered
What were the specific symptoms
Provide a detailed description of the actual event
Analysis and Continuous Improvement

Step 2-Collect Data/Evidence

What proof do we have that the problem exists?
What sequence of events lead to the problem
How long has the problem been existing
What is the impact of the problem
Analysis and Continuous Improvement

Step 2-Collect Data/Evidence

What proof do we have that the problem exists?
What sequence of events lead to the problem
How long has the problem been existing
What is the impact of the problem
Use 3W2H to gather details of the problem (3W-What,
When, Where; 2H-How, How Much)
Remember-Do not make any assumptions when
examining a failure. No two failures are exactly the same in
nature and cause
Analysis and Continuous Improvement

Step 3-Identify Possible Factors Causing the Failure

What are the factors causing the failure. Use
1. 5 Whys- Ask why? Until the root of the problem is found
2. Cause & Effect Diagram (Fishbone Analysis)Create a chart of
all possible causal factors
3. Drill Down-Break down the problem into parts to get a bigger
4. Ask So What- Determine all possible consequences of facts
.Why does the factor causing the failure exist
.What is the real reason that the failure has occurred
Analysis and Continuous Improvement

Step 4-Develop Solutions and Recommendations

Physical causes-Material item failed in some way (example
car brake stopped working)
Human causes- Operator made a mistake/did not do that was
Organizational/Process causes- The process, system or
policy that people use to do the work/make decisions is
faulty. (example- no SOP, Everyone assumed that other had
filled the brake fluid)
Remember-RCA should investigate all three types of causes
Analysis and Continuous Improvement

Step 5-Implement Recommendations

What can be done to prevent the problem from happening
How will the solution be implemented
Who will be responsible for implementing it
What are the risks of implementing the solution
How will the implementation success be measured

Develop a plan with schedule and present it for approval of

the stakeholders/management.
Analysis and Continuous Improvement

Step 6-Track the solutions to ensure effectiveness

Track the implemented solution for its effectiveness.
If the solution is not found to be effective , the team
should revisit the RCA , modify solution and re-check the
Analysis and Continuous Improvement

Examples of some basic elements of RCA

1. Defective part
2. Wrong of type of part for the job
Equipment /Machine
3. Incorrect equipment/machine used
4. Incorrect tool used
5. Poorly maintained equipment
6. Poor design
7. Poor machine installation
8. Defective machine/tool
Analysis and Continuous Improvement

Examples of some basic elements of RCA

1. Poorly maintained workplace
2. Incorrect layout of work
3. Surfaces poorly maintained
4. Forces of nature
Safety and Management
5. No or poor management involvement
6. Poor attention to the job
7. Task hazards not identified and guarded properly
8. Hazards identified earlier were not eliminated
9. High stress
Analysis and Continuous Improvement

Examples of some basic elements of RCA

1. No or poor procedures
2. Not following the procedures
3. Poor communication
People System/Involvement
4. No or lack of proper training
5. No or lack of proper SOPs
6. No or lack of proper employee involvement
Analysis and Continuous Improvement

5 Whys Analysis
A simple and effective method to identify the root cause
of the failure quickly
Involves looking at any failure and asking why,,? And
what caused the problem?
Normally answer to the first WHY will prompt another
WHY and the answer to the second WHY will prompt
another and so on.
Analysis and Continuous Improvement
Sample RCA Template
Failure summary
Team Members
Data summary from 5Why/Fishbone Analysis
Identified Root Causes
1. Physical
2. Human
3. Organization/Process and Procedures
.Recommended Corrective Action
.Implemented Plan
.Metrics to measure effectiveness
.Special/Additional Comments
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 13 - Performance
Performance Measurement

It is not possible to manage

what you cannot control and
you cannot control what you
cannot measure! (Peter
KPI Definition

A scorecard used to measure the performance

of a critical or high leverage activity or process
Purpose Of KPIs

To measure the health of the Work

Management Process
A tool to identify and undertake needed
corrective actions
Criteria For Selection Of KPIs

KPIs should encourage the right behaviors

Should be difficult to manipulate
Collection of data and reporting should be
Benefits of KPIs

Accountability:- Properly designed KPIs document progress towards

achievement of preset goals and objectives . This helps guiding

organizations to fulfill their obligations towards their employees,
stakeholders and customers
Resources/Budget justification :- As KPIs link activities to results, they
become a planning tool to justify proper resources and budget allocations
Ownership and Teamwork:-By identifying the specific functional area for

concentrating the efforts, KPIs help to provide better employees

participation in problem solving, goal setting and process improvements. It
helps define priorities and promotes better teamwork among departments
Communication- Achievement of set goals through KPIs enables

employees to understand and support management strategies better. It also

facilitates better communication and sharing of knowledge among
Leading And Lagging Indicators

Leading indicators
They are in-process measures used to predict future
performance. Act as performance drivers
Leading indicators use historic data to monitor if we are doing
those required activities that are known to produce good results
Help to take proactive action
Lagging indicators
They are used measure the results of past activities
The trend shows our progress and can be projected forward a
little to forecast the likely progress
Are of no help when attempting to influence the future
Leading And Lagging Indicators

Leading Indicators Lagging Indicators

Percent of Urgent Work (Break-ins) Maintenance cost (Expense)
Schedule Loading Factor Cost / unit output
Cost / unit capacity
Schedule attainment by week
Cost / replacement asset value
Estimated backlog in crew weeks Maintenance staff / unit capacity
PM compliance Overtime
Percent available hours for: Effectiveness
Emergent work Replacement Asset Value (RAV)
Wrench time
PM work
Corrective work (from PM) Production Equipment Effectiveness
Routine work Utilization
PM effectiveness Availability
Inventory stock outs OEE
Unplanned downtime
Compliance to planned hours Inventory spare parts turns
Work Capacity Index
Calendar Weeks

Leading Indicators

Sample Example of KPIs Score Card

Scorecard Kpi Tracking

Kpi Elements Keys Week 50 Week 51 Week 52 Week 53 Week 01 Week 02 Week 03 Week 04 Week 05
> 7%
% Emergency Work orders (Priority 1) Count (Target
<5%) 5 - 7% 3.3 3.3 2.9 4.3 4.5 6.3 7.7 8 4.8
0 - 5%
> 7%
% Emergency Work orders (Priority 1) Hours (Target
<5%) 5 - 7% 2 2.7 2.5 2.8 5 10.3 17 7.5 7.8
0 - 5%

% Urgent Work orders (Priority 2) Count (Target 10 - 15%

<10%) 7.4 5.5 7.1 6.7 5.4 8.9 9.6 6.8 6.8
5 - 10%

0 - 5%

% Urgent Work orders (Priority 2) Hours (Target 10 - 15%

<10%) 4.4 4.9 11.4 5.8 4.1 5.2 9.8 4.7 6.3
5 - 10%

0 - 5%
< 60%
60 - 80%
Maintenance Schedule Attainment (Compliance)
Count (Target > 90%) 80 - 90% 91.3 96.4 92 94.9 90.5 88.6 89.3 89.1 92.5
90 - 100%

> 100%
< 60%
60 - 80%
Maintenance Schedule Attainment (Compliance)
Hours (Target >90%) 80 - 120% 95.1 94.9 89.3 94.4 82.8 88 87.7 86.7 83.7
120 - 140%

> 140%
< 50%

50 - 85%
Schedule Loading (Hours) (Target> 85%) 82.9 80.9 84.7 79.8 86.1 81.9 72.7 82.2 82.4
85 - 100%

> 100%
< 60%
60 - 80%
PM Attainment Count (Target95%) 80 - 95% 93 98.8 96.9 98.7 97.1 91.8 90.4 89.8 96.8
95 - 100%

> 100%
< 60%
60 - 95%
PM Attainment Hours (Target >95%) 95 - 120% 92.8 96.4 93.1 97 93.4 89.3 91.1 90.1 90.7
120 - 140%

> 140%
Emergency Work

Emergency work orders as a percentage of all

the work orders executed during the week
World class <2%
Emergency Work-Benefits

The reduction in emergency WOs directly reduces

the schedule breakers
Review of emergency WOs helps identify
prioritization issues
Tracking of emergency WOs provides cases for RCA
Uptime increases as critical equipment failure
PM Compliance

Percentage of all PM work completed on

or before the original due date
World Class >98%
PM Compliance-Benefits

As PM attainment increases, reactive

work reduces
Plant reliability and availability increases
Schedule Compliance

Percentage of scheduled work completed

to the number of jobs scheduled
World Class>98%
Schedule Compliance-Benefits

A consistent improvement in schedule

compliance provides a clear indication that
Work Management process is working
Emergency and urgent work is under control
Break-Ins are being contained

Total hours of pending work divided by

total resource available in a week
World class 4-6 weeks

Helps forecast resource requirements

Control of backlog within the stipulated
range helps reduce overtime/contract
Helps reduce and manage risk
Capacity Planning

Percentage of actual resource charged to

the planned work during the week
World class >90%
Capacity Planning-Benefits

Increase in schedule loading indicates

reduction of emergency work, urgent
work and break Ins
Indicates better utilization of resources
Estimating Accuracy

Percentage of difference in planned vs

actual labor hours for scheduled jobs
World Class <5%
Estimating Accuracy-Benefits

As estimating accuracy increases,

productivity increases
Resource planning can be handled
Accuracy of Backlog improves
Safety Critical Compliance

Percentage of safety critical work

completed on/before the due date against
World Class >98%
Safety Critical Compliance-Benefits

Helps to maintain focus on plant safety

Consistently higher compliance will
ensure higher plant safety

KPIs are meant to

Reflect on processes and not people
Tell you when things are going right
Point out opportunities for improvement

KPIs should be viewed over a period of time
Too many KPIs result in losing focus
A below target weekly KPI is not bad news
Make sure every one knows what actions need to be taken in
order to improve each metric. Though it looks obvious, it is
often overlooked.
Discuss about the KPIs often so as to retain their importance all
the time
Used incorrectly KPIs are likely to cause more harm than good.
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling

Module 14- Meetings


Communication is key to successful maintenance planning and

Proper, continuous and effective communication should exist
between the planner, maintenance supervisor, technicians,
stores personnel, operations personnel all the time
Any breakdown in this communication is bound to diminish
the probability of success
The role and responsibilities of each stakeholder need to be
clearly defined and made known to the individual
Weekly and daily meetings play a very important
communication role in planning and scheduling
Daily Scheduling Meeting

Review schedule of the previous day
Review todays schedule
Review new work
Review next days schedule
Daily Scheduling Meeting

Maintenance Supervisor, Production
Supervisor, Planner and Scheduler
Morning everyday
20 Minutes
Daily Scheduling Meeting

Review Break Ins
Review ongoing activities of the previous day
Review activities scheduled for today
Review tomorrows activities
Permits/isolation preparedness
Others-materials, service, equipment etc issues
Recognition, benefits & concerns
Daily Scheduling Meeting

Desired Outcome
Finalise days schedule
Assign work resources
Communicate daily schedule
Update next days schedule
Weekly Planning And Scheduling Meeting
To create preliminary T-6 work week schedule using inputs
from the annual plan work list, backlog and the Walk-Down
work list
To review the status of the T-2 work week schedule and make
necessary adjustments
To coordinate all necessary resources for execution of T-1
work week schedule and make necessary adjustments
To finalize maintenance schedule for work week T-0
To review performance and develop Action Plans from the
KPIs resulting from T+1
To identify and re-schedule past due work orders
Weekly Planning And Scheduling Meeting

Operations Manager, Maintenance Manager,
Maintenance Supervisor, Production Supervisor,
Planner, Scheduler, Support Services, HSSE,
Materials Representative
Every week on a pre-fixed day
60 Minutes
Weekly Planning And Scheduling Meeting

Review Performance of previous week
Develop work list of T-6
Prepare work orders for execution T-5 to T-3
Finalize work schedule T-2
Finalize and approve work schedule for T-1
Review T+1
Recognition, Benefits and Concerns

Weekly Planning And Scheduling Meeting

Desired outcome
Consensus amongst all parties involved as to
what will be done and when
Updated copy of the weekly work lists T-6
through T-1
Finalized schedule for work week T-0
Action Plans for results of the previous week
performance (KPI) review
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 15- Materials

Materials Management

To get the right material at the right place

at the right time
Maintenance planning and scheduling
cannot be a success without proper
materials management practices in place
Materials Management

Separating Maintenance from Stores

makes good sense
Planning and Materials take different
skills and abilities
Maintenance, inventory and supply
chain working together is key to
Maintenance Inventory

Spare parts, consumable items and other

material that are required to keep the assets
operating in the plant
It meets the emergency, short-term and long
term maintenance requirements to keep the
assets operating
Inventory is an hedge against the unknown
Often called buffer stock against use,,
Maintenance Inventory

Inventory Classification
Active inventory
Infrequently used inventory
Rarely used inventory
Maintenance Inventory

Active Inventory
Items that are used frequently
Their demand can be predicted with reasonably
good accuracy
Any part or item that have high demand or used
atleast once a month is an active inventory item
Oil seals, standard bearings, safety gloves etc
are examples of active inventory items
Maintenance Inventory

Infrequently Used Inventory (IUI)

Items that are used infrequently
Normally used <10 times a year
Their demand can be predicted with some
Maintenance Inventory

Rarely Used Inventory (RUI)

Items that are to be of the type- Must Have
These parts are extremely difficult to obtain
Require a vey high lead time for procurement
Often seen lying on shelves for year and more
Vast majority of inventory items fall into this
Examples- Large motors, valves, transformers etc
Maintenance Inventory

ABC Analysis(Inventory Stratification)

Inventory is classified on the basis of value and usage
A type items-Long delivery time, high cost and low
B type items- Available in a few days or weeks, mid to
high cost, less critical and infrequently used
C type items-Available in a few hours or days, low cost,
frequently used and may not need inventory control
Maintenance Inventory
Maintenance Inventory

Hidden Stock
Covers items that have been stashed under conveyors,
staircases, cabinets, tool boxes etc.
This material is called lost each year when cycle count is
The condition of these parts is not known
Dead stock
Spares that have been removed from use long ago and are
lying in stores
Maintenance Inventory

Total Inventory Costs

Inventory carrying cost- Cost of holding an item in stores.
Normally varies from 20% to 30% the cost of the item/year
Ordering Cost Cost of replenishing the inventory. It includes Cost
to enter PR/PO, approval steps, cost to process the receipt,
incoming inspection, invoice processing, vendor payment related
costs and even a portion of freights. These costs are associated with
frequency of orders and not quantities ordered.
Stock-out cost- Loss of production when asset cannot be repaired
and made available for production due to non availability of the part
Maintenance Inventory

Economic Order Quantity Analysis

A technic used to optimize inventory levels by ordering the
right,, quantity at a specific time interval in order to
minimize inventory costs and yet meet the maintenance
depts needs.
It determines the point at which the combination of order
costs and inventory carrying costs are the least.
Recommended for situations where demand is relatively
Maintenance Inventory
Materials Management-Requirements
All planned work orders should have detailed material plan
for each task
BOMs should be available for all the critical equipment
Material plan should be linked to inventory/BOM in
Incidental materials should be correctly identified for each
task in the work orders
Planner/materials coordinator should validate materials are
correct as per the requirements
Formal Kitting and staging process should be in place
Kitting And Staging Process

Kitting- It is the process of identifying, collecting, tagging and

keeping together all the spares, material and tools well in advance to
facilitate better execution a work order
Staging-It is the process of stacking the kitted material the right way
in the right area designed for the purpose
All the parts should be checked for accuracy once kitted
The staging area should be properly organized, secured and must
facilitate easy retrieval of kits
Procedure should be in place to allow only the authorized people to
visit and collect the material
Once scheduled, the kit may be transferred to the site in advance so
that the technicians can execute the work order as required
Benefits Of Kitting And Staging

Proper staging and kitting provides

Increase in wrench time by reducing the travel time of the
technicians spent in locating parts and material
Minimizes chances of defective/wrong parts being made
available for the execution of the jobs
Minimizes makeshift repairs
Higher schedule compliance
Better control over spare parts and stores management
Materials Management
Extended planning horizons help sourcing issues and also
provide material dept enough time to locate the parts
Expediting of materials should always be avoided by
Completed work orders should be reviewed for parts issues
Materials Management representation at weekly planning
meetings should be encouraged
Effective kitting requires effective planning, scheduling and
an established PM program in place
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 16- Preventive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance Definition

Maintenance carried out at predetermined

intervals or according to prescribed criteria
and intended to reduce the probability of
failure or the degradation of the functioning
of an item
The European Standard (prEN 13306, 1998)
Preventive Maintenance Guidelines

PMs form the base workload of the plant as the work is a known
quantity and can be planned well in advance
PMs should be balanced through the year so that the resource
requirements do not vary significantly
A yearly PM resource plan should be in place
In general more than50% of available resource hours should be
utilized for PMs and CBMs as they serve getting control of the
In general Time based PMs should be 15-20% while run/cycle based
PMs and CBM 30-40%
Better PM program translates into less emergency work
10% Rule Of Preventive Maintenance
The rule states that the preventive maintenance work should be
completed within 10% of the scheduled maintenance interval
Thus a monthly PM not completed within 3 days of the due date is
out of compliance
The 10% rule helps PM intervals to be constant, reduces extreme
time variations and thus helps sustaining the reliability of the
The rule should be applied to all PMs. However in case it becomes
too difficult to do so, at least all the critical assets should be
maintained as per this norm
Companies that follow the 10% rule have been found to have higher
equipment reliability
Example of Poor Monthly PM Compliance

2nd 28th
Jan Feb March
PM Effectiveness And Optimization
PM program should generate some corrective work. In general 6

PMs should generate at least 1 corrective work order. If few or no

defects are found, the PM is either not doing its job or is being
done too frequently
Similarly if a specific PM is generating too much corrective work,

the PM is either not doing its job or the frequency needs be

It is also critical to review PM system on a regular basis for

reviewing changes to tasks

PM Optimization should be done so as to eliminate all the

unnecessary, redundant, and ineffective PMs without

compromising with the reliability and performance of the
PM Effectiveness And Optimization

PMs are often performed on a rigid schedule regardless

the condition of the asset. It makes sense to check history
to verify whether the asset was recently
Vendor recommendations should be implemented with
caution to avoid extra PMs
PM creep is another major source of unwarranted costs
and time if not properly checked and controlled . Do not
introduce unwanted PMs just because a certain asset is
Benefits of PM Optimization

Maintenance costs are reduced

Better resource utilization
Maintenance is more effective
Reliability of the equipment is increased
Higher equipment uptime
Making Your PM Program Successful

Make the executioners aware that PM is a

recognized and important method of effective plant
Assign competent, methodical, disciplined and
responsible people for PMs
Conduct Regular training programs for them
Follow up to assure quality performance from all
Making Your PM Program Successful

Publicize results of effective PM program viz.

higher uptime, reduced costs, improved plant safety
Dont perform additional corrective work during a
PM unless it is safety-related and is of a very short
duration. It is unplanned work, expensive and will
affect your PM schedule
Avoid pulling off PM crew to work on unplanned
work. If resource need is critical, consider other less
important work
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module17-Shutdown Management
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Planned shutdown of equipment, production line, process
unit to clean, change catalyst, make major repairs etc.
after a normal run.
Duration is usually in days or weeks
It is the elapsed time between shutdown of the unit and
putting it into action again
Shutdown Process Characteristics

A typical Shutdown has the following characteristics:

A Project that must be strictly managed to achieve the
A large peak in resource requirements
A multiplicity of inter-related jobs to be coordinated
A long lead-time for scheduling work
Normally once-a-year opportunity to maintain or improve
equipment capability and reliability
High cost benefits if planned duration can be reduced
High cost penalties if planned duration is exceeded
Impacts of Ineffective Shutdown Process

Costly schedule overruns

Inefficient use of labor resources
Excessive & unnecessary shutdown costs
Failure to complete required work scope
Ineffective maintenance & repairs
Negative impact on unit availability, reliability, &
Shutdown Planning Process

Shutdown Planning can be divided into the following

Identify the skill types and numbers required for each job.
Identify the spares and materials required for each job.
Identify all other resources required e.g.. cranes, scaffold,
radios, welders, chain blocks, tools, etc.
Shutdown Planning Process

Develop a draft Master Plan based on:

WBS-Work Breakout Structure
Job and task list
Dependency chart
Estimate time needed
Determine critical path
Shutdown Planning Process

Develop resource plans

Apply Resource Leveling
Develop cost estimate
Develop S-Curve All
All jobs
jobs cannot
cannot bebe done
simultaneously due to
Approve final plan limited
limited resources.
Resource leveling refers
to staging
staging jobs
The S Curve displays craft hours, sequentially
sequentially soso as
as not
not to
resource usage
usage and
and cumulative
cumulative costs,
costs, overburden
overburden available
plotted as a function of time. resources.
Shutdown Planning Tools

Work Breakout Structure WBS

Critical Path Method CPM
Project Evaluation and Review Technique
Gantt charts
Shutdown Planning Tools
Work Breakout Structure
A chart that creates a hierarchy of the projects,
subprojects, and tasks needed to implement the
Level 1 of the WBS is the project level. Plant
Shutdown Planning Tools
Work Breakout Structure
Level 2 of the WBS lists the subprojects needed to
implement the shutdown

Level 3 of the WBS lists the jobs listed in the

subprojects needed to implement the shutdown
Shutdown Planning Tools

CPM Critical Path Management

Based on dependency chart
The pathway in the dependency chart that accounts for
the longest projected pathway
Shutdown Planning Tools

Critical Path Method CPM

List of tasks taken from WBS
Time and duration for each task
Dependencies for tasks
Graphical representation
Shutdown Planning Tools

CPM Critical Path Management

Steps in CPM
Identify tasks
Estimate time
Critical Path
Shutdown Planning Tools
Critical Path
Total time in
Event Days needed Predecessors
Task A 2 days None 2 days
Task B 2 days None 2 days
Task C 4 days A 6 days
Task D 1 day B 3 days
Task E 3 days A 5 days
Task F 2 days B-D 5 days
Milestone G Critical Path A-C Six days
Shutdown Planning Tools
Dependency Chart and Critical Path
Task Task

Task 6 DAYS
Start Milestone

Task Task


Shutdown Planning Tools

Gantt Chart
A Gantt chart is a form of bar chart used to
demonstrate a project schedule.
Gantt charts summarize the project by illustrating
the start and finish dates of the parts of the project.
Shutdown Planning Tools

Gantt Chart
Dec 30, '07 Jan 6, '08 Jan 13, '08
ID Task Name Duration W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S
1 Start of project 6 days
2 Task A 2 days
3 Task C 4 days
4 Task E 2 days
5 Task B 2 days
6 Task D 1 day
7 Task F 2 days
8 Milestone G 0 days
Shutdown Planning Timeline

Shutdown Manager assigned

Shutdown Planning Timeline

Identify major Shutdown projects

Compile a list of all major projects to be completed
the project scope,
the project leader if known, and
the expected budget for the project.

Shutdown Planning Timeline

Key participants assigned

The following should be identified:

Project leaders
Schedulers T-
Shutdown Planning Timeline

Charter Statement defined

Complete Charter Statement

Establish expected duration

Establish expected duration

Shutdown Planning Timeline

Identify long lead time parts & materials

Compile a list of all expected material needs which may have
long lead times.
Assign responsibility to procure and expedite items
Add milestones for procurement

Shutdown Planning Timeline

Shutdown Kick-off meeting

Attendees should include:
the plant manager
project leaders, planners
plant supervisors/leaders
others expected to play a role T-
Shutdown Planning Timeline

Shutdown Kick-off meeting

Communicate important high level planning information:
Charter Statement
Major Shutdown work scope and schedule
Expected resources
Make sure you take minutes
Shutdown Planning Timeline

High Level Schedule

Finalize and distribute
List important milestones
Level schedule depicts:
Critical path
Major jobs
Expected duration
Does not contain detailed WBS
Shutdown Planning Timeline

Shutdown Planning Meeting

Focus on major projects.
Project leaders report planning and scheduling progress
Project leaders discuss:
Procurement of materials or services
All long lead time parts and materials
Updates / revisions to scope
Updates to Level 1 schedule
Shutdown Planning Timeline

Recommendations, Lessons Learned

Prior Shutdown reports recommendations and observations
Internal reports and reports - OEMs, contractors, or service
Shutdown Planning Timeline

Shutdown Planning Meeting

Planner(s) identify Work List
Confirm standard CMMS database work list
List corrective and non-routine maintenance jobs
Update assigned projects plans and schedules
Review long lead time list for parts and materials
Shutdown Planning Timeline

Procurement Planning Meeting

Review all projects / activities requiring outside
Discuss strategies for contracting services
Bundle projects for bidding if possible

Shutdown Planning Timeline
Bid Specs, Contractor Services
Formal work scope and schedule for contractors
Technical and commercial bid specs
Contractor(s) must develop estimates
Integrate into overall Shutdown plan

Shutdown Planning Timeline

Scope Freeze Date

All work scope must be identified by now
The final Shutdown Work List is locked in
Planners and Schedulers develop final plans and
No work will be added after this date

Shutdown Planning Timeline

Review & Approve Final Work List

Planner compiles list of projects after Scope
Freeze Date
Shutdown Manager facilitates a meeting to
review and approve
Shutdown Planning Timeline

Shutdown Planning Meeting

Shutdown Work List is locked-in - planning,
scheduling, and resource leveling activities can be
Procurement strategies well underway
Review long lead time parts and materials
Shutdown Planning Timeline
Distribute Level 2 Shutdown Schedule
Intermediate level of detail.
Shutdown milestones defined
critical path
expected duration
Labor resources noted
All projects on master Work List

Shutdown Planning Timeline
Bids / Estimates, Contractor Services
Set a date for return bids 2 4 weeks after
specifications are issued
Review bids and estimates for completeness,
clarity, and compliance with specs

Shutdown Planning Timeline
Distribute Level 3 Schedule
Greatest level of detail.
WBS defined for every project and maintenance
Total WBS comprises the complete Task List.
Shutdown schedule developed including
Labor resources defined and leveled
Shutdown Planning Timeline
Distribute Site Plan / Laydown Plan
Develop site plan / laydown plan identifies use
Site plan identifies locations
Identifies pre-staging areas
Location of temporary services vehicles
Accessible doorways and drives
Shutdown Planning Timeline

Purchase Orders / Services Contracts

Issue POs and contracts
Contractors submit detailed schedule for work in

Shutdown Planning Timeline

Lockout / Tagout Planning Meeting

Review safety sequence - isolating and de-
energizing equipment
Common errors are isolating equipment and
systems too soon or too late
Shutdown Planning Timeline

Lockout / Tagout Planning Meeting

Review the schedule / critical path to ensure that
equipment is locked out and tagged out appropriately
Develop, document and distribute

Shutdown Planning Timeline

Directory/Organization Chart
Directory listings include:
Project assignments
Contact information phone, email
Organizational chart
Shutdown Planning Timeline

Shutdown Planning Meeting

Continue to:
Communicate T-
Shutdown Planning Timeline

Final Week
Written plans
Details-special circumstances T-
Shutdown Planning Timeline
Shutdown Planning Meeting
Continue to:
to all participants and stakeholders 1
Shutdown Planning Timeline
Unit Off-line, Shutdown Starts
Last milestone of the pre-Shutdown
planning process
First milestone of the actual Shutdown

Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 18- CMMS/EAM


What is CMMS/EAM
A software that keeps records and tracks all
maintenance activities e.g., Work Orders, PM
Schedules, Material Parts, Work Plans, Asset History

EAM- Enterprise Asset Management

Enterprise-wide collection of systems viz.
Maintenance Management, Material Management
Finance, HR etc
These individual systems interface with each other
with ease across multiple plants and locations
Examples of companies offering such systems-SAP,
Oracle, PeopleSoft, J D Edwards
CMMS-Computerized Maintenance Management System

Normally a standalone application used as a tool for

effective maintenance management
Can be interfaced with other ERP systems viz. Finance, HR
Normally much user friendly as compared to EAMs
Most of the more popular CMMS packages can be used as
EAM systems
Examples Maximo, Assetpoint, MP2, Ellipse, Pronto

CMMS provides
Wealth of information
Greater predictability of activities
Simplified access to data
Efficient management of resources, services & cost
Increased reliability and availability
Helps to create and manage the maintenance budget better
CMMS/EAM is useful in:
Equipment identification
Preventive maintenance
Equipment history
Costs and budgets
Work order management
Continuous improvement

Data Integrity is Critical
Continuous training is important
A well designed CMMS/EAM system closely
linked to your work management process will add
great value to companys asset management
Maintenance Planning And Scheduling

Module 18- Review and Close


Review of Day 1
Review of Day 2
Review of Day 3
Test Questions

Hand outs of Questionnaire

Questions And Discussions
Training Evaluation

Hand-Outs of Evaluation Forms

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