Bgas PA10

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Painting Inspector Course
August 2021


SCOPE: The specification specifies procedures for painting the
surfaces of all types of ferrous and non-ferrous metal
engineering components
This spec not suitable for
a.Below ground (buried)
b.Offshore installations
c.Internal coatings of pipes
d.Stove enamel coatings

Compliant coating: a coating which complies with the requirements
of the Environmental protection Act 1991
Damp Surface: Surfaces on which water is not readily detectable but
of which the temperature is below the dew point
Dew Point: The temperature at which the vapour pressure of the
water vapour in the air is equal to the saturation vapour pressure of
Fully weathered galvanizing: A galvanized steel surface on which a
cohesive oxide layer has formed by natural weathering

Hot Duty Surfaces: Metal surfaces on the assembly that attain a
temperature of 100ºC or above during use
Long Term Protection: Protection tyically lasting ten years
Medium Term protection: Protection typically lasting five years
Moist Surfaces: Surfaces from which standing water and droplets
have been removed but on which there is noticeable film of water
New galvanizing: a galvanized steel surface on which a cohesive
oxide layer has not yet formed. This is a bright new unweathered
zinc surface

Pot Life: The maximum time during which a coating material supplied
as a separate components are to be used after they have been mixed
Relative humidity: The ratio of the actual vapour pressure to the
saturation vapour pressure over a plane liquid water surface at the same
(dry bulb ) temperature, expressed as a percentage
Short Term Protection: Typically two to three years life
T-wash: a non-proprietary material used as a primer or pretreatment for
zinc metal surfaces
Wet Surfaces: Surfaces on which droplets or standing water are present

5.6.2:The (painting) contractor will be responsible for the removal

of all paint & corrosion products, spent abrasive, empty
containers, brushes, tissues etc from site and must ensure that
the disposal of waste products complies with appropriate
statutory requirements
5.7.2: The contractor must be responsible for removing all masking
materials All algae and mold growth should be treated with a biocidal
agent and left for min. of 24 Hrs. Shall be removed by
scrubbing with stiff bristles brushes and clean water or by high
pressure water washing
PA10 Abrasive used in an open blast system should be of

expendable type. Closed blast system can use re usable
abrasives provided that an efficient cleaning system and
abrasive size monitoring system is in place lead based paint shall be removed by wet blast systems or
enclosed recovery blast systems. Wet blasting shall be followed
by dry blasting to remove any subsequent flash rusting All surface defects such as surface laminations or inclusions
must be referred to the Engineer before any dressing is
undertaken. All fins at saw cuts, burrs and sharp edges must be
removed by dressing , with the agreement of the Engineer.
PA10 Surface cleaning by hand tools, needle gunning and abrasive

discs may only be used when blast cleaning is considered to be
unsuitable and with prior approval from engineer
These methods of surface preparation shall provide a surface
of equivalent cleanliness to BS7079, St2 or St3 ( this is
considerably inferior to even to Sa21/2 and may reduce the
expected life of the paint system)

6.5: Preparation of paint for use

6.5.1: Paint shall not be used beyond the manufacturer's stated shelf
6.5.2: All paints shall be prepared adjacent to the location where the
painting work is to be carried out
6.5.4: All paints shall be thoroughly prepared by mechanical mixing
to ensure that no sediment is left. For 5-litre containers or less,
hand mixing can be considered. In all cases manufacturer’s
instructions shall be followed

7: Application of Paint
7.1: paint shall be applied normally only when the relative humidity
in the work zone is less than 90% and when the air and metal
temp are at least 3ºC above the dew point
7.6: Stripe Coating may be required to achieve the required dry film
thickness(DFT) at edges and to ensure coverage of weld
7.9: Contaminated paint films shall be treated in accordance with
Table 1, prior to over painting

Table 1

Type of Contamination Treatment

Loose paint particles, rust, debris and Wash down using soft nylon brushes and
other atmospheric contamination or salt clean water. Dry thoroughly
Oil or Grease Brush and wash with appropriate solvent
then scrub with a 2% solution of
detergent in clean water. Wash with clean
water and dry thoroughly
Foreign materials (shot or grit) embedded Re-prepare the affected areas and re-
in the paint film apply the complete paint system

8.2: Quality control thickness measurement of paint films containing

micaceous iron oxide(MIO) pigment and all layers of paint
applied over such films, should be carried out using a wet film
thickness gauge (eg: comb gauge)


SPA1:New and maintenance painting for long term protection of
installations & components
1. uncoated and unsuitably coated surface
2. limited coating damage
SPA3:Painting of metal surfaces for hot duties
1.temp from 100ºC to149ºC
2.temp from 150ºC to 340 ºC
3.temp above 340ºC
SPA4:Painting of Damp ferrous surfaces
SPA1:New and maintenance painting for long term protection of
installations & components
1. Uncoated or unsuitably coated substrate (table SPA1a)
- All mill scale, corrosion products and unsuitable existing
paint/coating shall be removed (13.2)
- Profile (surface finish) equivalent to Sa 2 ½ (blast cleaning)
- Profile shall be 30µm to 75µm
2. Substrate with limited coating damage (table SPA1b)
- Profile (surface finish) equivalent to min St3 quality (14.2)
- Method of cleaning shall be by means of mechanical wire brushing
- Areas with extensive coating damage shall be prepared by blast
cleaning or wire brushing as specified by engineer(14.4 & 17.2.2)
SPA1:New and maintenance painting for long term protection of
installations & components
Application of Paint on prepared surfaces
-15.4For paint applied at site, one coat of primer should be applied ,
by brushing or spraying as appropriate, within 4 hrs of metal
- To avoid rust blooming or contamination

SPA1:New and maintenance painting for long term protection of

installations & components
Application of Paint on prepared surfaces
- Spray application is suitable only when the surface has been
prepared by grit. all other circumstances primer shall be brush
- Roller application is not suitable
- The paint shall overlap into existing coating by at least 100mm
SPA1:New and maintenance painting for long term protection of
installations & components
Table SPA1a and SPA1b gives tabular representation of previous
Table SPA1e- Preferred system (imp)
1. Compliant solvent based
1st coat- high build epoxy aluminum primer-75µm
2nd coat-Epoxy micaceous iron oxide-75µm
3rd coat- High build epoxy under coat-75µm
4th coat- Epoxy or polyester acrylic finish-40µm
Total coating thickness- 265µm
SPA1:New and maintenance painting for long term protection of
installations & components
Table SPA1e- Preferred system (imp)
2. Water Borne Acrylic
1st coat- primer-50µm
2nd coat-micaceous iron oxide-75µm
3rd coat- under coat-50µm
4th coat- finish coat-50µm
Total coating thickness- 225µm
SPA3:Painting of metal surfaces for hot duties
- Hot surface= surface temp above 100 ºC
1. 100 ºC to 149ºC (table SPA3a)
- Surface preparation equivalent to Sa2 ½ quality, max profile 75µm
- A heat resistant aluminum pigmented epoxy or urethane primer,
applied as per manufacturer's recommendation
- DFT of 250µm for epoxy and 100µm for urethane
2. 150ºC to 340ºC (table SPA3b)
- Surface preparation equivalent to Sa3 quality, max profile 75µm
- Thermally sprayed aluminum(TSA) is preferred system
- If TSA is impractical, inorganic zinc silicate or polysiloxane primers
shall be used
SPA3:Painting of metal surfaces for hot duties
2. 150ºC to 340ºC (table SPA3b)
- Thickness shall be as per manufacturer’s requirements
- When using inorganic zinc silicate, mud cracking of paint will
occur if the DFT exceeds manufacturer’s requirements
3. Above 340ºC (table SPA3c)
- Surface preparation equivalent to Sa3 quality, max profile 75µm
- Thermally sprayed aluminum(TSA) is preferred system
- If TSA is impractical, inorganic zinc silicate or polysiloxane
primers shall be used
- Thickness shall be as per manufacturer’s requirements
SPA3:Painting of metal surfaces for hot duties
3. Above 340ºC (table SPA3c)
- When using inorganic zinc silicate, mud cracking of paint will
occur if the DFT exceeds manufacturer’s requirements
- When using TSA or inorganic zinc silicate primers, they shall be
sealed with a high temperature sealer
- Sealers shall be applied and cured as per manufacturer’s
SPA4:Painting of Damp Ferrous surfaces (table SPA4a)
- Paint systems are applied to damp or moist surfaces and not on wet
- Painting also should not be carried out on surfaces if ice is present
or the temperature is likely to go below 3ºC
- Systems suitable and perform satisfactorily on damp surfaces are
- Moisture curing Poly urethanes
- High solids multi-component epoxy paints
- Surface preparation equivalent to Sa2 ½ quality. Application of
paint shall be within 4 hrs
- Paint shall be brush applied
Table SPA6a:Surface preparation of non-ferrous surface
- New galvanizing: sweep abrasive blast
- Weathered galvanizing: stiff bristle brushing
- Previously painted galvanizing: sweep abrasive blast
- Aluminum: sweep abrasive blast
- Stainless steel: sweep abrasive blast

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