Republic Act 9262 or VAWC Lecture
Republic Act 9262 or VAWC Lecture
Republic Act 9262 or VAWC Lecture
What is RA 9262 or the Anti-
Violence Against Women and their
Children Act of 2004?
It is a law that seeks to address the prevalence of violence against women and
their children (VAWC) by their intimate partners like their husband or ex-
husband, live-in partner or former live-in partner, boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-
boyfriend/ex-girlfriend, dating partner or former dating partner.
What is Violence Against Women
and their Children under RA 9262?
It refers to any at or a series of acts committed by an intimate partner
(husband, ex-husband, live-in partner, boyfriend/girlfriend, fiance,
who the woman had sexual/dating relationship):
Against a woman who is his wife, former wife;
Against a woman with whom the person has or had a sexual or
dating relationship;
Against a woman with whom he has a common child;
Against her child whether legitimate or illegitimate within or
without the family abode,
Of which results in or is likely to result in physical, sexual,
psychological harm or suffering or economic abuse including threats
of such acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary
deprivation of liberty
What are the acts of violence which
are covered under RA 9262?
RA 9262 covers several acts of violence, which are:
1. Physical violence
2. Sexual Violence
3. Psychological Violence
4. Economic Abuse
The application for the Protection Order must be in writing, signed and
verified under oath by the applicant. A standard protection order
application form, written in English with translation to the major
languages, which is readily available, shall contain the following
Names and addresses of the petitioner and the respondent
Description of relationships between the petitioner and respondent
Statement of the circumstances of abuse
Description of the reliefs requested by the petitioner
Request for counsel and resons for such
Request for waiver of application fees until hearing
An attestation that there is no pending application for a protection
order in another court
Who may issue BPO and how?