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Homeroom Guidance Orientation - October 28, 2021 - Final

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Revised S.Y. 2021-2022

TI/ School Guidance Center Advocate
Dulangan National High School
Revised Implementation of
Homeroom Guidance (HG)
During Crisis Situation for
School Year 2021-2022
Orientation Objectives:
• Discuss the important provisions of Homeroom Guidance
Implementation Policy during crisis situation;
• Explain how the domains are reflected in the Homeroom
Guidance MELCs);
• Present proper implementation of Homeroom Guidance modules
and ;
• Appreciate the important role of HG in the life skills development
of learners.
Revised Homeroom Guidelines Copy on Capiz Division Google Drive
Homeroom Guidance should be
considered as an information component of
mental health in the K to 12 Curriculum. It
is a part of the Information Services that is
primarily under the Guidance and
Counseling Program.
Due to the pandemic, with no other
available mechanisms to deliver these
services, Homeroom Guidance shall serve
as a tool that would promote proactive,
preventive, and educative methods
to promote the learner’s development of
life skills.
Homeroom Guidance is a comprehensive,
developmental, and proactive program designed
to equip K to 12 learners with life skills on three
a. Academic Development,
b. Personal and Social Development, and
c. Career Development.
Homeroom Guidance shall complement the Department’s
goal, which is to produce holistically developed Filipinos
who are able to understand themselves, have problem-solving
skills, make informed decisions, achieve academic success,
plan for their future, and respect individual differences. It
envisions learners who can work for the common good of
society and love for our country while upholding the rights
and responsibilities of global citizens.
This issuance sets the basic standards for an
efficient and effective implementation of the
Homeroom Guidance in public and private schools
nationwide. The Homeroom Guidance Observation
Form and Program Monitoring and Evaluation Tool
are also enclosed for reference.

Definition of Terms
Homeroom Guidance
Homeroom Guidance is a com-prehensive,
developmental and proactive program designed to
equip K to 12 learners with life skills on three
domains: Academic Development, Personal and
Social Development, and Career Development.
Academic Development Domain
Academic Development Domain pertains to all
academic related needs or concerns of learners. This
serves as a guide to implement strategies and
activities to support and maximize each learner’s
ability to leant which include but not limited to
creative and critical thinking, communication skills
and problem-solving skills.
Personal and Social Development Domain
Personal and Social Development Domain pertains to
concerns or issues affecting learners’ individuality (self),
relationship with others, and their interaction in community.
It equips the learners with foundation for personal and social
growth as they progress through school and into adulthood.
This includes but not limited to intrapersonal and
interpersonal skills, self-awareness, coping with emotions
and stress, and resilience.
Career Development Domain
Career Development Domain pertains to all occupational and
world of work-related concerns and issues of learners. This
involves the acquisition of skills, attitudes, and knowledge that
enable them to make successful transition from school to the
world of work, and from job to job across the life span. This
includes but not limited to learners’ discovery of their interests,
talents and skills, decision-making, problem-solving, planning,
and in exploring their career options and opportunities.
Portfolio is a collection of learner’s works showing
his/her progress in terms of the three domains. This may
include journals, reflection papers, reaction papers, and
activity outputs based on self-learning modules.
Performance Task
Performance Task focuses on the completion and
submission of self-learning modules or activities that show
mastery of competencies and standards.
Class Adviser
Class Adviser refers to the teacher-facilitator in
charge of a class.
Guidance Designate
Guidance Designate refers to teachers who are
officially designated by the School Head/Schools
Division Superintendent/Regional Director to perform
duties related to the implementation of guidance services
excluding counseling.
Homeroom Guidance’s
Philosophy, Vision
and Mission
The Homeroom Guidance’s Philosophy, Vision and
Mission were rooted on the Department of Education’s
Vision, Mission, and Core Values.
Homeroom Guidance believes that every learner
is unique and has the ability to develop him/herself
using his or her own learning and experiences from
family, community, school and society. This shall be
realized through the collaborative efforts of family,
school, community, government, and other
Homeroom Guidance shall complement the
Department’s goal which is to produce holistically
developed Filipinos who are able to achieve academic
success, demonstrate healthy behavior, exemplify
positive disposition, and systematically plan their
future. It shall produce learners who can work for the
common good of society while upholding the
international standards.
Homeroom Guidance is dedicated to address the
academic, personal/social, and career development
needs of the learners in a developmental,
comprehensive, and proactive manner. This shall be
realized through the collaborative efforts of family,
school, community, government, and other
Homeroom Guidance’s Domains
Homeroom Guidance is a developmental and
proactive program that has standards and
competencies that cut across all grade levels. The
competency indicators are arranged from simple to
complex and focuses on the development of higher
order thinking such as analyzing and evaluating
concepts, processes, procedures, and principles rather
than just remembering.
Academic Development Domain
Academic Development Domain pertains to all
academic related needs or concerns of learners. This
serves as a guide to implement strategies and activities
to support and maximize each learner’s ability to learn
which include but not limited to creative and critical
thinking, communication skills and problem-solving
Personal and Social Development Domain
Personal and Social Development Domain pertains to
concerns or issues affecting learners’ individuality (self),
relationship with others, and their interaction in community.
It equips the learners with foundation for personal and
social growth as they progress through school and into
Career Development Domain
Career Development Domain pertains to all occupational
and world of work-related concerns and issues of learners.
This involves the acquisition of skills, attitudes, and
knowledge that enable them to make successful transition
from school to the world of work, and from job to job across
the life span.
Roles of School, Home, and Community and other
1. School ensures the proper implementation of
Homeroom Guidance that leads to the development of
the learners’ life skills in the three domains. It convenes
both home and community for the realization of
Homeroom Guidance’s vision.
2. Home plays vital role in the learners’ life skills
development through its consistent support,
involvement, and collaboration with the school and
community. It provides guided opportunities that
complement the school activities of learners in
Homeroom Guidance.

3. Community and other institutions reinforce the
development of learners’ life skills through its
engagement in the school programs and activities. It
also serves as a support system of the school as they
craft policies, programs, and projects that are relevant to
the vision, mission, and philosophy of Homeroom
Homeroom Guidance Most Essential
Learning Competencies
Homeroom Guidance Curriculum is essential
to ensure access to quality guidance and
counseling services for all types of learners.
Hence, different learning modalities will be made
available in the implementation of the Homeroom
Guidance program.
Seventy-five percent (75%) of the HG MELCs are
from the Personal-Social Development Domain. These
competencies pertain to concerns or issues affecting
learners’ individuality (self), relationship with others
and their interaction in community. It equips the
learners with foundation for personal and social
growth as they progress through school and into
The remaining HG MELCs are composed of
twenty percent (20%) Academic Development
Domain and five percent (5 %) from the Career
Development Domain.
In the process of choosing the MELCs the following
criteria were also considered:
a. applicability to real life situations;
b. needs of the learners; and
c. complements learning competencies developed in
other academic subjects.
Standards for Academic Domain
1.Understand the knowledge, skills and positive attitude for
the achievement of optimum learning in school and in daily
2.Analyze the relevance of experiences in school and
community toward academic success
3.Utilize knowledge and skills toward academic success
4.Develop academic skills to respond to community
development based on international standards
Academic Domain
Standard Competencies

1. Identify the methods of effective

1. Understand the knowledge, skills study habits toward lifelong learning
and positive attitude for the 2. Demonstrate effective study habits
achievement of optimum learning in 3. Share knowledge, skills and
school and in daily living positive attitude helpful in lifelong
Standard Competencies

1.Consider positive and negative

experiences in school and community
towards success
2. Analyze the relevance of
2. Share the lessons learned from
experiences in school and community
school and community that can be
toward academic success
used in daily living
3. Apply lessons from home, school
and community to daily living with
consideration to family and society
Standard Competencies

1. Demonstrate talents, interests

and skills relevant to learning
3. Utilize knowledge and
2. Enrich knowledge and skills
skills toward academic
toward academic success
3. Prepare using knowledge and
skills toward academic success
Standard Competencies

1. Participate in school activities

4. Develop academic skills relevant to the needs of the
to respond to community community
development based 2. Demonstrate academic
on international excellence based on global needs
standards 3. Live ways that respect and
protect the environment
Personal & Social Domain
Standard Competencies

1. Value oneself
2. Value others
1. Understand the importance of
3. Respect individual differences
oneself and others
4. Gain understanding of oneself and
Standard Competencies

1. Examine the different factors in

decision making for the achievement
of success
2. Analyze responsible decisions and
2. Provide proper procedure toward
goals toward achievement of
responsible decision-making
personal welfare and common good
3. Evaluate experiences in decision-
making towards achieving common
Standard Competencies

1. Apply effective ways of

protecting oneself and others
3. Apply ability to protect oneself 2. Live effective ways of
and others toward effective ways addressing issues that involve
of problem-solving oneself and others
3. Share skills helpful to solve
Standard Competencies

1. Share one’s abilities for the

development of others and community
2. Engage oneself in meaningful
programs and initiatives for the
common good
4. Enrich ability to share oneself to
3. Strengthen self-empowerment to
respond to international standards respond to the needs of the
4. Respond to personal and social
needs that can contribute to the
promotion of international standards
Standards for Career Domain
1. Understand the importance of knowledge, skills and positive
attitude helpful to daily living and their relation to life and
2. Analyze the relationship of one’s skills and experiences in
choosing a profession, vocation and future plans
3. Apply the ability to choose their own field based on the different
factors toward achieving goals in life
4. Implement steps toward the realization of chosen profession and
vocation based on international standards
Career Domain
Standard Competencies

1.Understand the importance of 1. Identify factors related to life

knowledge, skills and positive and profession
attitude helpful to daily living 2. Explain the significance of
and their relation to life and knowledge and skills needed in
profession life and profession
Standard Competencies

1. Gather information about life, profession

and vocation
2. Understand the importance of guidance
from parents or guardians and significant
2. Analyze the relationship of one’s adults in choosing a profession, vocation and
skills and experiences in choosing a future plans
3. Relate the choice of profession, vocation
profession, vocation and future and future plans to one’s skills, competencies,
plans and the roles of parents/guardians and
significant adults
4. Strengthen the connection among
knowledge, skills and roles of parents or
guardians and significant adults in choosing a
profession, vocation and future plans
Standard Competencies

3. Apply the ability to choose 1. Describe the chosen field

their own field based on the 2. Decide for life and profession
different factors toward achieving 3. Reflect on the decisions made
goals in life for life and profession
Standard Competencies

1. Determine aspects that need to be

4. Implement steps toward the valued in planning life and profession
2. State steps to fulfill the goal in life
realization of chosen profession and
3. Outline plans for the chosen
vocation based on international profession, vocation and the future
standards 4. Show adherence to steps based on the
outlined plan
Sample Curriculum Guide
Homeroom Guidance Most Essential Learning Competencies

For SY 2020-2021, Homeroom Guidance

shall serve as enrichment activity that can be
performed at home and in school or through other

The following criteria were also considered

in the process of choosing MELCs:
a. Applicability to real life situations;
75% b. Needs of the learners; and
c. Complement learning competencies
developed in other academic subjects.
Academic Development Domain Personal and Social Development Domain

Career Development Domain

Summary of Homeroom Guidance
Most Essential Learning Competencies
Implementation of the program shall be governed and
guided by the following principles and policies:

1.Nomenclature – Homeroom Guidance shall be reflected in

the class program of every school and other school documents
such SF-9 (Form-138; Report Card) and SF-10 (Form-137;
Permanent Student Record) as Homeroom Guidance.
However, its details (Learner’s Assessment Tool Annex 5)
shall be attached to SF-9 and SF-10 whenever being issued
to requesting party.
December 1, 2021

Instead of “REFLECTING” on
the documents such as SF 9 and
SF10, the advisory states that “it
should be attach” on SF9 and SF 10
2. Homeroom Guidance shall not be viewed as a formal
learning area like Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) and the
like. It shall be treated as a program that will help learners
develop the competencies needed in the three domains.
3. Class Advisers shall be assigned to
implement the program with the technical
assistance of the Guidance Counselor. If the
school does not have a Guidance Counselor, the
School Head may assign a Guidance Designate
but he/she should be provided with proper
training specific to the implementation of
Homeroom Guidance.
4. Teaching Load – Teaching Homeroom Guidance
shall be equivalent to one (1) teaching load on top of
the teacher’s advisory and subject’s load.

5. Class Program – The Homeroom Guidance shall

be scheduled once a week.
6. Time Allotment:
7. Learning Modality – The Homeroom Guidance
shall be delivered in different learning modalities
depending on the needs of the learners and the school’s

8. Learning Materials – The Homeroom Guidance

self-learning modules will be issued by the Department of
Education, through the Bureau of Learning Resources. This
will be posted in the DepEd Learning Resource Portal.
9. Medium of Instruction – The self-learning
modules are written in English, but the regions
may opt to translate the learning material in their
mother tongue or any language convenient to the
learners to ensure participation and interaction
during the session and better understanding of the
10. Collaboration with the family and
community is also encouraged in order to create a
venue for the learners in developing such life skills.
Parents may refer to the Gabay sa Magulang found in
the SLM in order to guide their children in
accomplishing the activities.
11. Orientation and Capacity Building. The
Central Office, through the Bureau of Curriculum
Development, shall conduct orientation and capacity
building to Region and Division Supervisors In-Charge
of Guidance and Counseling.
12. Learner’s Development Assessment Tool –
Homeroom Guidance assessment results shall be
distributed and discussed by the class adviser
during the Parent-Teacher Conference. This shall
be issued as an attachment to the learner’s Report
Card SF-9).
13. DepEd schools shall include all expenses
relative to Homeroom Guidance in their Annual
Implementation Plan (AIP) and School Improvement
Plan (SIP).

14. Non-implementation or improper

implementation of Homeroom Guidance shall be
subject to existing applicable administrative actions.
2. Guidance Counselor or Guidance Designate serves as
the program manager and ensures the correct content and
pedagogy’ of Homeroom Guidance in school. Specifically, the
Guidance Counselor or Guidance Designate shall ensure the
a. assist the School Head in the planning for the annual HG
implementation and monitoring;
b. prepare the annual budget proposal on Homeroom
Guidance implementation;
c. conduct the orientation of teachers, parents, learners
and other stakeholders;

d. coordinate with the Class Advisers on the

implementation of Homeroom Guidance;
e. provide technical assistance to class advisers and
other guidance services or interventions to learners
without violating the provisions stipulated in the RA
9258 The Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004.
3. Class Adviser serves as Homeroom Guidance
implementer in the class. Specifically, the class
adviser shall ensure the following:
a. distribution, facilitation, and retrieval of
Homeroom Guidance SLMs and outputs in different
learning modalities;
b. evaluation and discussion of Learner’s
Development Assessment results to the learners and
parents quarterly;
c. accomplishment of SF-9 and SF-10 in
accordance to the Learner’s Development
Assessment results;
d. referral of learner to the Guidance Counselor
only if counseling intervention or other guidance
services are needed; and
e. collaboration with co-teachers and parents in
developing the competencies of the learners at home.
Assessment of Learner’s Development and
Monitoring of the Program
Though the intent of HG is to help learners develop
competencies that will aid them in facing different issues and tasks,
it is important to still track their level of development.
Learner’s development shall be assessed through their
portfolio and performance task.

Conduct of Homeroom Guidance is mandatory but this is not

part of the academic rating. Grades are just descriptive. “Needs
Improvement” description shall not be treated as failed but shall
indicate the need for intervention from school and home. In the
event that the learner remains at the “Needs Improvement” at the
end of each quarter, the Adviser, Guidance Counselor, and Parents
need to work together to provide intervention.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Success and sustainability of the program will only
be ensured if there is a systematic and adequate
monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring and evaluation
shall be done from September 2021 to July 2022 or as
scheduled by the Department. Reports on the results of
the monitoring and evaluation shall be submitted at the
end of SY 2021-2022.
School Level
The School Head leads the monitoring in
coordination with the Guidance
Counselor/Guidance Designate using the
Homeroom Guidance School Observation Tool
and Homeroom Guidance School Implementation
(See Annex 1 and Annex 2).
This shall take effect in SY 2021-2022 and succeeding years
immediately upon publication in the DepEd website .

Homeroom Guidance Class Observation Tool for School

Year 2021-2022
To the observer: Check the box to indicate your assessment guided by the
scale below:
0 – No Chance to Observe
1 – Not Observed
2 – Observed but Insufficient
3 – Sufficiently Observed
4 – Sufficiently Observed and Commendable
The teacher/adviser
1.makes sure that the learning modality is conducive
for learning and activities.
2.effectively organizes learning situations to meet the
objectives of the class presentation.
3.uses instructional methods that encourage relevant
learner participation in the learning process.
4.implements the module in accordance to the
6. communicates clearly and effectively to the level of
7. explains important ideas in a clear and practical
8. demonstrates command of the topic discussed.
9. responds appropriately to learner questions and
10. provides time and direction for individual thought
prior to group discussions (if applicable)
11. prepares/checks. distributes efficiently the
materials for activities.
12. adequately prepares learners to undertake the
specific activity.
13. provides learners adequate time to reflect on the
activity utilizing a variety of process skills – (i.e.
demonstrate, predict, analyze, conclude, synthesize,
14. attends to the learner’s concerns in different
15. provides individual attention when appropriate
(non-submission, non-compliance)
16. provides minimal yet sufficient information to
successfully complete their task(s).
17. provides adequate feedback, reflections,
encouragement on individual group efforts and
18. encourages learners to appropriately use tools,
ideas, methods, or “ways of knowing” to accomplish
the activity and or solve the problem.
19. relates the lesson to learners’ daily life
20. encourages the learners to apply their realizations
on the lesson (insights).
21. maintains safety procedures in facilitating
leaner’s tasks
Rating = Total Score / (No. of items with 1-4 scores) x 4 X 100%

Verbal Description
92%-100% Outstanding
69%-91% Above Average
46%-68% Average
24%-45% Below Average
23% and below Needs Improvement

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