Konigsberg Bridge Problem

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Konigsberg Bridge Problem

Name: Pynshngain Dhar

Roll NO:22PhDMA01
Supervisor: Dr. John Paul Jala Kharbhih
Course : SPS-C-500
Department of Mathematics
North Eastern Hill University

• Introduction
• Preliminaries
• Konigsberg Bridge Problem
• References
• Konigsberg was founded in1255 and was the capital of German East

• The Prussian Royal Castle was located in Konigsberg but it was destroyed
during World War II , as was much of the city.

• Because of the outcome of the war , it was decided at the Post

Conference in 1945 that the region located between Poland and
Lithuania , containing the city of Konigsberg should be part of Russia.

• In 1946 , Konigsberg was renamed to Kaliningrad after Mikhail Kalinin ,

the formal leader of the soviet Union during 1919-1946.
• The River Pregel flowed through Konigsberg ,
separating it to four land areas .
• Seven bridges were built over the river that
allowed the citizens of Konigsberg to travel
between these land areas.
• A map of Konigsberg , showing four land areas
( labelled A,B,C,D ), the location of the river ,
and the seven bridges at that time are given
below : The city of Konigsberg
The story goes that the citizens enjoyed going
for walks near the river .Some citizens
wondered whether it was possible to go for a
walk in Konigsberg and pass over each bridges
exactly once. This became known as the
Konigsberg Bridge Problem.
Evidently , this problem remain unsolved for sometime and became well known
throughout the region. This problem eventually came to the attention of Euler .
While trying to solve this problem he discovered new branch of mathematics
that had to do with some type of geometry that did not quiet exist yet what he
called The Geometry of Position which is now known as Graph Theory.
He converted this map of Konigsberg bridge problem to Graph as follows:

Each Land A,B,C,D are called vertex

And the bridge between land areas are
called edge.
A graph is a pair G=(V,E) , where V is the set whose elements are called vertices
and E is the set of paired vertices , whose element are called edges.
• The number of elements in set V is called order of graph G denoted by o(G)
• The number of element in set E is called size of graph G denoted by S(G).

In this graph, o(G)=4 and S(G)=7

We see that there is an edge ( bridge ) from A
to B, we say AB is an edge and vertex A and B
are adjacent .
We also say that edge AB is incident on A (or
• Degree of Vertex:
The number of edges incident with the vertex A (says) is called degree of vertex A.
In the given graph,
Degree of A=5
Degree of B=3 ( same for vertex C, D)
• Walk:
A walk can be defined as sequence of edges and
vertices of a graph .

• Trail:
A walk in which no edge is traversed more than one is
called a trail.

• Eulerian Trail:
A Trail that contain every edge of G is called an
Eulerian Trail.
Konigsberg Bridge Problem:
Is it possible to go for a walk in Konigsberg and pass over each bridge exactly once?
After converting this problem to graph ,
The problem is equivalent or same as asking “Does there exist an Eulerian Trail in
Konigsberg graph? “

The answer is NO.

Suppose we assume , that the graph has an Eulerian Trail
Let us consider any vertex says v which is neither the
initial and the terminal vertex . Then each time v is
entered it is also exit.
So degree of this vertex v is always even .
But we have seen that each vertex of this Konigsberg
graph has odd degree.
Hence we conclude that this graph has no Eulerian Trail .
Thus, it is not possible to go for a walk and pass over
each bridge exactly once.
 Introduction to Graph Theory , D.B West.
 Graph Theory , R. Diestel.
 Introduction to Graph Theory , R.J. Wilson .
 A First Course in Graph Theory ,Gary Chartrand and Ping Zhang.

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