Marketing Construction GW

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MESHACK MULI B66/1078/2019
RYAN LANGAT B66/137383/2019

Table Of Contents
Marketing Construction
• Definition of
• Marketing
construction services
• Preparing
marketing plans
• Marketing
strategies for
construction services
and property
• Trends
• Internet online
Marketing is far more than advertising and selling. This is the strategic plan which one
arises with for their organization that looks at one’s construction company’s stabilities

and flaws; market that one will target their sales centre on, sectors where one has a
competitive advantage, figures of selected market and value design that one plans to

G Marketing in construction includes several activities like looking for new types of

construction, clients and markets, project cost estimation, satisfying and keeping the
customers loyal, negotiation, market research and analysis etc. Construction market

itself comprise the sales revenue earned by entities which construct engineering projects
or buildings.
The construction industry is characterized by extreme competitiveness, high risk, and usually
low profit margin in comparison to any other industry.
Major reasons for intensive competitiveness
I). Relative ease of entry into the construction industry compared to other industries, even for
people or companies with little capital investment.
ii). To find a new project, construction firms have to participate in a competitive bidding process,
as it is not generally possible for them to induce demand for their services.
Marketing creates a sustainable competitive advantage for construction companies and help them
differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Construction Product: Goods or Services?

In the field of constructions, services are subcategory of products.
Definition of product, service and goods.
Product - Anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or a need, including
physical goods, services, experience, events, persons, places, properties, organizations,
information, and ideas.
Service - Any act or performance one party can offer to another that is essentially
intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything.
Goods - Physical objects or devices that provide benefits for customers through ownership
or use.
From the above definitions, the construction Product is anything a contractor can offer and
deliver to clients to satisfy their needs.
N/B: Some researchers argue that the actual product in construction is the service which
the contractor provides by selling expertise while others believe that it is neither pure
goods nor pure services, rather it is a hybrid process consisting of both goods and services


a. Find potential customer targets and leads:
Define your target audience. Figure out your own organization first; Do you usually work
in residential or commercial?
Paint a picture of who your dream client is. Once you have your dream client in mind, you
have your target audience. A target audience / customer is a collection of your dream
clients. Once you have your target audience the next step is to tap into their desires and
speak to them.
Start your sales process by identifying past, repeat and potential customers.
Review your contracts over the past three to five years and create a database of customers
who have a potential to be long - time repeat customers.
Next, spend several days searching for potential customers who are viable candidates.
Compile your list on database tracking system like ACT so you can sort them by needs,
potential, project type, and location.

b. Implement a consistent marketing plan

The key to any sales plan is to do it consistently over a long period of time. A onetime
brochure, email, phone call or mailing will not penetrate potential customers.
Determine how you'll proactively attack your customer target list over the next two to
three years, e.g., contacting customers every quarter to gain recognition.

c. Set a meeting.
In order to make a sale and target a signed contract, you will have to get in front of your
customer. To set a meeting, start with a consistent mailing program to familiarize customers
with your company and what it has to offer.
Promise a follow up call and deliver on your promise. If your offer is enticing enough,
customers will take your call and want to meet with you.
Call them and suggest a short ten to twenty minutes meeting to discuss what they need and
how you can solve their problems.

d. Get the facts.

Consider your first meeting as a fact-finding session where you are there simply to ask
questions, listen and look for ways to solve their problems. At this meeting, qualify their
potential for a long-time relationship.
After the meeting, always send a thank you note.

e. Present winning proposals.

After your first meeting, you must create a proposal that will entice customers to buy from
your company. Use lots of visuals and photographs of people solving problems for their
Offer to take to take them out to a job site or complete project to see your work and to one
of your other clients.
In your written proposal, convince them why they should buy only from you. Be sure to
entice them to want to buy.
Offer solutions to their problems, overcome their fears and concerns, overcome price objections,
tell them how you will reduce their risk and ask for the order in a compelling manner.

f. Follow up aggressively.
After the proposal, you must follow up at least every other day to show you are interested in
working with them.
If the clients/ customers don’t return your calls, leave a message with additional ideas about how
your company can perform better or save him or her money.
Don't give up. Send postcards, written notes, photos or anything during this phase to keep your
company at the top of the customer's mind.

g. Create loyal customers.

Getting a signed contract is only the first step in your long - time relationship with
customers/clients. Stay in touch with them often during the project to ask how it is going and
how you can do more or better than expected.
After the contract is complete, send them a thank you card and gifts as a token of your
appreciation. The sales work continues as you work hard to stay close and build on the initial
Take customers to lunch, a ballgame, fishing or golfing at least every quarter to reinforce the
relationship. This will increase your chances of turning repeat customers who will use your
company for all their needs.


• A marketing plan is a formal management process and a standard against which day to
day marketing decisions are made.

• It should include both strategic and tactical aspects. The strategic and tactical elements
get differentiated by time frame. It is expected that for any marketing plan to be
successful, it should take into account both the long and short term. The first-year
plan process is considered tactical plan while the broad three year plus marketing plan
as the strategic plan.
• While marketing plans should be based on the market (s) in which the business unit is
operating, they should also be a focus for the whole business unit /firm and should not
be restricted to the marketing department.
• Marketing plans should take account of budgets and other financial measures but
should not be based on them.
• Marketing plans and budgets arising from them should be founded on: -

-careful and realistic assessments of what the market is doing in terms of its
external; economic conditions, market sector growth versus
saturation/stagnation etc.
-what the firm can do in response to those external; service
extensions, improvements.
-numbers and quantifiable targets (measurable and not just wish statements)
-targets that are tangible and realizable so that they do not demotivate.
• Therefore, it’s notable that marketing here is more than just advertising and selling
your services.
• It is the management process through which goods and services move from concept to
the customer. It will include the coordination, development and implementation of
promotional and content strategy.
• In order to come up with an effective marketing plan that will help grow businesses in
the construction industry, the following steps should be followed; -

1. Determine your objective.

-Determining one’s objectives is about siting your construction firm’s goals.
-A solid strategy must start with a measurable objective that you can
quantitatively discuss and compare your results against.
-If your firm targets several sectors of business providing multiple revenue
streams, each one should have a separate marketing plan.
2. Perform an own firm analysis
-This is a beneficial step in which evaluation of the firm’s strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats through a SWOT analysis.
-It involves collection of information about external and internal factors of your
-This process of analysis will help build your marketing strategy as well as keep
you abreast of the competitive market in which your construction firm operates
3. Analyze your market(s)
-You need to look at the markets for the sectors you are interested in pursuing, the potential
avenues in which you need to focus on.
4. Create a marketing budget
-Depending on your target one will need to be creative to develop an efficient mix within their

And if your marketing plan works, do you have enough people to handle additional work?
Do you have a backup plan for hiring just in case?
5. Developing a strategy
-You need to determine the avenues that will take to achieve your objective.
The takeaway in this session is to develop a mix of strategies to reach the target market.
It is very important to understand your target demographic when creating this mix.
Ensure you analyze, analyze and re-analyze your target market.
Your current and past clientele are a wonderful resource for developing your average client and
creating a mix that will bring you to them as often and as efficiently as possible.
6. Monitor the results
Now it’s time to ensure its working right.
Start comparing your business performance from before your plan was rolled out to its current
Follow up on the analytics results, i.e., what has increased in the business.
It is also important to monitor your marketing plan to see that it remains in line with changing
• A marketing plan hence helps keep the objectives of your construction business in focus
and attract the required attention. The rest depends on your business strategy, quality and
the way you build on the potential relationships.
• In a competitive field such as the construction industry, an effective marketing plan will
give your business a competitive edge that will see it stand out turning it into a positive


Construction industry is one of the fastest growing industries today. Depending on your location
you may face a lot of competition. This is where effective marketing strategy becomes important.
This is what you need to do to advertise your construction services and property better.

Here are some marketing strategies;

• Establish a great and user-friendly website.
• Build a content creation team.
• Embrace social media
• Direct message to your ideal client
• Check out your competition
• Invest in paid advertising
• Newsletter/ Email marketing strategy
• Create some connections

Establish a great and user-friendly website

Each business needs a website regardless of whether it's small or big.
Potential clients are going to look you up on the internet. You should use this like
your business card. A website helps build trust band establish legitimacy as a

Your construction marketing website should have;

An about page-This tells your website visitors who you are, your history and your
experience A services page-This let's your clients know what kind of services you
A testimonial page-This is important because it helps build trust.
A gallery page-To show the results of work you have done.
A blog page-For support of SOE through continued updates via fresh content.
A contact page-So that potential clients can reach you easily.
FAQS-Frequently asked questions
Chatbots-Helps you potential customers gets answers they needs.
In order to stand out among your competitors you need to provide potential
customers with the most engaging content band helpful information. They are
researchers and your website is the answer to all their questions.
Build a Content Creation Team
Nowadays people who succeed are those that are putting the most content out into the world and
occupying people’s attention.
As a construction business, it’s important bro create and distribute content to attract attention.
This will help you get a reputation and encourage people to view you as the go to contractor.

You will need this role;

-Graphic designer
-Data analyst
Making a good impression is very crucial. It’s important to use powerful, thought
provoking and effective visuals. Regardless of whether it’s a picture of service
you are selling, an advertisement or a picture of a property make sure it grabs
people’s attention.

Embrace social media

Since people are spending most time on social media, it's only logical to find them on social
media. To successfully do so you need to create a significant online presence. For those
companies and contractors in the home building and property selling, social media platforms
such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn are essential for reaching potential
These platforms help you build a great referral community to "pass on" your name and advertise
your services by word of mouth via the internet.
For construction companies, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram are more effective. After you
have set up yourself, you will want to divide your efforts between marketing and advertising.

Social media marketing

Consist of any unpaid activity, such as posting photos.
Social media advertising
Consist of any paid activity, such as Targeted advertisement campaign.

Direct Message to your ideal client

It's important to know your ideal client and how the message will reach them all.
There are steps to do this;
-Define your target audience -Craft message for them
-Making sure they see the message.

Defining your Target audience

Target audience -is a collection of your dream clients.
Answer this question to figure out your own organisation first.
-Are you a company with 10 people in your office?
-Do you work in residential or commercial?
The next thing is painting a picture of your dream clients
- how old are they?
- how big is their company?
You should be as specific as you can. Once you have your dream client, you have your Target

Craft message for your target audience

The next step is to tap into their desires and speak to them.
Answer this question and you will have all the information you need to craft a message
-what does your dream client want?
-what do they want to hear?
For example;
You're a GC trying do a big commercial job in the city. After speaking with the
developers, you realise that the biggest problem they have with is GCs not having
budgetary pricing without final drawings. With this information you set up some paid
advertising targeting developers and people working in real estate development
company and you give a sales pitch on how much better you could estimate projects.
That is message for specific audience.
Make sure they get the message
To make sure of this you need to know where their attention is. Most of the contractors
briefly check their phones on the job sites and they are mostly on email or Facebook.
To target contractors, it will make sense if you target them on Facebook for email.
See what has their attention and make your presence there.

Check out your competition

If you are not paying attention to your competitors, you risk losing business to them. You can do
this by keeping tabs on your competition's marketing initiatives and observing what messages
they are putting out to the world.
Competition analysis can make a huge difference in your marketing initiatives. You can launch
these efforts by identifying who your top competitor is and evaluate their website, paid
advertisements and content.
From there you can plan your marketing counter moves. For instance, you find that they are
targeting certain keywords in their paid advertisement’s strategy, you can target those keywords
in your own paid advertising strategy.
Invest bin Paid Advertising
Paid advertising is a strategy that requires you to pay in order to get your company's name in
front of people.
The goal of marketing construction is having a lot of attention on your brand and having a
powerful brand that inspires people to come and work with you.

When planning paid advertising consider investing in the following;

-Facebook ads
-Google ads
-Instagram ads
-YouTube ads
Research before you invest in these ads. Targeting the wrong keywords and audience can make
you burn through your paid advertising budget and waste money. It's advisable to get an ads
expert to do it on your behalf.
When done right, paid advertising can get you quick and high yielding results.

Newsletter/Email marketing strategy

Email is one of those owned channels and it has the power to bring in a lot of business. Email
marketing is known for having a good return on investment. But the key to getting that return is
by being strategic with your email marketing initiative. One way does this is to segment your
email lists.

You can use this segment;

-New leads who haven't worked with you.
-Previous clients who may have other projects upcoming.
-Seasonal clients.
These segments allow you create targeted messages that resonate with each lead’s specific needs.
Other ways to use email marketing
To promote content through weekly emails- you can promote content you have
been posting on your social media on email to get more attention.
To send sales pitches-it helps to occasionally offer your help. For instance, "Hey
John, have any projects you need some help on?" Can help generate interest in
your company.

Create Some Connection

The construction business is a big industry. To be able to grow, you will need to create
connections with non-competing companies. This non competing companies include
construction firms, architectural, general contractors and real estate brokerage. For example, if
your company only provides composite decking materials, it's best to have connections with
general contractors and landscaping companies.

Trends in Marketing
Refers to the overall direction of trading in the broader market on either a short- mid- or
longterm basis. A trend that moves generally higher is called an uptrend, and one that moves
generally lower is called a downtrend. Trends can be short- or long-term.
Trends in marketing are centered on connecting technologies (computer, information,
communication and transportation) whereby we have the following categories:
1) Connections with customers. Involves connecting more selectively, connecting for life and
connecting directly.
2) Connections with marketing partners. Involves connecting with other company
departments, connecting with suppliers and distributors and connecting through strategic
3) Connections with the world around us through broadened and global connections and
connections with values and responsibilities.
Under these connections, the following are some of the emerging trends in marketing;
Green Marketing
Green marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be environmentally safe.
It incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the
production process, and sustainable packaging. Green marketing strategies are;

• Reduce

• Recycle
• Repair
Advantages of Green Marketing
• Corporate Social responsibility
• Competitive advantage
• Cost
Disadvantage; It is
Event Marketing
An event can be described as a public assembly for the purpose of celebration,
education, marketing or reunion. Event marketing is the experiential marketing of a
brand, service or product through promotional events. It typically involves direct
interaction with a brand’s representatives and should not be confused with event
management which is a process of organizing, promoting and conducting events.
Trade shows are an example of event marketing.
Event marketing strategies
This refers to activity’s companies use to engage with the customers. They include;
funding charity events, health awareness events^dinners, parties etc.
It is a useful complement to the traditional brand building and market promotion
activities of many companies.

• Target marketing capability
• Face to face access to customers
• Public image
enhancement Disadvantages
• Cost of big events
• Advertising clutter at
• Effectiveness is hard to
measure Network marketing
Also known as multi-level marketing. It is a business distribution model that allows a
parent multi-level marketing company to market their products directly to consumers
How it works;
1. Lead generation: locating new customers and clients
2. Recruiting: adding customers and business partners to your network
3. Building and management: methods for training, motivating and managing your
recruits. Advantages
• No financial risk
• Access to free training.
Disadvantages; Takes time to expand/grow.
Social marketing
Social marketing is an approach used to develop activities aimed at changing or maintaining
people’s behavior for the benefit of the individuals and the society as a whole. It is a proven
tool for influencing behavior in a sustainable and cost-effective way. It helps you decide:
i. Which people to work with
ii. What behavior to influence
iii. How to go about it
iv. How to measure it
Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a form of internet marketing that utilizes social media to achieve
branding and marketing communication goals. Social media sites such as Face book, YouTube,
Flickr, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. are used to communicate information about a company and its
brand and products.

• Free of cost
• Return on investment and better
targeting Disadvantages
• Risk of negative comments
• Fraud
Customer relationship management
(CRM) marketing
This term refers to the strategies and tactics
and technologies marketers use in order to
manage the relationship with their current
and potential customers throughout the
customer lifecycle.
This is an approach that uses data analysis about customers’ history with a company to improve
business relationships, specifically focusing on customer retention and ultimately driving sales

• Operation cost cut and time efficient,
• More customer
satisfaction Disadvantages
• Significant investment of
time and money
• Heightens people’s resistance to
change Global marketing
Global marketing is marketing on a
worldwide scale, reconciling or taking
commercial advantage of global operational
differences, similarities and opportunities
in order to meet global objectives.

• Growth and expansion opportunities
• Economies of scale
• Higher profit margin
• Competitive edge
• Uniformity in marketing practices.
• Global turmoil, egg recession or
Buzz Marketing
political coup
Marketing buzz or simply buzz a term used in word-of-mouth marketing-is the interaction of
• Culturally sensitive products cannot be
consumers and users of a product or service which serves to amplify the original marketing
message a vague but positive association, excitement, or anticipation about a product or services.
Word of mouth marketing also called word of mouth advertising, is an unpaid form of promotion
of products.
Viral Marketing
Viral marketing is a marketing technique that uses preexisting social networking services and
other technologies to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing
objectives (such as product sales or marketing buzz). It can be delivered by word of mouth or
enhanced by the network effects of the Internet and mobile networks.
Buzz marketing vs. viral marketing
Viral marketing Buzz marketing
Definition Approach that encourages individuals to pass on a Buzz is the aggregate of all communication about a certain
marketing message to others, creating the potential for product that is propelled through grassroots activities among
exponential growth in the message’s exposure and people at any given time

Principles Process whereby an idea spreads like a virus, catching Consumer-generated information dispersal through
strength, multiplying and mutating as like-minded individual network hubs, i.e., friends/colleagues or mega-
people market to one another hubs like Oprah Winfrey and Rosie O’Donnell

Strategy Self-replicating promotion, fanning out across Creating and leveraging a “buzz” by generating excitement,
community webs mfatuation, and missionary zeal

Advantages Cheap, easy, and powerful Transmit ideas quickly and Credibility of source
easily Effective and efficient

Medium Internet strategy, i.e., use e-mail website, software Network marketing, i.e., use face-to-face interaction with
download personal networks

Objective Create a message, send it via e-mail, and make it so Sustain excitement Generate
compelling that recipients want to pass it on to everyone demand Create customer
m their address book loyalty

Tools Use exponential power of “word of mouse” Use virtuous cycle of “word of mouth”

Risks/ Annoying e-mails More clutter Potential for backlash Challenge of translating “buzz” into sales Loss of control
Disadvantages (message, timing, audience, etc.) Difficult to measure

Tactics Give away product/service (e.g., free e-mail) Utilizes Cross-promotions (e.g., movie product placement) Place-based
existing communication networks Exploits common promotions
motivations and behavior Sponsorships (association with desirable event)

Ecommerce marketing
Ecommerce is the digital iteration of the traditional marketplace and has opened the world to a
brand-new frontier in marketing efforts. Digital marketing for ecommerce applies traditional
marketing principles to a multichannel, data-driven environment. It is the activity of
electronically buying or selling of products on online services or over the internet.
Types of ecommerce

a. Business to customers- A business sells directly to a customer

b. Business to business- One business sells directly to another business
c. Customer to customer- Consumer sells to another via auction or social media
d. Business to government- This covers all transactions carried out between businesses or
government bodies using the internet as a medium.
e. Customer to business- Consumers can offer products and services to companies and
the companies pay them.

• Faster buying and selling procedure
• More reach to customers
• Low operational
costs Disadvantages
• No guarantee of
product quality due to
lack of personal touch.
• Not everyone is
connected to the internet
• Delay in receiving
promoting is a comprehensive term for advertising items and administrations on the web.
This incorporates an assortment of strategies and stages for speaking with clients, like site, email,
web-based media,ONLINE
INTERNET and web based publicizing.


Web advertising or internet online marketing alludes to the techniques used to advertise items
and administrations on the web and through other computerized implies. These can incorporate
an assortment of online stages, apparatuses, and content conveyance frameworks, for example,

Site content and plan

Writing for a blog
Online advertisements
Email promoting
Social promoting
and paid
Web based
advertising can
How be a Marketing Works
powerful method
Web advertising utilizes clients’ web-based action to associate them with a business by
contacting them in an assortment of spots on the web. The kinds of web promoting a business
distinguishing an
uses will rely upon the plan of action, sorts of items, target clients, spending plan, and that’s just
objective market,
the beginning.
find a
Site Content and Design
section’s needs
needs, site permits clients to:
fabricate long
Find your business on the web
haul associations
Gain proficiency
with clients, or with your business’ area or contact data Find your items or administrations
set up power and
Pursue your email list and a lot more others
skill inside an
industry. content to a blog
Publishing content to a blog permits you to expand your site’s SEO by adding articles and posts
around specific designated watchwords. This improves the probability that clients will find and
visit your site because of online pursuit.
You can likewise compose for others’ web journals, magazines, or sites. This can build your
crowd and put your business before more possible clients.
Online advertisements
Designated advertisements via online media intended to arrive at explicit fragments of the
stage’s clients who may be keen on your business’ items, administrations, and advancements.
Online promotions are best when they are "consistent,” or applicable to where they show up for
sure the interest group is looking for.
Video and Podcasting
A few makers who make recordings and webcasts utilize that as their sole business. Different
occasions, organizations utilize these stages to build up mastery, interface with others in the
business, and make a channel for new clients to find and foster an interest in their items or
administrations. (ward, 2015)


Web promoting is significant in light of the fact that it extends a businesss reach and permits
them to interface with more leads intrigued by their business. With Internet promoting, you can
associate with clients utilizing their favored correspondence channels. The Internet additionally
permits you to fabricate solid and durable associations with your client base.
It permits you to contact more intrigued crowds: Online promoting empowers you to contact
crowds keen on your items or administrations. Utilizing Internet showcasing, you can contact
these crowds intrigued by your business, regardless of whether their neighborhood or globregio
It permits you to communicate with crowds paying little heed to the time: With computerization
and different procedures accessible with Internet advertising, you can keep in touch with your
crowd every minute of every day, so you can be there right when their prepared to change over,
regardless of the time, regardless of the time region
It drives a superior profit from venture (ROI): Internet promoting systems are more savvy than
conventional advertising procedures. These methodologies have a superior ROI since you target
more intrigued drives, making them bound to change over.
It gives simple and advantageous approaches to crowds to change over: The Internet makes it
simple for your crowd to change over. Everything necessary is the press of a button to purchase,
join, download, or contact.
It gives simple and helpful approaches to crowds to change over: The Internet makes it simple
for your crowd to change over. Everything necessary is the press of a button to purchase, join,
download, or contact.
On referencing the significance of web based showcasing, we likewise have reasons regarding
the reason why organizations utilize web based promoting:

1. Its savvy
Computerized promoting is incredibly practical. The significant piece of
Internet promoting is that it is reasonable and drives a quality profit from
speculation. When youre putting resources into showcasing your
business, you need to put resources into savvy strategies that will give
you a decent profit from your speculation. Advanced promoting strategies
are moderately reasonable contrasted with other publicizing techniques.
2. The Internet is consistently open
As we expressed already, the Internet is accessible to your crowd day in and day out. They can
get to your site at whatever point they need to get to it. This is incredible for your business since
clients have diverse work, rest, and social timetables. There isnt consistently a set opportunity to
contact individuals. Its difficult to contact them all simultaneously, yet Internet promoting
permits individuals to get to your business whenever of the day.

3. Get progressed investigation

With Internet showcasing, you can gauge the examination of every one of
your missions to perceive how they perform. You don’t need to figure if
your missions are effective. Examination permit you to see various
measurements of your mission and perceive how your mission performs.
At the point when you screen your mission, you better see how your crowd
sees your business. You can see where your mission succeeds and where it
misses the mark. Its an extraordinary method for checking whether youre
driving outcomes. With cutting edge investigation, youll make better
missions that assist you with developing your business.
Computerized promoting ought to be one of the essential focal points of
practically any businesss by and large advertising technique .The more you
embrace the conceivable outcomes of digital showcasing, the more youll
have the option to understand your companys development potential
sekihan, j. (n.d.). inner advertising. 10.

Construction Owner (October 2020).

Marketing strategies for construction services and property

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